Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Details for Mechanism ID: 13173
Country/Region: Zimbabwe
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Biomedical Research and Training Institute
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $800,000

The project objectives are to: 1) Support the development of a National Strategic Plan and a monitoring and evaluation system for infection control. 2) Strengthen Infection control training at all levels. 3) Facilitate infrastructural renovations to improve infection control in health facilities. 4) Provide technical support to health care facilities in the development and implementation of infection control plans. 5) Procure, when needed, personal protective equipment for health care facilities. The activities of this project will support the HIV/AIDS national strategy and plan through strengthening infection control measures as a key TB/HIV collaborative activity at national level. This project will support directly or indirectly all health facilities in the country on infection control activities. The project will collaborate with other partners implementing TB/HIV activities to prevent exposure to blood and airborne diseases for both patients and staff in health care facilities. The strategy for cost-efficiency will be based on bulk procurement of materials. Activities will be implemented with existing Ministry of Health staff and resources that are already in place will be utilized as much as possible. Monitoring and evaluation of the program will be done through procurement records, follow up of renovation contracts, site visits reports, training reports and other relevant documentation, all consolidated into quarterly progress reports. a. VEHICLES - Purchased/leased under this mechanism from the start of the mechanism through COP FY2011 = 2 - New requests in COP FY 2012 = 1 Total vehicles for the life of this mechanism =3 b. New request justification - COP FY 2012: To support training and follow-up of supported sites at provincial and district level

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $700,000

The project aims to strengthen the MOHCW capacity for implementation of infection control and prevention activities in health care facilities nation-wide. The overall goal is to reduce TB and HIV infection among health care workers and patients. COP12 funds will: Support MOHCW in the elaboration and implementation of a national infection control strategic plan and monitoring and evaluation plan to guide and monitor the activities to be implemented in the coming 5 years. Support the implementation of national training on infection control at in-service and pre-service level to strengthen the implementation of infection control activities at facility level. Support renovations of selected provincial/district hospitals to ensure appropriate environmental conditions for optimum infection control. Provide technical support to health care facilities in the development and implementation of infection control plans, including basic procurement of personal protective equipment. These activities are in line with the 'Three Is for HIV/TB. BRTI will coordinate the implementation of the project in close collaboration with the MOHCW to ensure effective complementarity with other related activities. The project aims to develop capacity of HCW at various levels to deliver sustainable training and support for the infection control program of the ministry beyond the project period. This includes the employment of an IPC focal person in the MOHCW and the training of trainers at provincial and district level. The development of a curriculum for IPC will ensure sustained pre and in-service training and quality thereof. An M&E system and tools will be developed to monitor process, outputs and outcome/impacts of the project. In addition, an M&E system for the MOHCW IPC program will also be developed. The cross-cutting programs of this project are: human resources for health and construction/renovation. Training of health workers is a key component of the program. Renovations will be carried out to improve environmental conditions for infection control such as maximization of natural ventilation in patient waiting areas and consulting rooms.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Injection Safety (HMIN): $100,000

The project aims to strengthen the Ministry of Health and child Welfare's (MOHCW) capcity for implementation of infection contrl and prevention activities in health care facilities nation-wide. One of the key objectives of the project is contribute to injection safety (needle stick inhjury, medical transmission of blood borne pathogens) through a number of activities that include: (1) Training of HCW at all levels in relevant areas of injection safety as applicable through infection control practice, (2) Cnduct intensive information, education and Communication (IEC) activities among HCW and patients, (2) strengthen provision of post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) through improving monitoring and reporting of occupational injuries and strengthening the PEP drug supply chain. Key issues are TB and Workplace program. The workplace programs will include : 1) Promoting HIV prevention among health care workers through injection safety, provision of PEP and promoting HIV testing and relocation of staff at high risk. 2) Regular TB screening of all health care workers.

Subpartners Total: $0
Management Sciences for Health: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $496,000
Human Resources for Health $295,000
Motor Vehicles: Purchased $50,000
Renovation $151,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Workplace Programs