Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Details for Mechanism ID: 10224
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Zambia National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Parastatal
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $300,000

In FY12, NAC will further develop, fully operationalize, and manage the national HIV and AIDS M&E system. Activities will focus on strategic information and systems strengthening in an effort to develop a sustainable and fully functional national HIV and AIDS M&E system which will enable NAC to meet its M&E mandate by providing information for evidence-based decision making.

NAC will continue to coordinate all national M&E activities for HIV and AIDS interventions targeted at the general public for the entire country using national coordination structures of Provincial AIDS Task Force (PATF) and DATF in all the nine provinces and 74 districts. NAC will contribute to systems strengthening by enhancing monitoring capacity among all key stakeholders that provide information to the national HIV and AIDS M&E system, HMIS, and PEPFAR partner reporting systems.

In addressing gender-related issues, the national HIV and AIDS M&E system will monitor access to HIV and AIDS prevention, care, and support services by both genders. NAC will work within existing government structures and decentralize activities to sub-national levels, with greater focus on district and community levels, in order to promote cost efficiency. Findings from the M&E assessment and mid-term review will guide NAC in prioritizing activities.

The national HIV and AIDS M&E plan will guide monitoring of the national response and the implementation of these activities. NAC will facilitate development of annual multi-sectoral work plans to guide implementation of all HIV and AIDS activities, including national M&E activities this fiscal year, monitor implementation of activities on a quarterly and annual basis during joint annual program reviews (JAPR), and hold quarterly coordination meetings with all PACAs.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $250,000

NAC will monitor the national HIV and AIDS response from provincial, district and community levels using the NAC activity reporting forms (NARF) as a routine program level data collection tool. For all the districts where NAC will implement the NACMIS, the officers will be accessing the system via a web based platform. NAC will print and distribute NARFs on a quarterly basis and follow-up on submission of data. NAC will also conduct quarterly supervisory and technical assistance (TA) visits to all nine provincial centers and approximately 30 percent of districts to carry out data audits, verification, and validation process to facilitate coordination, alignment, and harmonization of data system at all levels.

NAC will also continue with the process of interfacing the NACMIS with key information systems and databases specifically SmartCare, health management information system (HMIS), education management information system (EMIS) Another critical activity meant to strengthen MIS will be the routine maintenance of ICT equipment. NAC will also conduct a feasibility study to assess the most cost effective way of establishing sustainable internet connectivity to provincial and district levels. A virtual private network (VPN) will be set up.

NAC will work to improve user access to HIV and AIDS information resources. Through the resource center (RC) unit NAC will provide HIV and AIDS IEC materials to nine provincial resource centers being managed in partnership with Zambia Library Services. NAC will train provincial and district trainers of trainers in data use for decision making and on the use of various HIV and AIDS information resources from the NAC website and RC.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $50,000

Activities for NAC will greatly contribute to systems strengthening as they are meant to build capacity to strengthen monitoring of the response among all key stakeholders that feed into the national HIV and AIDS M&E system, HMIS, and PEPFAR partner reporting system. The key partners will benefit from these activities by virtue of being key PATF and DATF members. NAC harmonization and alignment efforts for M&E systems will facilitate strengthening of national systems for reporting and monitoring of the HIV and AIDS response.

NAC will support professional level training in M&E and MIS for six staff in the M&E Directorate. During FY 2012, NAC will conduct EDU training for nine Provincial AIDS Coordinating Advisors (PACA), nine IT/M&E Assistants and 72 District AIDS Coordinating Advisors in. To facilitate rollout of NACMIS, NAC will train nine Provincial AIDS Coordinating Advisors (PACA), nine IT/M&E Assistants and 72 District AIDS Coordinating Advisors (DACA) in NACMIS applications and electronic data management. NAC will also review and update the M&E training curriculum in line with new and emerging issues in HIVand AIDS; NAC will also support operationalisation of the National HIV and AIDS Research Framework, provide technical and material support to reasearch activities at national, provincial and district levels through research institutions and other appropriate channels.