Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012

Details for Mechanism ID: 10481
Country/Region: China
Year: 2010
Main Partner: University of Washington
Main Partner Program: I-TECH
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/HRSA
Total Funding: $50,000

I-TECH, the International Training and Education Center on HIV from University of Washington, in close collaboration with University of California - San Francisco, supports the development of a skilled health work force and well-organized national health delivery systems in order to provide effective prevention, care, and treatment of infectious disease in the developing world. Their goals and objectives under this award are to revise and develop a comprehensive and useable training curriculum on HIV/AIDS care and treatment for China CDC to be used in the 13 training centers which teach HIV/AIDS care and treatment through 2-3 month residency programs. This mechanism affects the technical area for care and treatment.

This mechanism's products will be implemented at the 13 training centers, but will have national impact as each graduating physician trained in these methods returns to his/her province to practice. The populations targeted for the training are the physicians attending the training centers. Populations targeted in the training and by the physicians after graduation are China's MARPs including FSW, IDU, MSM and migrant workers.

Improvement of the HIV/AIDS care and treatment curriculum will contribute to health systems strengthening by ensuring a well-educated and well-prepared cadre of health professionals. Improving curriculum has a direct impact on human resources for health by providing quality in-service training, ensuring that the physicians trained are familiar with the most up-to-date thinking, methods and techniques to improve outcomes and experiences of PLHA within the health system, and providing a benchmark from which performance assessments and quality improvements can be conducted.

This mechanism strengthens several cross-cutting and key issues in addition to human resources for health including TB, gender, and mobile populations. Part of the HIV/AIDS care and treatment curriculum will include OI screening and treatment, including TB. Since TB is so prevalent in China, its screening and treatment, including MDR and XDR-TB, among PLHA is an important aspect of physician training. The covers MARPS including FSW and female IDU. The training will also deal with mobile populations: those who are mobile within China; people from outside of China who enter the country, such as brides from other countries and people living along the border regions; and Chinese workers who travel to Africa to work and then return to China.

A monitoring and evaluation activity has been incorporated into this implementing mechanism as part of the award includes developing an evaluation tool for the National AIDS Clinic Training Program. This tool will include evaluation of the changes included through the new training curriculum.

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $37,500

USG will cooperate with the I-TECH to revise the national training curriculum on HIV/AIDS care and treatment and to develop an evaluation tool for China's National AIDS Clinic Training Program.

There are 13 HIV/AIDS clinical training centers which teach 2-3 month residencies for physicians from across China. Training materials to be developed will meet international standards for HIV/AIDS care and treatment and be sensitive to the needs of China's MARP groups. Training will include a comprehensive care and treatment package including ART provision, cotrimoxazole prophylaxis and TB screening.

I TECH will hire one Project Officer ( FSN-10) to closely work with the Care and Treatment division ( 60% of time load) in NCAIDS division of China CDC to provide direct TA support on the revision of the national training curriculum on HIV/AIDS care and treatment, supply daily management and supervision of the national AIDS Clinic training program, and develop other quality training materials.

Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $12,500

USG will cooperate with the University of Washington's International Training and Education Center on HIV (I-TECH) to revise the national training curriculum on HIV/AIDS care and treatment and to develop an evaluation tool for China's National AIDS Clinic Training Program.

There are 13 HIV/AIDS clinical training centers which teach 2-3 month residencies for physicians from across China. Training materials to be developed will meet international standards for pediatric HIV/AIDS care and treatment and be sensitive to the needs in China. Training will include a comprehensive care and treatment package for infants and children including early diagnosis, pediatric ART formulations, regular clinic and CD4 monitoring, monitoring of growth and development, cotrimoxazole prophylaxis and treatment adherence support as well as TB and other OI screening and treatment.

I TECH will hire one PO ( FSN-10) to closely work with the Care and Treatment division (60% of time load) in NCAIDS division of China CDC to provide direct TA support on the revision of the national training curriculum on HIV/AIDS care and treatment, supply daily management and supervision of the national AIDS Clinic training program, and develop other quality training materials.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $50,000
Human Resources for Health $50,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
End-of-Program Evaluation
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Mobile Populations