Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015

Details for Mechanism ID: 12140
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

The purpose of this proposed cooperative agreement is to strengthen the capacity of the National University of Rwanda / School of Public Health to provide quality and relevant pre- and in-service training in order to improve the quality of health and HIV/AIDS service delivery. It also supports the enhancement of evidence-based planning within the Rwanda health sector and PEPFAR II transition to the host country, Rwanda. PEPFAR currently supports the NUR/School of Public Health through CDC's cooperative agreement with Tulane University. The plan is to gradually transfer some activities from this cooperative agreement directly to the School of Public Health.

Key areas identified in collaboration with the School of Public Health and the Ministry of Health to be supported through this cooperative agreement, include: • Improvement of teaching quality at the School of Public Health • Capacity building of faculty and students in analysis and use of public health program data, operational research, and program evaluations • Improvement of the School of Public Health infrastructure to support quality education

Interventions under this cooperative agreement fall under the fourth goal of the Rwanda Partnership Framework 2009-2012 (The human and institutional capacity of the public health system to plan, manage, and implement sustainable health programs is strengthened at all levels). To support these three intervention areas, key measurable outcomes have been defined with input from the School of Public Health and the PEPFAR team. These verifiable measurements are aligned with PEPFAR next generation indicators.

Empowering the School of Public Health to provide the Government of Rwanda and more specifically the Ministry of Health with skilled health professionals will help sustain PEPFAR interventions that are currently handled using the expertise of international NGOs. Moreover the School of Public Health will conduct special studies on hard to reach populations (i.e. MSM) to inform PEPFAR program implementation.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $0

The National University of Rwanda School of Public Health (SPH) is a newly enrolled partner for the PEPFAR II program in Rwanda. The contribution of the SPH will be instrumental in improving and sustaining the strategic information component of the national response to the HIV epidemic. PEPFAR will support the strengthening of the pre- and in-service training capacity of the SPH as well as its research and evaluation capacity. The SPH will also conduct a key MARPs-related survey activity. More specifically, the following two interventions will be carried out:

A) Improvement of the scope and quality of education at SPH • Develop curricula and conduct PhD programs in public health (biostatistics, epidemiology, health informatics, research) in collaboration with universities or institutions providing recognized post-graduate degrees in these areas

• Initiate training of 04 PhD students in biostatistics • Conduct an assessment of the capacity of lecturers to meet the needs of the new training program • Reinforce Master's degree programs (public health, epidemiology) • Organize one short course on monitoring and evaluation, epidemiology, statistics and research for districts hospital and health center managers (15 participants) • Co-organize with the national reference lab, TRAC Plus and African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) the short and long term FELTP trainings for 30 and 10 participants, respectively

B) Capacity building of lecturers, students, health care professionals, and program managers in research and program evaluation • Build operational research capacity of teaching staff at SPH as well as of MOH technical staff at central and district levels • Conduct a survey on men who have sex with men (MSM) including biomarkers as a follow-on of the formative assessment that was completed in FY 2009 • Support the development of a knowledge and information dissemination center for publications and research conducted in Rwanda (maintenance and upgrade of the website) • Organize research dissemination workshops for studies and research conducted during the fiscal year • Participate in and organize international conferences that contribute to improved teaching quality, research capacity and the dissemination of research findings generated by the SPH

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $0

PEPFAR has supported and strengthened Rwanda's response to the HIV epidemic over the past five years. During PEPFAR II it is envisioned that the management and oversight of mutually agreed strategies and interventions introduced and supported to date will be transitioned to Rwandan entities. In order to maintain the quality of service delivery the availability and quality of the appropriate health workforce must be addressed. Furthermore, reliable information is required to ensure programs are tailored to provide the services that best address the driving forces behind the epidemic and adhere to country specific needs.

Since 2002 Tulane University has been providing support to the School of Public Health both to provide quality training and build research capacity to meet these goals. In particular, Tulane has supported training in HIV program management, and provided assistance to the public health master's and doctoral programs. As a result of this continued support the School of Public Health is in a position to take over the management of certain activities to meet the overall goals of providing quality and appropriate human

resources and improve research capacity in Rwanda.

In this new award, in FY 2010 the School of Public Health, with continued support from Tulane University, will build on regional health alliances to build capacity in the institution. Leveraging the existing expertise and experience in neighboring country's universities is one of the steps planned towards establishing an internationally accredited PhD program in country. Currently only four faculty members have been awarded PhDs. The improvement in research and teaching capabilities of the current faculty through a national PhD program will provide a sustainable solution.

Dissemination of research findings and the hosting of international conferences in areas of public health interest have been a feature of Rwanda's PEPFAR program. Both activities have been recognized as key to the improvement of the country's response to the epidemic and for disseminating good practices to other countries in the region. These activities will be continued through this award, directly organized by the School of Public Health.

Both opportunities for PhD studies and presentation of research findings will help students gain recognition and improve retention of faculty. Other retention strategies will be explored and introduced under this award.

The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) has supported the sustainable management development program over the past two years. In FY 2009 a link was established with the School of Public Health through two returning students of the program. In FY 2010, the activities, which are aimed at strengthening national and district level management skills, will be continued with minimal support from CDC. Furthermore, partial responsibility for the CDC supported Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program will be taken up by the School of Public Health as the program expands from short courses to a two-year masters level program.