Total Allocations: $10,163,180

Allocations are the planned amounts detailed in the COPs. They represent budget information, not actual expenditure

Allocations by Year by Program Area -
Allocations by Program Area over Time -
Allocations by Budget Code
Budget Codes Budget Code Description Amount Percentage
HKID Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children $10,163,180 100.00%

Partner Contract Information

Year Mechanism ID Amount
2013 16857 $370,000
2014 16857 $317,702
2015 16857 $299,919
2016 16857 $654,483
2017 16857 $815,315
2018 16857 $711,332
2019 16857 $2,082,689
2020 16857 $4,911,740
Subpartner relationships