Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 7572
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Tetra Tech
Main Partner Program: Global Architect-Engineer (A&E) Infrastructure Services IQC
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $1,500,000

This is a continuing activity from COP 2009. United States Government (USG) regulations require that specific construction, design, contracting and building maintenance standards be met for all construction activity. As such, a U. S. architecture and engineering (A&E) firm, selected competitively, will work closely with PEPFAR's implementing construction/renovation partner currently being selected, providing design services and external quality assurance. A&E will work with the partner as it constructs new Nucleus B Health Centers, renovates and improves existing health centers and expands and/or builds commodity warehouses. The target population for this activity includes all Ethiopians utilizing health facilities.

The selected partner may also work with the Project Management Unit (PMU) of the Ministry of Health Public Health Infrastructure Directorate (PHID) and regional health bureaus (RHBs), ensuring that USG regulations are met for any facilities built with PEPFAR funds. This will result in capacity building in this area.

To ensure that USG regulations and standards are met, Global A&E will coordinate with the Assisting the Health Sector Expansion Construction/Renovation Technical Assistance activity under Chemonics and the Renovations-Health Facility ART/Strengthening HIV Infrastructure to Increase Service Delivery Access activity currently under procurement. Finally, any training needs identified during the QA and design process will be referred to the Chemonics Technical Assistance activity which may provide needed support in this area.

There are no PEPFAR indicators related to this activity. Specific indicators to measure progress will be developed in Year One of the project.

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $1,500,000

This is a continuing activity from COP 2009. United States Government (USG) regulations require that specific construction, contracting, design and building maintenance standards be met for all construction activity. This activity will utilize a U. S. architecture and engineering (A&E) firm, selected competitively, to work closely with PEPFAR's implementing agency currently being selected for constructing new Nucleus B Health Centers, renovating existing health centers and improving/expanding commodity stores at these sites, and expanding or constructing commodity warehouses. Design and external quality assurance (QA) will be provided through this partner. The implementing partner may also work with the Project Management Unit (PMU) at the newly organized Ministry of Health (MOH) Public Health Infrastructure Directorate (PHID), as well as Regional Health Bureaus (RHBs), ensuring that USG regulations are met for any facilities built with PEPFAR funds. This will result in capacity building in this area.

The activity will provide design and QA services to other USG-funded construction activities, including supportive supervision where indicated.

This activity, under a pre-competed mechanism at USAID/Washington, will coordinate closely with the Assisting the Health Sector Expansion Construction/Renovation Technical Assistance activity under Chemonics and the Construction and Renovation Services for USAID Ethiopia Health Infrastructure Program activity currently under procurement, ensuring that USG or other relevant standards are met for all activities.

There are no PEPFAR indicators related to this activity. Specific indicators with targets to measure performance will be developed in Year One of the project.

Limited training may occur, but it is probable that any training needs identified during the QA and design process would be referred to the Chemonics Construction/Renovation Technical Assistance (TA) activity which may provide needed support in this area. No clinical services or adherence activities will occur under this project.

Target populations include all Ethiopians utilizing health facilities to be renovated, constructed or expanded with USG funds.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $1,500,000
Construction/Renovation $1,500,000