Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 9407
Country/Region: Nigeria
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Academy for Educational Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $1,190,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $450,000

In COP09, AED will continue its focus on strategic HIV prevention interventions targeted at reaching specific

workplace populations. AED's activities (ABC) under sexual prevention are designed to support prevention

among working adults and equip them to promote prevention with their children and partners. In COP09

AED will train 60 healthcare workers from the 5 targeted condom service outlets to promote HIV/AIDS

prevention through other behavior change beyond abstinence and/or being faithful.

With 66 million individuals participating in Nigeria's public and private sector labor force and HIV/AIDS

prevalence of 3.7%, 3.5%, 3.1% amongst transport workers, police force and armed forces and with

prevalence of over 30% among female sex workers (IBBSS 2007), the workplace is an ideal setting for

effectively addressing HIV/AIDS through sensitization programs, prevention messages, and linkages to care

and treatment for a large percentage of Nigerians infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

AED SMARTWork in COP09 will focus on reaching each targeted population with a minimum of three

interventions in the workplace. Intervention strategies will aim at reducing number of sexual partners,

promoting consistent condom use and seeking treatment for STIs. IBBSS 2007 revealed that among

predominantly male occupational groups (transport workers, armed forces and police), multiple partnerships

are quite common while condom use with girlfriends was lowest, reported by police at 45% and transport

worker at 45.4%. Although syphilis levels were low across the board (0.8%), transport workers returned the

highest prevalence among all groups, at 1.7%. Stereotypical characteristics of the target audience include

male dominance, physical strength, virility, and risk taking. Other associated risk factors, such as drug and

alcohol use among this target audience (road transport and oil workers in particular) often play a role in

diminishing inhibitions, which can lead to unprotected sexual intercourse and also contributes to sexual

violence. In addition, high mobility and long periods away from their families, limited access to health care

services and condom availability and lack of information about risky behavior, risk perception and risk

personalization places this target population at increased risk of STIs, including HIV.

AED will continue to pursue interventions that encourage youth to delay sexual debut until marriage,

engage in secondary abstinence and reduce sexual risk taking while recognizing that abstinence is the only

certain way to avoid HIV infection. Interventions targeting sexually active adults at higher risk of HIV-

infection will encourage behavior change to reduce the number of sexual partners (especially casual sexual

partnerships) and promote marital fidelity. AED will reach out to PLWHAs through promotion of their

enrollment in and adherence to PMTCT programs and/or promoting abstinence and consistent condom use

with sexual partners to prevent re-infection.

AED will strengthen interactions and key referrals between health care facilities and the community as part

of sexual prevention activities in the workplace programs. Sub-partners (NIBUCAA, NUPENG, NURTW,

NUTGTWN, SSANU and NUCFRLANMPE) will target employees and their family members with "A B+C"

prevention interventions. AED will work with the unions the small and medium enterprises to identify the

right strategy and mix of interventions pooling from a broad range of identified best practices.

AED will conduct Community/Enterprise Awareness campaigns to clarify strategies and activities of the

SMARTWork approach and educate the management of each enterprise. These meetings will take place

prior to launching program activities in each establishment in order to build awareness for HIV/AIDS issues

and to answer any concerns participants may have. Enterprises and unions will be encouraged to undertake

HIV/AIDS program outreach activities within their host communities and reach out to workers family

members with necessary information and education on HIV/AIDS. Capacity building activities may vary

based on individual partner/enterprise needs. AED will support each enterprise and partner to conduct a

series of two-day seminars for the community on: abstinence and being faithful; interpersonal

communications; community mobilization methods; peer education strategies; linking programs with

counseling, testing and care and treatment centers; and efforts at partner reduction, mutual fidelity and

condom usage. Each enterprise will conduct at least one community outreach during the period and 20,455

individuals will be reached with A&B in COP09.

AED/SMARTWork will assist each partner enterprise to establish a team whose members represent various

aspects of the workplace and who share a commitment to addressing HIV/AIDS, with skills to "sell" the

program to others in the workplace. The planning committee will include men and women from all

departments and levels in the enterprise, as well as workers living with HIV/AIDS. The joint management-

labor committee ensures that differences are taken into account and policies and programs can be

developed that work for all areas of the workplace. AED will provide assistance in identifying appropriate

persons to represent the diverse interests and needs of the workforce. AED will conduct a three-day

capacity building training for members of the HIV/AIDS Planning Committee. The training will include all

aspects of HIV/AIDS policy and program development and equip committee members with the ability to play

a leading role in the management of the enterprise's HIV/AIDS workplace program. AED will continue to

provide technical support to the HIV/AIDS Planning Committee members of the enterprises in sensitizing all

the employees in the company's key locations about basic HIV/AIDS prevention and transmission

information, voluntary counseling and testing, workplace issues related to stigma and discrimination, and

mainstreaming HIV programs in the workplace.

Peer educator (PEs) volunteers will be identified and trained to conduct informal education and training

activities for their co-workers. AED will provide technical assistance to enterprises and unions in selecting

appropriate staff to participate in a three-day peer educators training. A staff-to-peer educator ratio of 10:1

will facilitate the informal small group and one-on-one discussions on HIV/AIDS and safer sex practices.

Peer educators will answer questions, distribute materials, and generally foster an environment of greater

awareness and understanding about HIV/AIDS. Training will be facilitated by the core-trainers already

trained for each partner using the SMARTWork workplace PE training curriculum In COP09, 150 PEs will

be trained.

Under condom distribution and other prevention activities, the key messages will include partner reduction,

consistent and correct of condoms, and prompt diagnosis and adequate treatment of STIs. AED will

continue to support partners through the process of condom procurement and storage, along with

Activity Narrative: establishing a stronger collaboration with Society for Family Health to ensure a consistent condom supply.

NIBUCAA and the five unions will be trained and retrained in best practices for condom distribution, storage

and usage within the scope of prevention and sensitization activities. These activities include but are not

limited to condom procurement and distribution, as well as making condoms readily accessible and

available through peer education activities. There will be a two-day training on condom logistics and

negotiating skills at 20 workplaces in COP09. Participants will be disaggregated by sex, social peers and

grade levels from all the units and departments in each enterprise. This will be facilitated by AED, SFH and

NIBUCAA. Condom distribution points will be set up by the various SMEs and workplaces. Overall, 13,636

individual will be reached through the PEs in COP09.

AED will provide TA to NIBUCAA and the five unions in the adaptation/production of relevant IEC/BCC

materials to reinforce messages on abstinence, faithfulness and /or consistent and correct condom use.

AED will continue the distribution of an extensive catalogue of behavior change tools and materials for the

workplace that enables immediate implementation of activities and important leveraging of existing

resources for use by the workers.

Two-day adaptation training will be organized for union-partners in conjunction with NIBUCCA for review

and selection of existing BCC materials for reproduction and distribution by the partners. Three

representatives will be selected from each partner organization for this training. Trainings will be conducted

in line with the National BCC Strategy and facilitated by a consultant and a graphic artist with support from

AED and NIBUCCA staff.

Dissemination strategies include: the distribution of materials at workshops, seminars, company-level

presentations; special events, such as World AIDS Day Campaigns, Workers Day; and the integration of

HIV/AIDS preventive messages into workplace newsletters, journals and other periodicals.

AED project will continue to encourage the parents to be active supporters of youths' health choices by

addressing improved knowledge, attitudes, communication and other parenting skills, and by supporting an

integrated approach to promoting a healthy lifestyle for young people. Youth focused awareness creation

activities including lectures, drama and a mascot will focus on behavior change, risk reduction and adoption

of safer sex practices. AED will further assist enterprises' developmental initiatives, such as family days.

Family days are employer-sponsored events for employees to gather together to celebrate the enterprise's

annual achievements. AED will work with the partners to assist the HIV/AIDS Planning Committees at each

enterprise level to plan and implement family days.

Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA) is critical to halting and reversing the HIV

epidemic in Nigeria; thus AED/SMARTWork will mainstream GIPA into workplace HIV/AIDS programs. The

involvement of PLWHA in program development and policy making will improve the relevance, acceptability

and effectiveness of the program. During workshops and trainings, PLWHA's participation in workplace

HIV/AIDS programs will assist in changing perceptions and provide valuable experience and knowledge.

For those who choose to disclose, open acknowledgement of their sero-status can help demolish myths and

misconceptions about HIV/AIDS and PLWHAs. It may also encourage other HIV-infected workers to combat

fear and shame by disclosing their status. PLWHA will also be advocates for the development of HIV/AIDS

policy as well as law and policy reforms. The partners and enterprises including the 50 SMEs will be

encouraged to continue to engage qualified PLWHA as staff members.


The program and activities implemented will increase the reach of ABC interventions into the most at risk

population (Long Distance Drivers and other itinerant workers). This AED-SMARTWork prevention program

through union partners and NIBUCAA whose capacity has been developed, will contribute further to

strengthening and expanding the GON‘s response to HIV/AIDS epidemic in the workplace and increase the

chances of meeting the PEPFAR's goal of preventing over a million new infections.


Population targeted in these ABC prevention activities will not only focus on employees alone but also on

families of employees and other community members where the enterprise is sited.


Key legislative issues will address gender inequalities as regards sex, workplace norms and risky behavior

injurious to health and increase access to information and services for men and women.


AED-SMARTWork will focus service delivery on information, education and communication, promoting

abstinence, mutual fidelity, condom usage and capacity building in the workplace and build linkages with

other prevention initiatives.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Emphasis Areas

Workplace Programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.02:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $450,000

In COP09, AED will continue its focus on strategic HIV prevention interventions targeted at reaching specific

workplace populations. AED's activities (ABC) under sexual prevention are designed to support prevention

among working adults and equip them to promote prevention with their children and partners. In COP09

AED will train 60 healthcare workers from the 5 targeted condom service outlets to promote HIV/AIDS

prevention through other behavior change beyond abstinence and/or being faithful.

With 66 million individuals participating in Nigeria's public and private sector labor force and HIV/AIDS

prevalence of 3.7%, 3.5%, 3.1% amongst transport workers, police force and armed forces and with

prevalence of over 30% among female sex workers (IBBSS 2007), the workplace is an ideal setting for

effectively addressing HIV/AIDS through sensitization programs, prevention messages, and linkages to care

and treatment for a large percentage of Nigerians infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

AED SMARTWork in COP09 will focus on reaching each targeted population with a minimum of three

interventions in the workplace. Intervention strategies will aim at reducing number of sexual partners,

promoting consistent condom use and seeking treatment for STIs. IBBSS 2007 revealed that among

predominantly male occupational groups (transport workers, armed forces and police), multiple partnerships

are quite common while condom use with girlfriends was lowest, reported by police at 45% and transport

worker at 45.4%. Although syphilis levels were low across the board (0.8%), transport workers returned the

highest prevalence among all groups, at 1.7%. Stereotypical characteristics of the target audience include

male dominance, physical strength, virility, and risk taking. Other associated risk factors, such as drug and

alcohol use among this target audience (road transport and oil workers in particular) often play a role in

diminishing inhibitions, which can lead to unprotected sexual intercourse and also contributes to sexual

violence. In addition, high mobility and long periods away from their families, limited access to health care

services and condom availability and lack of information about risky behavior, risk perception and risk

personalization places this target population at increased risk of STIs, including HIV.

AED will continue to pursue interventions that encourage youth to delay sexual debut until marriage,

engage in secondary abstinence and reduce sexual risk taking while recognizing that abstinence is the only

certain way to avoid HIV infection. Interventions targeting sexually active adults at higher risk of HIV-

infection will encourage behavior change to reduce the number of sexual partners (especially casual sexual

partnerships) and promote marital fidelity. AED will reach out to PLWHAs through promotion of their

enrollment in and adherence to PMTCT programs and/or promoting abstinence and consistent condom use

with sexual partners to prevent re-infection.

AED will strengthen interactions and key referrals between health care facilities and the community as part

of sexual prevention activities in the workplace programs. Sub-partners (NIBUCAA, NUPENG, NURTW,

NUTGTWN, SSANU and NUCFRLANMPE) will target employees and their family members with "A B+C"

prevention interventions. AED will work with the unions the small and medium enterprises to identify the

right strategy and mix of interventions pooling from a broad range of identified best practices.

AED will conduct Community/Enterprise Awareness campaigns to clarify strategies and activities of the

SMARTWork approach and educate the management of each enterprise. These meetings will take place

prior to launching program activities in each establishment in order to build awareness for HIV/AIDS issues

and to answer any concerns participants may have. Enterprises and unions will be encouraged to undertake

HIV/AIDS program outreach activities within their host communities and reach out to workers family

members with necessary information and education on HIV/AIDS. Capacity building activities may vary

based on individual partner/enterprise needs. AED will support each enterprise and partner to conduct a

series of two-day seminars for the community on: abstinence and being faithful; interpersonal

communications; community mobilization methods; peer education strategies; linking programs with

counseling, testing and care and treatment centers; and efforts at partner reduction, mutual fidelity and

condom usage. Each enterprise will conduct at least one community outreach during the period and 20,455

individuals will be reached with A&B in COP09.

AED/SMARTWork will assist each partner enterprise to establish a team whose members represent various

aspects of the workplace and who share a commitment to addressing HIV/AIDS, with skills to "sell" the

program to others in the workplace. The planning committee will include men and women from all

departments and levels in the enterprise, as well as workers living with HIV/AIDS. The joint management-

labor committee ensures that differences are taken into account and policies and programs can be

developed that work for all areas of the workplace. AED will provide assistance in identifying appropriate

persons to represent the diverse interests and needs of the workforce. AED will conduct a three-day

capacity building training for members of the HIV/AIDS Planning Committee. The training will include all

aspects of HIV/AIDS policy and program development and equip committee members with the ability to play

a leading role in the management of the enterprise's HIV/AIDS workplace program. AED will continue to

provide technical support to the HIV/AIDS Planning Committee members of the enterprises in sensitizing all

the employees in the company's key locations about basic HIV/AIDS prevention and transmission

information, voluntary counseling and testing, workplace issues related to stigma and discrimination, and

mainstreaming HIV programs in the workplace.

Peer educator (PEs) volunteers will be identified and trained to conduct informal education and training

activities for their co-workers. AED will provide technical assistance to enterprises and unions in selecting

appropriate staff to participate in a three-day peer educators training. A staff-to-peer educator ratio of 10:1

will facilitate the informal small group and one-on-one discussions on HIV/AIDS and safer sex practices.

Peer educators will answer questions, distribute materials, and generally foster an environment of greater

awareness and understanding about HIV/AIDS. Training will be facilitated by the core-trainers already

trained for each partner using the SMARTWork workplace PE training curriculum In COP09, 150 PEs will

be trained.

Under condom distribution and other prevention activities, the key messages will include partner reduction,

consistent and correct of condoms, and prompt diagnosis and adequate treatment of STIs. AED will

continue to support partners through the process of condom procurement and storage, along with

Activity Narrative: establishing a stronger collaboration with Society for Family Health to ensure a consistent condom supply.

NIBUCAA and the five unions will be trained and retrained in best practices for condom distribution, storage

and usage within the scope of prevention and sensitization activities. These activities include but are not

limited to condom procurement and distribution, as well as making condoms readily accessible and

available through peer education activities. There will be a two-day training on condom logistics and

negotiating skills at 20 workplaces in COP09. Participants will be disaggregated by sex, social peers and

grade levels from all the units and departments in each enterprise. This will be facilitated by AED, SFH and

NIBUCAA. Condom distribution points will be set up by the various SMEs and workplaces. Overall, 13,636

individual will be reached through the PEs in COP09.

AED will provide TA to NIBUCAA and the five unions in the adaptation/production of relevant IEC/BCC

materials to reinforce messages on abstinence, faithfulness and /or consistent and correct condom use.

AED will continue the distribution of an extensive catalogue of behavior change tools and materials for the

workplace that enables immediate implementation of activities and important leveraging of existing

resources for use by the workers.

Two-day adaptation training will be organized for union-partners in conjunction with NIBUCCA for review

and selection of existing BCC materials for reproduction and distribution by the partners. Three

representatives will be selected from each partner organization for this training. Trainings will be conducted

in line with the National BCC Strategy and facilitated by a consultant and a graphic artist with support from

AED and NIBUCCA staff.

Dissemination strategies include: the distribution of materials at workshops, seminars, company-level

presentations; special events, such as World AIDS Day Campaigns, Workers Day; and the integration of

HIV/AIDS preventive messages into workplace newsletters, journals and other periodicals.

AED project will continue to encourage the parents to be active supporters of youths' health choices by

addressing improved knowledge, attitudes, communication and other parenting skills, and by supporting an

integrated approach to promoting a healthy lifestyle for young people. Youth focused awareness creation

activities including lectures, drama and a mascot will focus on behavior change, risk reduction and adoption

of safer sex practices. AED will further assist enterprises' developmental initiatives, such as family days.

Family days are employer-sponsored events for employees to gather together to celebrate the enterprise's

annual achievements. AED will work with the partners to assist the HIV/AIDS Planning Committees at each

enterprise level to plan and implement family days.

Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA) is critical to halting and reversing the HIV

epidemic in Nigeria; thus AED/SMARTWork will mainstream GIPA into workplace HIV/AIDS programs. The

involvement of PLWHA in program development and policy making will improve the relevance, acceptability

and effectiveness of the program. During workshops and trainings, PLWHA's participation in workplace

HIV/AIDS programs will assist in changing perceptions and provide valuable experience and knowledge.

For those who choose to disclose, open acknowledgement of their sero-status can help demolish myths and

misconceptions about HIV/AIDS and PLWHAs. It may also encourage other HIV-infected workers to combat

fear and shame by disclosing their status. PLWHA will also be advocates for the development of HIV/AIDS

policy as well as law and policy reforms. The partners and enterprises including the 50 SMEs will be

encouraged to continue to engage qualified PLWHA as staff members.


The program and activities implemented will increase the reach of ABC interventions into the most at risk

population (Long Distance Drivers and other itinerant workers). This AED-SMARTWork prevention program

through union partners and NIBUCAA whose capacity has been developed, will contribute further to

strengthening and expanding the GON‘s response to HIV/AIDS epidemic in the workplace and increase the

chances of meeting the PEPFAR's goal of preventing over a million new infections.


Population targeted in these ABC prevention activities will not only focus on employees alone but also on

families of employees and other community members where the enterprise is sited.


Key legislative issues will address gender inequalities as regards sex, workplace norms and risky behavior

injurious to health and increase access to information and services for men and women.


AED-SMARTWork will focus service delivery on information, education and communication, promoting

abstinence, mutual fidelity, condom usage and capacity building in the workplace and build linkages with

other prevention initiatives.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Emphasis Areas

Workplace Programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.03:

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $90,000



As a result of funding constraints, HCT strategies for COP09 emphasize provision of HCT services for

individuals most in need of HIV counseling and testing and linking those found positive to care, treatment

and other appropriate HIV/AIDS services. AED/SMARTWork HCT activity will further efforts to increase the

uptake and accessibility of high quality workplace HCT services and referral to care and treatment under

Nigeria's national testing protocols. The focus is to provide HCT services for the Nigerian labor force and

their families. However, one of the challenges of offering counseling and support services is the lack of

skilled counselors in most workplace programs. Based on SMARTWork experience to date, the demand for

HCT has exceeded availability. AED will continue to provide critical services where gaps currently exist. In

addition to maintaining HCT sites, labor unions will also mobilize their members to access HCT provided by

SMARTWork mobile testing units. In order to expand services, the package will include the provision of

quality HCT services with follow-up support, counseling and a referral network for care including ART.

AED/SMARTWork will work with sites to identify potential additional resources (from the GON, other donors,

Global Fund, etc.) to provide commodities and increase uptake of HCT services. Major emphasis areas are

capacity building, infrastructural development, training and mobilization for HCT in workplaces and its

vicinity. Others are commodity procurement, community mobilization, monitoring, networking and referral


Depending on the sites, Voluntary Counseling and Testing (Pre- and Post-test Counseling) Model and the

HIV Rapid Testing Algorithm will be implemented. The HCT program will be implemented in collaboration

with Nigerian Business Coalition Against AIDS (NIBUCCA) and 5 labor unions (National Union of Chemical

Footwear, Rubber, Leather and Non-Metallic Products (NUCFRLANMP), National Union of Petroleum and

Natural Gas (NUPENG) Workers, National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), Lagos, National

Union of Textile, Garment and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria (NUTGTWN) and Senior Staff Association of

Nigerian Universities (SSANU)). AED and NIBUCCA will jointly manage and directly implement the HCT

component of the project while the unions will mobilize workers to access the services.

AED will work jointly with NIBUCAA to establish and maintain 2 operational high quality HCT integrated-

fixed sites and 2 stand-alone sites to provide services to workers and family members. A mobile team will

also be established to complement the efforts of the fixed sites in areas where workers cannot access the

fixed sites. This will bring the number of sites supported under the project to 11 (7 integrated, 3 stand-alone

and 1 mobile). The service sites will be located in the following states- Kaduna, Gombe, Plateau, Rivers,

Lagos and Enugu based on geo-political zones. The integrated sites will be in public and private hospitals

being patronized by workers and their family members. Also, in collaboration with the 5 labor unions, HCT

services will be provided in the following states: Anambra, Bauchi, Benue, Cross River, Delta, Edo, Enugu,

Federal Capital Territory, Gombe, Kaduna, Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Plateau, and Rivers. The project's target in

COP09 is 9,004 workers for counseling and testing, including results being given. Additionally, AED will

further assist in tracking the enrollment of positive workers and family members into care through multiple

entry points.

In order to leverage resources, reduce costs and time management, training of staff/volunteers will be

consolidated to reach many more individuals needing training and capacity building activities. AED will train

30 medical personnel (nurses, counselors, laboratory technicians and social workers) under the new HCT

guidelines in Nigeria. The training will be conducted using the National Protocol on HCT training Curriculum

and the WHO/CDC HIV Rapid Test Training Package. The training will include HCT counseling training and

HIV laboratory testing. AED will also train 30 selected nominated union members drawn from the 12 states

as HIV/AIDS Mobilization Agents (HMA) responsible for the mobilization of union members for VCT uptake.

The training of the HMA will last 3 days where they shall be equipped with knowledge on mobilization and

appropriate strategies to reduce stigma and discrimination against PLWHA.

To ensure greater uptake of care, support services, development and use of solid referral networks, AED-

SMARTWork will establish or strengthen referral, counter referral and linkages between enterprise service

sites, public health facilities and other CBOs providing HIV/AIDS-related prevention, care and support

services. This will include creating links with other PEPFAR projects and interventions for PMTCT,

prevention and treatment of TB and STIs, family planning and other services. Additional linkages will be

established with HBC and OVC support groups to promote testing among persons with HIV-related

illnesses and members of their households. This networking will include but not be limited to the following:

GHAIN for effective provision of quality HCT services; Society for Family Health on condom supply logistic

and distribution activities; CEDPA on palliative care, OVC and PMTCT; John Snow International/MMIS on

safe injection techniques; and Columbia University ICAP program on a potential collaboration to support

capacity building initiative for HIV prevention, care and treatment, including infrastructure improvement and

training programs for health care sites. AED will continue to collaborate with NACA, NASCP and SACAs in

the states of operation. Networking will be maintained with private hospitals, company clinics and other

public and private structures through which the workers and their family members could be reached with

HCT services and referrals.

AED will conduct routine onsite mentoring and quarterly monitoring and site assessment to ensure that

standards are being maintained. In addition, ELISA testing will be done on every 20th Client (5%) for quality


To systematically assess progress in the HCT activities, AED will utilize the National HCT M&E and data

collection tools managed by NASCP. The forms will continue to be distributed to and used at the HCT sites

and by the mobile teams. The overall program data will be linked to the Nigeria National Response

Information Management System (NNRIMS) managed by NACA.

The project will continue to maintain its established relationship with JSI/Supply Chain Management System

(SCMS) for the procurement and supply of test kits to the HCT sites. AED will work with SCMS to determine

and order for appropriate quantity of supplies to be procured and supplied to the HCT sites. HCT partners

Activity Narrative: will ensure appropriate medical waste management and disposal by close collaboration with the Biomedical

Prevention Team and the states' Waste Management Agencies (e.g. Lagos State Waste Management

Agency) for the supply of sharp boxes and color-coded plastic bags for sorting of medical (infectious) waste

at service points.

Service promotion strategies will include branding of HCT facilities and mobile units with the national "Heart

to Heart" logo. The logo will also be reflected in the production of IEC materials which will be distributed at

workshops, seminars, company-level meetings, participation in special events such as World AIDS Day

Campaign, Workers' Day and integration of preventive messages into company newsletters. AED will

continue to work with NASCP in achieving a proper branding of the HCT intervention within the national

promotion strategies. The service promotion will utilize multiple channels and will include mobilization of

union members directly by the unions, mobilization of workers and family members of the SMEs and

coordination of special events as well as the PEs' activities in the unions and companies.

For effective technical guidance, AED will continue to collaborate with the GON agencies and the HCT

Technical Working Group. AED will attend all the TWG technical sessions so that coordination of the

program will be in line with the strategies and direction of PEPFAR. The HCT program will be coordinated

primarily by the HCT officer in collaboration with other technical staff in the AED team and under the

supervision of the Country Director.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 21681

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

21681 21681.08 U.S. Agency for Academy for 9407 9407.08 USAID Track $152,887

International Educational 2.0 AED

Development Development

Emphasis Areas

Workplace Programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.14:

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $200,000


Under COP 09, AED will utilize a multifaceted approach to develop and implement HIV/AIDS programs and

policies in the work place. While some progress has been made in developing workplace policies, much

work remains to ensure that workers living with HIV/AIDS can live positively and that those vulnerable to the

disease have the knowledge and skills to protect themselves. As a result, AED will focus efforts on working

hand-in-hand with management of large and small and medium enterprises (SME) to develop effective

HIV/AIDS policies.

AED's ongoing technical assistance and logistical support to targeted enterprises (both large and SME) will

ensure that the companies' workplace HIV/AIDS policies and programs are appropriately developed and

implemented. The following activities describe AED's proposed SMARTWork approach to building a

comprehensive HIV/AIDS program to support project partners.

Workplace Awareness Building Presentations for Senior Management

In order to familiarize and educate management of the target enterprises about HIV/AIDS issues in the

workplace, AED will arrange meetings to highlight the critical need for effectively responding to HIV/AIDS

and the ease with which programs can be developed. During these meetings, AED will provide short

presentations to clarify the components, strategies, and activities of an effective workplace program. The

meetings will take place prior to launching program activities in order to build awareness for HIV/AIDS

issues and to answer any concerns participants may have. Following each meeting, participants will be

canvassed to assess interest in developing policies and prevention and care programs.

GIPA Principles promotion

AED will build the capacity of a pool of people living positively and openly with HIV through the Greater

Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA) program in order to support the development and

implementation of HIV & AIDS Workplace programmes and policies in the targeted SMEs and enterprises.

These GIPA officers will drive the implementation of workplace programs and the development of HIV/AIDS

workplace policies for the SMEs and enterprises in which they work. They will also be used as trainers to

build capacity for PEs, HIV/AIDS committee members and for sensitization exercises of the workplace

program. GIPA programs remain a viable means of quickly and practically of addressing issues of stigma

and discrimination in workplaces as well as accelerating HIV/AIDS workplace programs.

Capacity Building for Workplace HIV/AIDS Committees

AED will establish committees whose members will represent various aspects of the workplace, share a

commitment to addressing HIV/AIDS, and have the credibility and skills to "sell" the program to others in the

workplace. AED will provide assistance in identifying appropriate persons to represent the diverse interests

and needs of workforce. The Joint Management-Labor Committee will ensure that differences are taken

into account and policies and programs can be developed that work for all areas of the workplace. AED will

then conduct a three-day capacity building training session for members of the HIV/AIDS Planning

Committee. In 25 SMEs and 10 other enterprises, the training will include all aspects of HIV/AIDS policy

and program development and serve to ensure that committee members can play a leading role in the

management of each enterprise HIV/AIDS workplace program.

Peer Educator Training - Prevention, Education, and HIV/AIDS Sensitization

HIV/AIDS prevention, education, and training activities in the workplace are designed to educate and

encourage workers to change or adopt behaviors that will reduce the spread of HIV. Peer educators have

proven to be an extremely effective component of prevention education, as they are co-workers who have

been specially trained to conduct informal education and training activities. AED will provide technical

assistance to target enterprises in selecting up to 150 appropriate staff to participate in a three-day training

to become HIV/AIDS peer educators. These peer educators will reach out to their co-workers through

informal small group discussions and one-on-one interactions to discuss HIV/AIDS, teach safer sex

practices, answer questions, distribute materials, and generally foster an environment of greater awareness

and understanding about HIV/AIDS.

Support to Community-Based NGOs and Their HIV/AIDS Activities

AED will work to build capacity of the selected partner organizations to carry out effective HIV/AIDS

prevention education activities. Additionally, AED will provide continued technical assistance to the

planning committees and peer educators on implementing HIV/AIDS prevention education activities and

linking programs with counseling, testing, and care and treatment service providers. In COP09, at least 2

new partner organizations will be provided with technical assistance for HIV-related institutional capacity



The development of effective policies will assist in addressing emerging issues, for example, in the area of

mandatory HIV testing, disclosure of medical information without consent, and discrimination of infected

workers based on real or perceived sero-status. Through the development and scale-up of workplace

education, policy development, and institutional capacity building activities, SMARTWork will contribute to

the Nigerian National Strategic Framework 2005-2009.


AED will collaborate with GHAIN, MEASURE, COMPASS, and SFH in order to share effective approaches

and materials and to foster referral networks.


Working with enterprises to develop effective policies will lead to an increased understanding of workplace

HIV/AIDS prevention efforts and will assist in removing barriers toward HIV/AIDS prevention through

ensuring workplace protection and guaranteed human rights of workers infected and/or affected by

HIV/AIDS. AED hopes to partner with other organizations to encourage the National Assembly to pass the

Activity Narrative: anti-stigma law.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Emphasis Areas

Workplace Programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.18:

Subpartners Total: $600,000
Nigerian Business Coalition Against AIDS: $400,000
National Union of Chemical Footwear Rubber Leather and Non Metallic Products: $40,000
National Union of Road Transport Workers: $40,000
National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers: $40,000
Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities: $40,000
National Union of Textile Garment and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria: $40,000