Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 7555
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Catholic Medical Mission Board
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: FBO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

The Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) is working in partnership with the Church Health Institutions

(CHIs) of the Church Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ) in the implementation of the Men Taking Action

Project (MTA). This objective of this activity is to increase the uptake of PMTCT through male involvement.

At the end of FY 2008, the MTA project will be operational at 31 CHIs as this three-year project, funded by

USAID under the New Partner's Initiative is concluded.

The funding for the MTA project for FY 2008 will go towards training CHI staff, community capacity-

building, and promotion of prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) and counseling and testing

(CT). Through outreach programs CHIs will mobilize and educate community men, promoting positive

attitudes and behaviors so that men support their partners to enroll in PMTCT services and mother to child

transmission-Plus (MTCT- Plus) programs available in their catchment areas.

Building upon the MTA projects previous two years of successes, the project will continue addressing two

key factors to promote sustainability: integration and partnership. CMMB will promote sustainability by

encouraging the CHIs to continue integrating its project activities into their local health care system.

HIV/AIDS information, materials, and approaches developed under MTA will be integrated into routine

trainings of professional health staff (nurses, clinical officers and physicians at all CHIs), community health

workers (CHWs), network leaders, traditional healers and civic leaders. Further, it will also be integrated into

the regular outreach programs involving CHI staff and CHW.

CMMB will continue working closely with CHI management teams, to select MTA site coordinators and Men

Take Action Community Peer Educators (MTA- CPEs) to be trained as supervisors who will provide

frequent supervision for the implementation of the two-pronged approach in the execution of the MTA

program, as well as contribute significantly to monitoring and evaluation. CMMB shall gradually shift more

responsibility to the coordinators and community educators as part of their routine activities. By the end of

project, CHIs and MTA-CPEs will conduct a community education session with minimal CMMB support.

The MTA project will continue building and fostering strong partnerships with CHAZ, the CHIs, the District

Health Management Teams (DHMTs), and others to assure commitment to project activities and building of

local capacity is achieved. In addition, on a regular basis, the CMMB MTA team will continue sharing

lessons learned, literature, materials, and other resources with our partners with the aim of engaging them

in supporting the components of the MTA project.

With FY 2008 funding, CMMB will target ten CHI sites and respective catchment communities. Using the

results from the knowledge, attitudes, and practices study (KAP) which was executed in 2007 and

experience gained from implementing the MTA project in the previous two years, CMMB will train eight CHI

health staff at each of the ten targeted CHIs. As in the past, this training will be a review of the latest

HIV/AIDS information, the routine provision of PMTCT and general CT, and an orientation into the MTA


CMMB will also train ten CHWs at each site as MTA-CPEs to mobilize and educate men to change

behaviors in order to increase PMTCT uptake and antenatal care (ANC) visits, testing, and counseling of

men. The selection of CHW to be trained as MTA-CPEs will follow the same pattern as in the past: the

CHWs to be trained will include traditional healers, chiefs, headmen, indunas, the clergy, civic leaders, and

other influential members in the various targeted communities.

CMMB will support CHI staff and CHWs to mobilize and conduct education sessions focused on men in the

communities and those with pregnant partners/wives attending ANC at CHIs to increase their support for

PMTCT services. With CMMB's support, each of the ten CHIs will conduct ten men's education sessions to

approximately 100 men per each session in the general population. In addition, each CHI will conduct ten

education sessions to approximately 50 men per session who are partners to pregnant women attending

ANC. Concurrently the previous 21 CHIs where the MTA program is active will conduct the MTA education

sessions in the general population once per quarter and on a monthly basis to husbands of pregnant

women attending ANC. At these 21 sites most of the men would already have been exposed to MTA

education campaigns; it is expected that only about 25 men who are husbands to pregnant women

attending ANC will be totally ignorant about MTA.

A total of 33,100 adult men will be reached in FY 2008. These activities will accomplish the following: A total

of 14,080 pregnant women will test for HIV and receive their test results due to influence from their

husbands, and 98% of those who will test positive will be supported by their husbands to obtain ARVs and

adhere to the PMTCT package.

The CMMB MTA team will continue conducting performance assessment and providing the technical

support to both old and new sites. During this fiscal year, we shall also conduct the final project evaluation,

and disseminate the lessons learnt, challenges, and way forward to the stakeholders.

It is expected that $15,390 will be spent in the area of Human Capacity Development.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16828

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16828 16828.08 U.S. Agency for Catholic Medical 7555 7555.08 Men Taking $0

International Mission Board Action


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.01:

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $0

The Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB), in collaboration with the Churches Health Association of

Zambia's (CHAZ) member institutions, the Church Health Institutions (CHIs), is implementing a male

involvement program in PMTCT and VCT, entitled: Men Taking Action (MTA). This narrative refers to the

component of MTA regarding HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing (HVCT).

HVCT can significantly contribute to reducing the transmission of HIV. However, in male-dominated

societies, such as Zambia, where men are largely responsible for fueling the stigma related to HIV/AIDS;

few men test for HIV and receive results, compared to women. According to the 2007 Zambia Demographic

and Health Survey preliminary results, the proportion of young people aged 15-49, in the general

population, who received an HIV test in the last 12 months and knew their result is quite low at the rate of

11.7% and 18.5% for males and females respectively. The MTA program targets men, motivating them to

know their status, and encouraging them to change the sexual behaviors that impact HIV transmission and

to adapt behaviors that will enhance uptake of the PMTCT services available in their communities.

During FY 2009, MTA program will be extended from the current 21 CHIs to 10 additional CHIs and their

catchment communities. This will bring the total of active MTA sites to 31 in accordance with the

cooperative agreement. The activities will include the following:

1.Orientation of CHI management team at 10 sites.

2.Training of 10 professional health workers as MTA coordinators.

3.Training of 80 community leaders (chiefs, headmen, the clergy, active community leaders, traditional

healers/herbalists, and civic leaders) in MTA to provide leadership and conduct Education and Behavioral

Change Communication (EBCC) sessions to men in the general community. The MTA EBCC

methodologies were developed during FY 2007 with some revisions during FY 2008 based on the

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Survey (KAP) which was part of baseline assessment conducted at the

start of project implementation in July 2007.

4.Community mobilization of men and conducting of MTA EBCC sessions to men on a regular basis. The

10 CHIs that will be activated in FY 2009 will hold 120 of these sessions. The 21 CHIs which were activated

in FY 2007 and 2008 will continue holding regular MTA EBCC sessions, and it is anticipate that these sites

will conduct a total of 147 during FY 2009. Therefore in FY 2009, 31 CHIs implementing MTA will conduct a

total of 267 MTA EBCC sessions at different sites within their catchment areas. Assuming that 100 men will

attend each of these sessions, a total of 26,700 men will be exposed to MTA EBCC sessions. After every

MTA EBCC session men will be offered "opt out" testing and counseling. It is anticipated that 60% of these

men will test for HIV and receive the results. HVCT will be provided by the CHI as outreach services.

Alternatively, partners with mobile VCT services working in the catchment area of a CHI will provide mobile

HVCT services. Special precautions have been taken into consideration to assure that a man who attends

an MTA EBCC session whether in the community or at the CHI is counted only once. All the men who test

positive will be referred to antiretroviral therapy (ART) department at their local CHI by the providers of

HVCT services

5.Quarterly support supervision to all sites participating in the MTA program.

In line with the mission of CMMB, MTA is implemented collaboratively with partners (CHIs, community

leaders, and CHAZ) with the purpose of building sustainable individual and community capacity in the fight

against HIV. Therefore, sustainability includes efforts focused on encouraging CHIs to integrate MTA

activities into their existing PMTCT and VCT outreach programs, as well as forming partnerships with other

projects and organizations working on HIV at or near the sites where MTA is being implemented or

targeted. We envision that by the end of the project life span (November 2009), CHIs will be implementing

MTA as part of their routine outreach services and will be included in their annual action plans and budgets

as part of the overall strategic initiative by the Zambian Ministry of Health (MOH).

During the close-out period (October - November 2009), CMMB will focus on administrative activities and

provide technical assistance to CHIs as they complete their action plans and budgets in a way that can

ensure that MTA activities are maintained.

It is estimated that $15,390 will be used for Human Capacity Development activities.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16844

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16844 16844.08 U.S. Agency for Catholic Medical 7555 7555.08 Men Taking $0

International Mission Board Action


Table 3.3.14: