Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 678
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Association of Public Health Laboratories
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $200,000

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $200,000

Technical Support for Public Health Laboratory System and Networking

ACTIVITY HAS BEEN MODIFIED IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS: (insert a maximum of 5000 character

narrative here):

APHL will provide technical assistance in Laboratory quality assurance, and laboratory information and

management system including training and mentoring. APHL will also focus on supporting local public

health capacity development.

The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) has provided technical assistance to the Ethiopian

Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Ethiopia Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI) to develop a

National Public Health Laboratory System, which will improve testing quality and in-service training to

strengthen laboratory capacity. APHL will expand technical assistance needed to support the expansion of

a laboratory information system (LIS) and regional laboratories through collaboration with US state public

health laboratories. APHL has provided technical assistance to develop a national laboratory quality system

plan and to implement External Quality Assurance (EQA) program administered for HIV serology, CD4,

chemistry, and hematology.

In FY09, APHL will continue technical assistance to EHNRI and regional laboratories to strengthen the

national external equality assurance program, national public health laboratory system, implement

laboratory policies, and provide in-service training. APHL will continue to provide technical assistance in

three major areas:

(1) Technical support in strengthening and expanding the National External Quality Assessment (EQA)

Program, and laboratory management implementation. In FY09, APHL will continue the technical

assistance and ensure the capacity is established for long-tern sustainability. Assistance will be provided in

reviewing training modules in laboratory quality systems and lab management in partnership with CDC and

EHNRI. APHL will provide technical assistance for the development of training curricula and train-the-trainer

programs on equipment maintenance, laboratory management for managers and regional laboratory heads,

and facility-level lab management training. APHL will support program implementation in collaboration with


(2) Technical support in strengthening of LIS, referral linkages, and networking between clinical laboratories

and regional and national reference laboratories.

Technical assistance will continue to expand LIS for the reference laboratory network in order to support the

implementation of ART program. APHL will provide in-service training on LIS implementation and operation

in Ethiopia for laboratory and Information Technology personnel. APHL will also provide training on LIS

management for senior laboratory supervisors at APHL member facilities. LIS training modules/CD will be

provided to local laboratories as site reference tools.

(3) Support for organizational capacity development, including twinning of regional laboratories with US

state laboratories, and strengthening local public health laboratory associations. APHL will continue twining

support between US state public health laboratories and Ethiopian regional reference laboratories to

provide practical expertise and on-site training in US public health laboratory operations. This will transfer

skills in technology, planning, and implementation. To ensure program effectiveness, US public health

laboratory directors and APHL staff will provide follow-up technical assistance in Ethiopia. APHL will

continue to strengthen laboratory networks in Ethiopia with support for the local laboratory professional

association. This will also assist in implementation of national strategic plan and a continuing education

program. As part of sustainability and local-capacity development, APHL will support and closely work with

the Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Association.

APHL will assign technical experts for periods of up to three months to work with the national and regional

reference laboratories on these tasks.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16703

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16703 5614.08 HHS/Centers for Association of 7512 678.08 HIV/AIDS ART $600,000

Disease Control & Public Health prevention and

Prevention Laboratories TA collaboration

for public health



10557 5614.07 HHS/Centers for Association of 5532 678.07 $500,000

Disease Control & Public Health

Prevention Laboratories

5614 5614.06 HHS/Centers for Association of 3774 678.06 $150,000

Disease Control & Public Health

Prevention Laboratories

Table 3.3.16: