Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2007 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 5264
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2009
Main Partner: United Nations Children's Fund
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Multi-lateral Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $350,000

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $350,000

The funding level for this activity in FY 2009 is straight-lined from the FY 2008 level. Narrative changes

include updates on progress made and expansion of activities.

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), a co-sponsor of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS

(UNAIDS), is a lead advocate for maternal neonatal and child health (MNCH). UNICEF is currently working

at all levels to improve programs addressing the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT)

and pediatric AIDS treatment and care.

UNICEF has worked in Zambia for a number of years and led the effort to: 1) initiate and implement PMTCT

demonstration projects (1999); and 2) advocate and support national-level government scale-up and roll-out

of PMTCT and pediatric treatment and care programs. UNICEF has supported the Government of the

Republic of Zambia (GRZ) to develop PMTCT and Pediatric HIV/AIDS guidance documents, implemented

several child survival programs, and continues to play an important role in aiming to reach the 2015

Millennium Development Goals in maternal and child health (MCH).

With the wealth of experience that UNICEF has, the United States Government (USG) in FY 2007 funded

UNICEF to assist in implementing important national PMTCT activities, namely: 1) the scaling-up of routine

opt-out HIV testing in PMTCT settings whereby UNICEF worked with GRZ and stakeholders to advocate for

and support routine offer of HIV testing to all pregnant women; and 2) included the routine offer of HIV

testing policy in national guidelines and incorporate training into all HIV training curricula.

In FY 2007, UNICEF supported GRZ and stakeholders in supporting and developing systems to identify HIV

-exposed infants and refer them for treatment, care, and support. This was achieved by: 1) standardizing

the documentation of mother's HIV status on Under Five cards in Zambia; 2) the training of health workers

to routinely review MNCH cards for HIV status to provide clinical care accordingly and also supported

institutionalization of cotrimoxazole prophylaxis for HIV exposed and infected infants; and 3) supported the

institutionalization of infant dried blood spots (DBS) for early HIV diagnosis and confirmatory testing,

utilizing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) capacity developed in Zambia with support from USG.

Another important achievement in FY 2008 was the support provided to the use of traditional birth

attendants (TBA). Many women in Zambia use TBAs for their prenatal care and may visit antenatal care

(ANC) only once during pregnancy. More than 50% of deliveries in Zambia are outside regular health care

facilities, with the majority occurring at home with the assistance of a TBA. Building on previous initiatives

involving TBAs, UNICEF would work with TBAs to develop their capacity to promote PMTCT in the

community and to refer pregnant women for HIV testing and counseling at antenatal clinics. Traditional

birth attendants will also be empowered to follow mother-infant pairs and provide referral and support.

Other community providers will be engaged in the process as feasible.

In FY 2009, UNICEF will continue to support the PMTCT national program through continued strengthening

and support to the activities that were initiated in FY 2008. Furthermore, UNICEF provided technical

expertise in the updating of national protocols to ensure that MOH adheres to current World Health

Organization's technical updates and guidelines pertaining to PMTCT and pediatric antiretroviral therapy

services through the updating of the national guidelines and training curriculum.

With USG support, UNICEF in FY 2008 printed national job aids for use by all cadres implementing the

PMTCT program, which included flip charts and training materials for use by lay counselors. UNICEF also

printed and disseminated copies of the revised PMTCT protocol guidelines, and procured buffer supplies

such as RPR kits and hemacues to strengthen the broader MCH services. The national facility health

worker training PMTCT in-service curriculum was reduced from 12 days to six days. With the FY 2008

funds, UNICEF was a key USG partner that called for meetings, material development workshops and

ensured that MOH rolled out the updated tools at all levels of the service delivery.

With USG support, UNICEF in FY 2009 will work with GRZ to facilitate the implementation of the PMTCT/

Pediatric ART scale-up plan through training and mentorship of community and facility health workers in

implementing the PMTCT/Pediatric ART program using the revised protocols, flip charts and other job aids.

The focus will be on implementation and consolidation of the HIV "opt out" counseling of pregnant mothers

through the roll-out of mother-baby pair follow up using the revised under five card and male involvement.

UNICEF will add on the initiated activity of supporting MOH in act ivies such as print more copies of the

updated PMTCT protocol guidelines, and procure buffer supplies to strengthen the broader MNCH services.

Train more health cadres at all levels in PMTCT and Pediatric HIV including early infant diagnosis with the

aim of meeting the goals that have been set in the National PMTCT/pediatrics scale-up plan. With the FY

2009 funding, UNICEF will continue to be the key USG partner that calls for meetings, material

development workshops and ensure that MOH rolls out the updated tools at all levels of the service


New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15573

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15573 9741.08 HHS/Centers for United Nations 7188 5264.08 UNICEF $350,000

Disease Control & Children's Fund


9741 9741.07 HHS/Centers for United Nations 5264 5264.07 UNICEF $275,000

Disease Control & Children's Fund


Emphasis Areas

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.01: