Total Allocations: $42,058,974

Allocations are the planned amounts detailed in the COPs. They represent budget information, not actual expenditure

Partner Contract Information

Year Mechanism ID Amount
2006 109 $0
2006 109 $0
2007 4383 $4,500,000
2007 4383 $5,072,731
2007 6168 $49,300
2008 1068 $4,152,489
2008 1068 $6,373,370
2009 1068 $5,070,311
2009 1068 $958,506
2009 1068 $1,215,324
2012 12705 $6,973,044
2012 12705 $1,599,232
2014 16756 $1,502,235
2014 16756 $93,523
2015 16756 $1,110,000
2015 16756 $96,494
2017 16756 $1,645,605
2017 16756 $379,106
2018 12752 $0
2018 12752 $0
2018 12752 $0
2018 16756 $0
2018 16756 $938,364
2018 16756 $329,340
Subpartner relationships