Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 11981
Country/Region: Angola
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Ministry of Health - Angola
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Host Country Government Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $500,000

The Minstry of Health (MOH) is the governmental body responsible for blood safety in Angola. Within the MOH, the National Blood Center (NBC) is responsible for developing national policies and guidelines for the delivery and implementation of blood safety interventions. The NBC is the only official national safe blood service provider of the Government of the Republic of Angola (GRA). Supporting the NBC is consistent with the Millennium Development Goals and the national mandate to strengthen the central system for sustainable practices in blood safety.

The MOH/NBC is currently working with the USG, the GFATM the private sector, and Safe Blood for Africa to train blood service staff at the provincial level as well as medical personnel in the proper use of blood products, how to mobilize voluntary non remunerated blood donation (VNRBD), the strengthening of information systems, and exploring commitments for site renovations. With this collaboration in place, the MOH/NBC is positioned to use these funds to expand efforts to ensure an adequate supply of safe blood for transfusion from VNRBDs.

The USG with the GRA will also develop and implement a project-specific monitoring and evaluation plan by drawing on national and USG requirements and tools, including strategic-information guidance provided by the Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and WHO. Furthermore, the USG will support development and implementation of a sustainability plan that includes advocacy with the GRA for increased commitment to national blood safety efforts. This is a continuation activity. FY 2011 will be:1. Increase the number of VNRBD2. Support the provinces3. Most technical assistance will be provided through the CDC central mechanism with HOP funding.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL): $500,000

In fiscal year 2010 funds were obligated for capacity building and infrastructure development of the National Blood Center (NBC) national screening strategy for all donated blood and blood products, using the most appropriate and effective tests, and adhering to good laboratory practices. The NBC will continue to implement the following activities during fiscal year 2012 and 2013: Develop a national blood safety infrastructure plan to ensure coverage for the collection, transport, storage and distribution of blood that meets the national needs;Conduct supervisory trainings at the provincial level using the train the trainer model;Support situational analysis of selected provincial blood services;Provide technical assistance at the provincial and municipal level focused on bloods collections, testing, and production of blood products, transfusions methods and utilization.Develop site-specific protocol for collecting , handling and storing, transporting, and distributing blood from fixed mobile blood collections facilities;Expand the volunteer blood donor base through improved donor mobilization, recruitment, and communication strategies;Implement and maintain the information management system;Assess and review the infrastructure, technical capacity, and existing or potential community networks that could support VNRBD;Conduct trainings to promote and increase the number of VNRBD;Conduct trainings on the principles of Quality Management Systems, in specific areas of blood safety, including monitoring & evaluation;Support infrastructure and human capacity development at Blood Centers within the provinces;Conduct strategic planning for the sustainability of blood safety services; andStrengthen and sustain a donor notification program to increase the proportion of blood donors with HIV-reactive results referred to appropriate counseling, confirmatory testing, care and/or treatment.