Total Allocations: $53,108,249

Allocations are the planned amounts detailed in the COPs. They represent budget information, not actual expenditure

Partner Contract Information

Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 13264 $1,800,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 10312 $900,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 13373 $100,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 5376 $2,203,180
Central America Region
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 13082 $1,076,000
Central Asia Region
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 12024 $1,033,711
2011 12024 $1,388,527
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 13186 $677,465
2011 13186 $398,496
Côte d'Ivoire
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 12557 $560,000
2011 12557 $760,000
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 11054 $155,330
2011 11054 $346,671
2011 13386 $1,260,000
2011 13386 $1,890,000
Dominican Republic
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 11967 $968,236
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 13521 $185,817
2011 13521 $1,247,813
2011 7529 $0
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 13405 $782,332
2011 13405 $1,000,000
2011 12556 $700,000
2011 12556 $500,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 9053 $800,000
2011 9053 $300,000
2011 9053 $200,000
2011 9053 $2,900,000
2011 9053 $1,700,000
2011 9053 $210,781
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 13484 $70,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 9883 $622,910
2011 9883 $969,650
2011 9883 $1,544,023
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 10961 $445,934
2011 10961 $430,723
2011 13434 $1,400,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 13201 $2,350,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 13172 $447,166
2011 13172 $362,859
2011 7159 $524,000
2011 7159 $1,705,625
2011 7160 $135,000
2011 7160 $103,000
2011 7160 $150,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 12227 $760,000
2011 12227 $3,500,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 7342 $2,160,000
2011 7342 $300,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 7427 $1,500,000
2011 7427 $550,000
2011 7427 $1,530,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 12933 $2,983,000
2011 12933 $1,134,000
2011 12933 $1,386,000
Subpartner relationships
Action des Eglises Evangeliques pour la Promotion de la Sante et Developpement
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Agence Ivoirienne de Marketing Social
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2011 12557 NA
An Giang Provincial AIDS and TB Center
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
Asociacion Dominicana de Planificacion Familiar, Inc.
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Association des Epouses des Militaires de Cote dIvoire
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2011 12557 NA
Association for Development
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Association Rwandaise des Travailleuses Chrétiennes Féminins
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Batanai HIV and AIDS Service Organisation
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
Batsirai Aids Prevention & Awareness Group
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
Booz Allen Hamilton
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2011 7427 NA
Bouake Eveil
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2011 12557 NA
BRA Dominicana
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Buddhist Development Association and Supporting Environment
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Bulawayo City Health
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
Cambodian Children Against Starvation and Violence Association
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Can Tho Provincial AIDS Committee
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
CARE International
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2011 7427 NA
Center for Research and Cultural Support
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Centro de Orientacion e Investigacion Integral
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Centro de Promocion y Solidaridad Humana
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
CHF International
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Christian Aid
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Haiti 2011 12556 NA
Cicatelli Associates Inc.
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Central America Region 2011 13082 NA
Clinton Health Access Initiative
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2011 12227 NA
Colin Saunders Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
Community Health Promotion Centre
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
Consultation for Investment in Health Promotion
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
Cooperation for Social Services and Development
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Croix Rouge Cote d'Ivoire
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2011 12557 NA
Development Aid from People to People
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2011 7427 NA
Dien Bien Provincial AIDS Committee
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
Districts NonIRS Malaria Districts
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Eden Lumiere Action
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2011 12557 NA
Eglise Episcopal au Rwanda
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Eglise Presbyteriénne au Rwanda
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
El Centro para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2011 7529 NA
Espoir FANCI
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2011 12557 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
FHI 360
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2011 11054 NA
Fondation pour la Sante Reproductrice et l'Education Familiale
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Haiti 2011 12556 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Gospel Solidarity with HIV Prevention Program
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Gweru City Health
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
Ha Noi Provincial AIDS Committee
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
Hai Phong Provincial AIDS Committee
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
Harare City Health
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
HCMC Provincial AIDS Committee
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
Humana People to People
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
International Planned Parenthood Federation
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Central America Region 2011 13082 NA
IRS Districts
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Johns Hopkins University
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Kenya 2011 9053 NA
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Khmer Development of Freedom Organization
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Khmer Women's Cooperation for Development
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Luapula Foundation
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2011 7427 NA
Matabeleland AIDS Council
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
Men's Health Cambodia
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Men's Health Social Services
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Milk and Cookies
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Central America Region 2011 13082 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Mujeres en Desarrollo
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Murambinda Mission Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
Mutare City Health
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
Mwami Adventist Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2011 7427 NA
National Prosperity Association
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
National Youth Council - Rwanda
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 13172 NA
New Partner
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Nghe An Provincial AIDS Committee
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
North Eastern Medical Centre
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
Overseas Strategic Consulting
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2011 7427 NA
Pact, Inc.
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Malawi 2011 9883 NA
Partner in Compassion
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Phnom Srey Association for Development
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Population Council
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2011 7427 NA
Private Sector Federation
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Pro-Batey Alliance
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Quang Ninh Provincial AIDS Center
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
Red Nacional de Jovenes
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Réseau Rwandais des Personnes vivant avec le VIH/AIDS
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Rural Economic Development Association
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Rwanda Network of People Living with HIV And AIDS
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Rwandans Allied for Peace and Progress
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Save Incapacity Teenager
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Save the Children
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
Social Impact
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2011 13386 NA
Society for Women and AIDS
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Syndicat National des Transporteurs et Marchandises de Côte d'Ivoire
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2011 12557 NA
Côte d'Ivoire 2011 12557 NA
T-MARC Company
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2011 12227 NA
To Be Determined
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Angola 2011 13264 NA
Dominican Republic 2011 11967 NA
Transatlantic Partners Against AIDS
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Russia 2011 13201 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
University of Zimbabwe
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zimbabwe 2011 12933 NA
Urunana Development Communication
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2011 7159 NA
Vietnam Administration for AIDS Control
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Vietnam 2011 7342 NA
Women Organization for Modern Economy and Nursing
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Cambodia 2011 5376 NA
Youth Alive Zambia
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2011 7427 NA
Zambia Health Education and Communication Trust
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2011 7427 NA