Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2014 2015

Details for Mechanism ID: 13987
Country/Region: Lesotho
Year: 2014
Main Partner: Columbia University
Main Partner Program: Mailman School of Public Health
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0 Additional Pipeline Funding: N/A

NOTE: The following is taken from summaries released by PEPFAR on the PEPFAR Data Dashboard. They are incomplete summary paragraphs only and do not contain the full mechanism details. When the full narratives are released, we will update the mechanism pages accordingly.

ICAP will use a district based approach, providing clinical services support across the 4 districts of Leribe, Berea, Quthing, and Qacha’s Nek for an estimated population of 750.000. ICAP’s goal is to contribute to long term,sustained control of the HIV epidemic, by rapidly increasing the coverage of HIV treatment for all eligible PLHIV, to reduce AIDS-related mortality and enhance HIV prevention. ICAP will support the rapid scale up of HIV testing through PICT. Targets set aim to substantially improve coverage and achieve a tipping point in the HIV epidemic. ICAP will provide technical leadership for TB and HIV at national level to strengthen MOH capacity to accelerate and expand access to comprehensive TB and HIV prevention, diagnostic and treatment services and mitigate the impact of the dual epidemic. At district level, guided by MOH TB and HIV strategic plans, ICAP will support the DHMT to ensure technical and geographic program expansion and systems strengthening of both TB and HIV. ICAP will use its phased approach of implementation, with further decentralization and consolidation of its previous efforts while paying special attention to quality, capacity and ownership at all levels. M&E of activities will be prioritized to enable use of quality TB and HIV related data for planning and ongoing evaluation and ensure the dissemination and use of evidence for decision-making and improved programs. ICAP will continue to support the MOH by securing a robust Health Information System at all levels, with special attention for the establishment of one integrated, national M&E system (in support of the MOH HMIS strategic Plan).

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC) $0
Care: TB/HIV (HVTB) $0
Care: Pediatric Care and Support (PDCS) $0
Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT) $0
Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT) $0
Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS) $0
Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX) $0
Mechanism Target Information

Since COP2014, PEPFAR no longer produces narratives for every mechanism it funds. However, PEPFAR has now included performance targets or indicator information for each mechanism based on the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) system. The MER guidance is available on PEPFAR's website Note that COP years 2014-2015 were under a previous version of the MER system and the indicators and definitions may have changed as of the new 2.0 guidance.

MER Indicator MER description Target Fiscal Year Target
CARE_SITE By site support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): Number of PEPFAR-supported HIV clinical care sites at which at least 80% of PLHIV received all of the following during the reporting period: 1) clinical assessment (WHO staging) OR CD4 count OR viral load, AND 2) TB screening at last visit, AND 3) if eligible, cotrimoxazole 2015 10
CARE_SITE By site support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): Total number of PEPFAR supported sites providing clinical care services 2015 13
CARE_SITE By site support type: Technical Assistance-only (TA): Number of PEPFAR-supported HIV clinical care sites at which at least 80% of PLHIV received all of the following during the reporting period: 1) clinical assessment (WHO staging) OR CD4 count OR viral load, AND 2) TB screening at last visit, AND 3) if eligible, cotrimoxazole 2015 39
CARE_SITE By site support type: Technical Assistance-only (TA): Total number of PEPFAR supported sites providing clinical care services 2015 48
CARE_SITE Number of PEPFAR-supported HIV clinical care sites at which at least 80% of PLHIV received all of the following during the reporting period: 1) clinical assessment (WHO staging) OR CD4 count OR viral load, AND 2) TB screening at last visit, AND 3) if eligible, cotrimoxazole 2015 49
CARE_SITE Sum of Numerator Site Support Type disaggregates 2015 49
CARE_SITE Total number of PEPFAR supported sites providing clinical care services 2015 61
CARE_SITE_den Sum of Denominator Site Support Type disaggregates 2015 61
PMTCT_SITE By site support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): Number of PEPFAR-supported sites achieving 90% ARV or ART coverage for HIV+ pregnant women 2015 10
PMTCT_SITE By site support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): Total number of PEPFAR supported sites providing PMTCT services (HTC and ARV or ART services) 2015 13
PMTCT_SITE By site support type: Technical Assistance-only (TA): Number of PEPFAR-supported sites achieving 90% ARV or ART coverage for HIV+ pregnant women 2015 39
PMTCT_SITE By site support type: Technical Assistance-only (TA): Total number of PEPFAR supported sites providing PMTCT services (HTC and ARV or ART services) 2015 48
PMTCT_SITE Number of PEPFAR-supported sites achieving 90% ARV or ART coverage for HIV+ pregnant women 2015 49
PMTCT_SITE Sum of Numerator Support Type disaggregates 2015 49
PMTCT_SITE Total number of PEPFAR supported sites providing PMTCT services (HTC and ARV or ART services) 2015 61
PMTCT_SITE_den Sum of Denominator Support Type disaggregates 2015 61
TB_ART The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period 2015 2,030
TB_ARTSITE By site support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): The number of PEPFAR-supported TB basic management units 2015 13
TB_ARTSITE By site support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): The number of PEPFAR-supported TB basic management units at which 80% of registered TB cases who are HIV-positive are on ART, during the reporting period 2015 10
TB_ARTSITE By site support type: Technical Assistance-only (TA): The number of PEPFAR-supported TB basic management units 2015 48
TB_ARTSITE By site support type: Technical Assistance-only (TA): The number of PEPFAR-supported TB basic management units at which 80% of registered TB cases who are HIV-positive are on ART, during the reporting period 2015 39
TB_ARTSITE Sum of Numerator Site Support Type disaggregates 2015 49
TB_ARTSITE The number of PEPFAR-supported TB basic management units 2015 61
TB_ARTSITE The number of PEPFAR-supported TB basic management units at which 80% of registered TB cases who are HIV-positive are on ART, during the reporting period 2015 49
TB_ARTSITE_den Sum of Denominator Site Support Type disaggregates 2015 61
TX_DIST Number of Districts with documented routine supportive supervision visits to 75% of HIV care and treatment sites supported by the District 2015 4
TX_DIST Total number of PEPFAR supported District Health Offices 2015 4
TX_SITE By support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): Number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites with a retention rate of 75% or greater for patients 12 months after ART initiation 2015 10
TX_SITE By support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): Total number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites 2015 13
TX_SITE By support type: Technical Assistance (TA-only): Number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites with a retention rate of 75% or greater for patients 12 months after ART initiation 2015 39
TX_SITE By support type: Technical Assistance (TA-only): Total number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites 2015 48
TX_SITE Number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites with a retention rate of 75% or greater for patients 12 months after ART initiation 2015 49
TX_SITE Sum of Numerator Site Support Type disaggregates 2015 49
TX_SITE Total number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites 2015 61
TX_SITE_den Sum of Denominator Site Support Type disaggregates 2015 61
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Child Survival Activities
Mobile Populations
Safe Motherhood
Workplace Programs
End-of-Program Evaluation
Family Planning