Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2007 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 4707
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2008
Main Partner: John Snow, Inc
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $400,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $100,000

Through SCMS and DELIVER, the EP supports the procurement and distribution of ARVs, test kits, lab

supplies, OI drugs, condoms for HIV prevention and contraceptive commodities for HIV positive families.

SCMS focuses on ARV procurement and central level support and works with district pharmacies and

warehouses. DELIVER supports contraceptive commodities and public sector distribution of condoms.

In FY 2007, DELIVER worked with SCMS and the GOR on quantification and reporting, supported the

integration of contraceptive commodities in HIV and coordinated with other EP partners to avoid duplication

of training. DELIVER has also conducted a baseline assessment of condom uptake in facilities to ensure

smooth forecasting and quantification.

In FY 2008, DELIVER will continue to support the public sector contraceptive commodities and condom

distribution program. The tasks will include quantification, customs clearance, distribution, district level

support and training in contraceptive logistics.

In FY 2008, the EP will provide additional support to the public sector commodity system in collaboration

with other donors. The goal is to ensure condom availability at public sector clinical facilities. To accurately

project condom quantification, DELIVER will monitor condom uptake in facilities. DELIVER will also adapt

distribution reporting tools to be used by all EP clinical sites and the EP partners will integrate these data

collection tools into their site-level reporting.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $300,000

This activity is new in FY 2008. JSI/DELIVER will procure LLITNs for PLHIV not already receiving nets from

PMI or the GFATM. The EP, PMI, and the GFATM will work together to share the costs of procuring bed

nets for Rwanda for an estimated 42,800 PLHIVs. Through Deliver, PMI is providing the majority of the

LLITNs for Rwandese adults, children, pregnant women and some PLHIVs. The EP will procure and

distribute LLITNs for additional PLHIVs not covered by PMI. PMI and the EP will ensure coordinated

quantification, forecasting, and procurement of LLITNs. Furthermore, monitoring of product use, storage

and inventory control through LMIS will be done for all LLITNs distributed in country. Using the same

partner for both the EP and PMI funded LLITNs will allow for effective, efficient and cost minimizing

programming. This PMI wrap around demonstrates the increased integration and collaboration between the

EP and PMI, as well as collaboration with other donors.

DELIVER will provide TA to the PNLP for quantification and forecasting. DELIVER will also procure and

clear the LLITNs into the country. The nets will then be distributed to district hospitals by CAMERWA.