Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 3051
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2009
Main Partner: U.S. Department of Defense
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: USDOD
Total Funding: $1,600,000

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $1,600,000


This activity links with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-TA #9022) activities in the

Laboratory section, Project Concern International (PCI) and JHPIEGO's assistance to the Military and other

Uniformed Services living in camps with comprehensive HIV/AIDS care and treatment programs which

include PMTCT, Adult Care and Support , TB/HIV and Adult Treatment activities

The program will contribute to improved service delivery in HIV care and treatment through improvement,

and expansion of infrastructure dealing in HIV/AIDS Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT), Adult Care

and Support and ARV delivery, training institutions, and HIV/AIDS laboratories. Improvement of

infrastructure includes renovation of existing examination rooms, laboratory testing facilities and anti-

retroviral (ARV) dispensaries to facilitate effective HIV/AIDS care and treatment in military sites. Expansion

includes construction of new infrastructure for anti-retroviral treatment (ART) and laboratory facilities which

will aid in scaling up the interventions to meet the HIV/AIDS care and treatment for the military and other

uniformed service officers, their families and vulnerable populations living in these areas, which at many

sites are predominantly civilians who rely on access to the medical facilities at the camps for all routine

care. Years of underfunding, coupled with an increasing population have left the military and uniformed

services with substantial infrastructure deficits, which are compounded by the remote location of many of

the camps, as well as inadequate support from donors and the Ministry of Health.

In FY 2005 - FY2008, the Zambia Defense Force (ZDF) identified eight regional sites located in the

following provinces: Copper belt, Southern Lusaka, Eastern, Central, Western and, Northwestern to focus

on strengthening their HIV/AIDS treatment and care services. The sites received basic laboratory

equipment as well as training by the implementing partners. These sites serve as models for Military

medical staff in the regions to rotate through for training in prevention for mother-to-child transmission

(PMTCT), HIV/TB care, Adult Treatment and Adult Care and Support. The trainings for staffing Military

medical facilities were conducted by Project Concern International (PCI) and JHPIEGO. The funding also

included renovation and expansion to the infrastructure of eight sites in the military sites. DOD continued

support to the eight regional sites with provision of laboratory reagents and equipment with technical

assistance from CDC and training by PCI and JHPIEGO. Renovations and expansion to military health

infrastructures facilitated effective service delivery including support for the development of the Family

Support Unit at Maina Soko, as well as to the Zambian Defense Forces Nursing College to improve their

ability to train nurses. The labs were linked to SCMS to ensure sustainable operations. Activities also

included infrastructure improvement and expansion works to 10 sites to facilitate effective service delivery


IN FY 2009, DOD will continue to support healthcare services to military and uniformed personnel and their

families as described above; continue focusing on strengthening military and other uniformed service sites

through monitoring performance, provision of equipment and reagents and training of staff with technical

support from CDC to provide guidance on appropriate equipment to procure, conduct assessment as well

as provide training, mentoring and supportive visits to military personnel. Activities will also include

improvement and expansion of ART and laboratory infrastructure on 6 Sites which will aid in scaling up the

interventions to meet the HIV/AIDS care and treatment for the Military and other uniformed services. An

Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) laboratory will be set up through renovations, procurement of equipment and

supplies, equipment maintenance agreements and certification of biological safety cabinets and other

equipment. Technical assistance for the expansion of the EID services at Maina Soko Military Hospital will

be supported by CDC through the Lusaka provincial health office and CDC Lab technical staff.

The activities will compliment and support the MOH National Lab QA program, to continue to build local

capacity and sustainability.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14636

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14636 3754.08 Department of US Department of 6892 3051.08 DoD/LabInfrastr $1,600,000

Defense Defense ucture

9096 3754.07 Department of US Department of 5032 3051.07 DoD/LabInfrastr $850,000

Defense Defense ucture

3754 3754.06 Department of US Department of 3051 3051.06 DoD/LabInfrastr $1,000,000

Defense Defense ucture

Emphasis Areas


Military Populations

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $50,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.16:

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $50,000
Human Resources for Health $50,000