Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 13479
Country/Region: Namibia
Year: 2011
Main Partner: Management Sciences for Health
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $475,830

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $475,830

Continuation of organizational development strengthening support (such as governance, work climate, communication, human resources, financial management, and leadership) to new Global Fund (GF) prime recipients. This will prepare the recipients to assume their increased GF HIV responsibilities while maintaining the quality of their non-GF responsibilities as per their core mandates.

Continuing Activity

Estimated Budget = $200,000

To help ensure that HIV and health funds are used effectively and efficiently, LMS will strengthen senior and mid-level GRN staff (e.g., the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare, the Ministry of Health, the Namibia Institute of Pathology, and others) in areas such as strategic planning, data for decision making, human resource management, effective supervision of staff, and effective work planning.

Continuing Activity

Estimated Budget = $150,000

Strengthen and build capacity of local consultancy firms and individuals to be able to provide continued organizational development (OD) support to local CSOs, ministries, and GF recipientsas needed.

New Activity

Estimated Budget = $125,830


The USAID/ Building Local Capacity (BLC) for Delivery of HIV services in Southern Africa project is a regional project, primed by MSH, that provides institutional strengthening and leadership management support to local CSOs and GRN ministries in Namibia. Specifically, BLC is focusing its institutional strengthening efforts on local CSOs, including GF prime and sub recipients and the leadership management support is targeted for GRN ministries, such as the MGECW, NIP, and MoHSS. The project will work with and through local firms and will be co-located within MSH in an effort to streamline support and maximize efficiencies. COP 11 activities will focus on the following:

1) Organizational development strengthening support to new GF prime recipients:

For COP 11, MSH will continue to work collaboratively with NANASO and other GF prime recipients to address weaknesses identified through MSH management and organizational assessments.

Specific activities will include:

Complete the Leadership Development Program, that combines technical training on areas identified as needing improvement such as governance, work climate, communication, human resources and financial management with a leadership component that is woven throughout the course.

Complete training on GF Principal Recipient roles.

Assist NANASO to roll-out the Leadership training combined with skills and organizational components to sub-recipient organizations, as well as to other member organizations within their network, so that they may more effectively carry out their roles as prescribed by the GF.

Assist GH recipients to put in place monitoring and evaluation programs that will enable them to provide accurate, timely reports to the Local Funding Agency and to the CCM as well as financial control and accounting procedures that meet international accounting standards.

2) Strengthen mid-level management in GRN where requested and where needed to strengthen GRN to manage its health funds more effectively and efficiently, MSH will build upon the activities carried out in COP 10 to build the leadership skills of senior and mid-level GRN staff as requested (for example, within the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare (MGECW), the Ministry of Health, the Namibia Institute of Pathology, and other agencies within the GRN). During COP 10, MSH will have developed a plan for addressing leadership needs with the GRN that will include active coordination and cooperation with other partners such as PACT, Synergos, and ITECH to avoid needless duplication or overlap. Based on the assessment and plan developed during COP 10 to strengthen the organizational capacity within the ministries, MSH will train groups of identified individuals within these ministries with the adapted Leadership Development Program on skills that may include but are not limited to: strategic planning, data for decision making, human resource management, effective supervision of staff, and effective work planning and out-sourcing.

MSH will continue to provide training on governance with outcomes that include clear lines of authority between senior leadership and mid-level managers, improved work climate as measured by standardized tools, written management practices in place and being used, and procedures manuals created that are widely distributed and understood by staff resulting in a transparent management process.

3) Strengthen local consultancy firms to provide and continued organizational development support beyond USG support in Namibia.

The purpose of this activity is to transition organizational strengthening capabilities from international partners to local TA providers. In COP 10, MSH will have built relationships with consultancy firms and individuals and with local training and educational institutions by engaging and building the technical and facilitation skills of these firms, individuals, and institutions. In COP11, MSH will create a cadre of champion facilitators of the Leadership Development Program with the aim of institutionalizing leadership and management principals into in-service training in organizations and pre-service education in universities. These champions will remain in the country, and have the capacity to continue to facilitate workshops and mentoring to local CSOs, ministries, and Global Fund Recipients.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $475,830
Human Resources for Health $475,830
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Workplace Programs