Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012

Details for Mechanism ID: 9645
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Kikundi Cha Huduma Majumbani Mbeya
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USDOD
Total Funding: $523,847

KIHUMBEs mission is to reduce the spread of HIV, reduce the social and economic impact of HIV/AIDS, strengthen the services and linkages to PLHIV, and address malaria morbidities and mortalities. The organization aims to prevent new HIV infections and provide care and support to people with HIV/AIDS and their families through strong community involvement and participation.

KIHUMBE serves Mbeya Region within the four districts of Mbeya City, Mbeya Rural, Rungwe and Chunya and targets marginalized populations that are disproportionately affected by HIV. KIHUMBE has vocational and secondary schools that are open to public and private students that generate income, as does KIHUMBEs small shop. KIHMBE established TAJIRIKA groups, which are supported through educational sessions rather than financial hand-outs. KIHUMBE works closely with LGAs and local communities and is seeking other partnerships to ensure comprehensive support for vulnerable populations.

KIHUMBE has an M&E plan and has been conducting M&E activities on quarterly basis, including conducting an end of term evaluation for project improvements. KIHUMBE has staff that supervises each program within each district.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $103,225

KIHUMBE will provide physical, psychological, spiritual, social, and prevention services to HIV-infected adults, children, and their families in Mbeya region, in accordance with HBC guidelines. Other services will include adherence counseling, care for carers, and a strengthened referral system. A target of 6,300 clients (5,040 females and 1,260 males) is set under COP 2012. Planned activities include:

- Assessm of scope and needs for PHDP services in the catchment communities in Mbeya region;- Strengthen the integration of nutrition counseling and support (NACS) components of PHDP services;- Support economic strengthening activities to PLHAs through small scale IGAs and facilitate formation, collaboration and coordination of income generating projects. No cash will be given to clients;- Strengthen provision of integrated HBC service that are linked to other HIV-related services such as OVC, ART, HTC, VMMC and PMTCT and other related programs;- Integrate and strengthen linkages with other HIV-related services, including OVC, CTC, HTC, VMMC, and PMTCT and other related programs using focal persons, through KIHUMBE sub-partners;- Conduct quarterly coordination meetings to discuss program performance ;- Improve quality of M&E system through use of harmonized and standardized tools for data collection, analysis and reporting;- Improve HBC provider skills through strategic in-service training, on-job mentorship and support supervision- Improve local participation and demand for HBC services through community sensitization and support establishment of patient support groups and post-test clubs;-Improve PLWHA participation in planning committees and program implementation on key issues such as treatment adherence and retention into care and support services.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $156,131

KIHUMBE implements HVAB activities in four districts of Mbeya Region (Chunya, Rungwe, Mbeya Rural and Mbeya City). For COP 2012, activities will aim to promote abstinence, delay of sexual debut, fidelity, and reduction of multiple and concurrent sex partners, through individual, small groups and community health education sessions. KIHUMBE will conduct at least two sessions per week, to reach a target of with a target of 32,000 people.

The target population will be in-school youth, young adults, couples, PLHAs. Futhermore, activities will address key drivers of the epidemic (alcohol use, MCP, gender issues and transactional and inter-generational sex). KIHUMBE sub-partners will also work with schools and colleges in their catchment areas.

To strengthen the monitoring and evaluation system, and with support from URT facilitators, KIHUMBE will use harmonized and standardized tools to improve performance and ensure informed program implementation. Quarterly meetings with other stakeholders will be conducted to assess and share progress and discuss challenges at hand.

HVAB activities will also be integrated and linked to other HIV/AIDS services such as HTC, care, treatment and support, VMMC and PMTCT.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $148,439

KIHUMBE provides both static and mobile counseling and testing services in Mbeya region, covering the four districts of Mbeya Urban, Mbeya Rural, Rungwe and Chunya. These activities are client-initiated testing HTC targeting the general population through static and mobile VCT campaigns and activities. KIHUMBE serves the population which has a high HIV prevalence of 9.2%. In FY 2011, the organization reached 127% of the target of 13,340.

For COP 2012, the program will focus on:i) couples counseling and testingii) MARPs (particularly long distance truck drivers)iii) VMMC promotion through community sensitizationiv) counseling for PHDP through HBCiv) identification of alcohol concerns through the brief motivational intervention (BMI) initiative.

HTC services will be linked to other services such as OVC, ART, TB/HIV and PMTCT to ensure continuum of care and timely referrals, linking clients who test positive to care, treatment and home-based care services. KIHUMBE will also work with LGAs, health facilities and community organizations to strengthen local ownership and program sustainability.

Community leaders and social service committees will be actively involved in planning and implementation of HTC services. In high transmission areas, community demand creation activities will be done through individual, small groups and community sensitization to ensure full participation. Patient support groups and post-test clubs will also be established and PLWHAs will be involved in steering committees so as to improve adherence and retention into care, treatment and support services.

Standardized M&E tools will be used to record report on quarterly basis to track and report on program performance, including PHDP services.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $116,052

KIHUMBE will implement HVOP services in four districts of Mbeya region, addressing issues related to sexuality, gender issues and cultural practices that fuel the spread of HIV. The target populations will be at-risk youth, alcohol users, mobile populations (truck drivers, migrant workers especially in border areas, fishing communities and mining workers) and people involved in transactional sex, with 80% of the HVOP budget specifically focusing on mobile populations. The magnitude and size of these population are currently not well known.

Planned activities for COP 2012 include:- Distribute condoms and and promote regular and correct usage- Conduct sexual behavioral change communication (SBCC) messaging on MCPs, transactional and intergenerational sexual practices, age at sexual debut and alcohol use;- Integrate and link of HVOP activities into other service delivery platforms such as PHDP, HTC, care and support, treatment and PMTCT;- Strengthen and support utilization of PHDP services among PLWHAs, including income-generating activities;- Improve M&E framework through use of harmonized and standardized tools for data collection, analysis and quarterly reporting and ensure that all sub-partners have M&E focal persons.- Encourage sub-partners to participation in coordination meetings- Promote participation and coverage through individual, small groups and community sensitization messaging (peer education model)- Implement the Brief Motivational Intervention (BMI) to address alcohol use

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $507,152
enumerations.Construction/Renovation $10,654
Economic Strengthening $144,901
Education $69,254
Food and Nutrition: Commodities $149,163
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery $74,581
Gender: Reducing Violence and Coercion $10,654
Human Resources for Health $42,618
Water $5,327
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
enumerations.Impact/End-of-Program Evaluation
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Increasing women's legal rights and protection
Mobile Populations