Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 7229
Country/Region: Mozambique
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Habitat for Humanity International
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: FBO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $850,000

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $850,000

Reprogramming August08: Funding Increase $500,000.

This is a new activity under COP08. As a sub-partner of Opportunity International, HfH has received

PEPFAR funding since April 2005 to address the shelter needs of Orphans and Vulnerable Children and

their caregivers. Due to the uniqueness of the service HfH provides and the limited geographic scope of OI,

the USG has identified HfH as a Prime Partner to continue this service. Working in conjunction with other

OVC partners, HfH will use COP08 funding to build on its previous activities and to expand its work into

Nampula province.

An important component of the HfH program is the Youth Apprenticeship Program where HfH's masons and

carpenters mentor orphaned youth about the construction trade. On completion of the apprenticeship, the

youths may qualify for a start-up business loan from a partner organization or continue to build with HfH.

The HfH project approach uses renewable, local resources, such as thatch, which are cheaper and easier

to replace. HfH locally procures 95% of labor and material resources, keeping costs to a minimum and

enabling profits from sales to remain within the community. In comparison, only 10% of needed materials for

cement blocks or conventional houses can be procured locally.

HfH also provides capacity building support to community groups that care for OVC and fosters the

management of home construction projects by locally elected volunteer committees. Families and

community members gain knowledge and skills in construction, sanitation improvement and inheritance

planning. HfH works with government and legal assistance programs to train caregivers about the rights of

women and children to inherit houses, and ways that families can protect their inheritance (i.e. legal wills,

agreement by community leaders, family memories and documents indicating plans).