Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Details for Mechanism ID: 13013
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2012
Main Partner: American Association of Blood Banks
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $650,000

The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) will provide technical assistance in the areas of management and coordination; implementation of national standards in donor selection, blood collection, laboratory testing and processing, and distribution of safe blood; transfusion practices; and monitoring and evaluation. Strengthening the monitoring of supervisory and audit reports, non-conformances, statistical process monitoring, and staff follow-up will also be key focus areas.

AABB will provide mentorship to reduce Transfusion Transmissable Infections (TTIs). Ongoing mentorship and training will be provided in donor selection, blood collection, laboratory testing, component production, and distribution of blood. System quality will be strengthened by the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines for all blood processes. The application of the overall quality plan will assist in expediting the acreditation process in two blood center zones.

Techinical assistance will be provided in the areas of: training plan development; trained personnel follow-up; blood safety curriculum review in training institutions; and NBTS capacity to manage student interns. Opportunities to practice blood transfusions will be strengthened through innovative laboratory-based strategies to enhance appropriate practices, pilot implementation of haemovigilance, and evaluate blood usage in selected zones.

The capacity of NBTS to conduct internal quality and operational audits, data collections, and data analysis, while instituting corrective actions will be strengthened. These activities represent the initial implementation of activities necessary for NBTS to seek semi-autonomous status and alternative funding mechanisms in the future.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL): $650,000

For COP 2012, AABB will provide ongoing systems strengthening mentorship to NBTS by building capacity in overall management and coordination through zonal and national monitoring supervisory tool reports, program sustainability through implementation of a road map to attain autonomy, and monitoring customer feedback and mentorship in regional BTS models. Additional mentorship will support NBTS to implement international and national standards. AABB will conduct competency assessment and training in donor selection, blood collection, laboratory testing, components production, and distribution based on standard operating procedures. Quality of testing will be monitored through internal and external proficiency testing and continuous review of testing algorithms and technologies. Component production and use by clinicians will be increased through a gradual training of clinicians. This will be monitored by observing increases in component distribution in NBTS zones.

Training will be provided through implementation of the revised NBTS training plan, which includes follow-up on trained personnel. Structured on the job training will be implemented for both current and new personnel. In collaboration with other stakeholders, assessment of blood safety carriculum in selected tertiary institutions will be conducted and curriculum reviewed, while the capacity of NBTS to absorb student attached to NBTS during field project will be strengthened.

The quality system will be improved through mentoring of the implementation of GMP guidelines to ensure quality assured blood and products; conducting internal audits and management reviews to monitor non-conformance in all blood safety processes; implementing of Blood Computer Establishment Computer system will be expanded into four additional zones, rolling out accreditation from one accredited zone to a total of three zones through locally NBTS trained mentors; and developing of NBTS capacity to conduct routine operational assessments (internal audit).

Facility based zonal mentorship in appropriate use of blood and products will be provided in collaboration with facility management; increase in component production and distribution; review actual needs evaluation reports; implementation of haemovigilance and monitoring facility utilization statistics.

In collaboration with other partners, AABB will mentor NBTS to conduct M&E of blood safety processes through statistical process monitoring, supervising non-conformances and ensuring appropriate corrective and preventive processes are in place; and monitoring the effectiveness of training provided.

Subpartners Total: $0
Johns Hopkins University: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $650,000
Human Resources for Health $650,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Safe Motherhood