Total Allocations: $1,218,919

Allocations are the planned amounts detailed in the COPs. They represent budget information, not actual expenditure

Allocations by Year by Program Area -
Allocations by Program Area over Time -
Allocations by Budget Code
Budget Codes Budget Code Description Amount Percentage
HVTB Care: TB/HIV $1,218,919 100.00%

Partner Contract Information

Year Mechanism ID Amount
2012 13562 $322,973
2013 13562 $322,973
2014 13562 $272,973
2015 13562 $300,000
2016 13562 $0
2017 13562 $0
Subpartner relationships
Chreso Ministries
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2012 13562 NA
Zambia 2012 13562 NA
Zambia 2012 13562 NA
Zambia 2013 13562 NA
Zambia 2013 13562 NA
Zambia 2013 13562 NA
Zambia 2014 13562 NA
Zambia 2014 13562 NA
Zambia 2014 13562 NA
Circle of Hope
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Zambia 2012 13562 NA
Zambia 2013 13562 NA
Zambia 2014 13562 NA