Total Allocations: $80,884,038

Allocations are the planned amounts detailed in the COPs. They represent budget information, not actual expenditure

Partner Contract Information

Côte d'Ivoire
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 7220 $2,340,000
Dominican Republic
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 5985 $0
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 7999 $267,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 3784 $8,400,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 4925 $1,000,000
2008 3672 $4,100,000
2008 1432 $4,554,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 5956 $400,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 3580 $375,000
2008 3568 $1,259,303
2008 3568 $0
2008 3568 $0
2008 3568 $0
2008 3568 $13,825,000
2008 3580 $4,125,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 2768 $8,628,014
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 129 $0
2008 120 $4,600,000
2008 7586 $250,000
2008 129 $297,494
2008 7902 $445,227
South Africa
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 2797 $7,108,000
2008 4502 $4,446,000
2008 6156 $1,164,000
2008 2797 $0
2008 2797 $0
2008 2797 $0
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 1512 $4,400,000
2008 1221 $7,100,000
2008 1512 $0
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 3001 $1,800,000
Subpartner relationships
Action Health Incorporated
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $100,000
Association for Reproductive and Family Health
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 NA
Baptist Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Barau Dikko Specialist Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 NA
Biharamulo Designated District Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Boston University
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2008 3001 NA
Bugando Medical Centre
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Bukoba Rural District Council
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Catholic Action Committee on AIDS Hospitals
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $40,000
Catholic Church (Various Dioceses)
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $25,000
Catholic Maternity Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $120,000
Catholic Relief Services
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 NA
Cement Factory Hospital Bajoga
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $50,000
Centre for Positive Development
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $15,000
Confluence against AIDS
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $15,000
Deloitte Consulting Limited
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Development Research and Project Center
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $120,000
Dire Dawa Regional Health Bureau
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 3784 $40,000
Disease Management System
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 2797 $150,000
DOMA Support Group
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $15,000
Fantsuam Foundation
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $25,000
Foundation for Professional Development
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 4502 $1,200,000
Ganty's AIDS for Widows, Orphans, and Needy Foundation
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $10,000
General Hospital, Adikpo
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $40,000
General Hospital, Bajoga
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $30,000
General Hospital, Gambo
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $45,000
General Hospital, Giwa
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $45,000
General Hospital, Gwantu
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 NA
General Hospital, Ikot
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 NA
General Hospital, Kafanchan
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $90,000
General Hospital, Kaltungo
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $30,000
General Hospital, Makarfi
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $45,000
General Hospital, Ogoja
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $90,000
General Hospital, Okene
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $55,000
General Hospital, Okengwe
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $55,000
General Hospital, Saminaka
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $60,000
General Hospital, Sankera
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $40,000
General Hospital, Vandekya
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $40,000
General Hospital, Zambuk
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $50,000
General State Specialist Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $55,000
Gisenyi District Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 129 NA
Global Network of People living with HIV Positives
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 3784 $100,000
Grassroots HIV/AIDS Counselors
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $5,000
Gwamna Awan General Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $56,107
Harari Regional Health Bureau
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 3784 $40,000
Health Information Systems Programme
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 2797 $100,000
HIV/AIDS Restoring Hope and Lives Trust Nigeria
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $10,000
Holy Memorial Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $50,000
Ikhwezi Lokusa Wellness Centre
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 2797 $600,000
Infectious Disease Hospital, Ikot Ekpene
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $45,000
Kabaya Health District
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 129 NA
Kagera Regional Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Karengera Health Center
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 129 NA
Kibuye Health District
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 129 NA
Kicukiro Health Center
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 129 NA
Kigoma Municipal Council
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Kirinda Health District
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 129 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 6156 NA
Livingstone General Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2008 3001 NA
Mchukwi Mission Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Medecins du Monde
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Medical Service Corporation International
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Mozambique 2008 3568 $1,426,800
Ministry of Health - Dominican Republic
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Dominican Republic 2008 5985 NA
Ministry of Health - Mozambique
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Mozambique 2008 3580 $1,500,000
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 2797 $500,000
Mugonero Health District
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 129 NA
Muhima Health District
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 129 NA
Muhororo Health District
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 129 NA
Murunda Health District
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 129 NA
National Health Laboratory Services - South Africa
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 2797 $118,000
National Reference Laboratory - Rwanda
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 120 NA
Ndolage Mission Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 4502 $900,000
Not Identified
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Mozambique 2008 3568 $600,000
Nigeria 2008 2768 $20,000
Nyakahanga Designated District Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Ocean Road Cancer Institute
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Tanzania 2008 1221 NA
Oromiya Regional Health Bureau
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 3784 $120,000
PAIDA Support Group
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $20,000
Pathfinder International
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Mozambique 2008 3568 $830,000
Nigeria 2008 2768 NA
Project Gateway
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 6156 NA
Rekindle Hope
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $15,000
Shyira District Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 129 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 6156 NA
Small Projects Foundation
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 4502 $60,000
Southern Kaduna Support
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $15,000
State Specialist Hospital, Gombe
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 NA
Treatment and Research AIDS Center
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Rwanda 2008 120 NA
Tulsi Chanrai Foundation
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $60,000
United Nations Children's Fund
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 4502 $400,000
University of Fort Hare
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 2797 $900,000
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 4502 $300,000
University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 NA
Women and Children of Hope
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $20,000
Yale University
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 2797 $500,000
Youth and Women Health Empowerment Project
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $15,000
Youth for Christ International
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2008 6156 NA
Yusuf Dan Tsoho Hospital
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Nigeria 2008 2768 $60,000