Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Details for Mechanism ID: 12942
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Project Concern International
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $675,000

Zambias HIV prevalence rate is 14.3% and is highest among females and in urban areas (16.1% and 19.7%, respectively). 70% of new HIV infections are from sex with non-regular partners (MOT, 2009). Six key drivers of Zambias epidemic are: multiple concurrent partnerships, low and inconsistent condom use, low male circumcision, mobility and labor migration, high risk behavior among vulnerable and marginalized groups, mother-to-child transmission, and social and cultural norms contributing to the epidemic such as alcohol abuse, gender inequality, sexual and partner violence, transactional sex, stigma, and discrimination.

Project Concern International (PCI) works with Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) and Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) to implement Church Partnerships for Positive Change (CPPC) Project in 12 compacts in Mongu and Mazabuka. CPPC will scale-up with 10 new communities in the two districts, totaling compacts to 22 in Year 3. Scaled-up will be community-led HIV prevention activities promoting health-seeking and risk reduction behaviours. Gender and economic empowerment will be integrated in programs.

For sustainability and ownership, CPPC will collaborate with and leverage resources with other USG partners, like New Start centers providing clinical and mobile services and with Government and other providers for condom social marketing and MC services, and, and in support of community compact incentives, private companies like Barclays Bank, Radio Christian Voice, Zambia Sugar Company, Munali Nickle Mine, Kapinga, and Syringa Dairy Farms in Mazabuka. CPPC will implement activities within all appropriate national frameworks, manuals, protocols and guidelines.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $40,000

Six key drivers of Zambias epidemic are: multiple concurrent partnerships, low and inconsistent condom use, low male circumcision, mobility and labor migration, high risk behavior among vulnerable and marginalized groups, mother-to-child transmission, and social and cultural norms contributing to the epidemic such as alcohol abuse, gender inequality, sexual and partner violence, transactional sex, stigma, and discrimination.

Project Concern International (PCI) works with Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) and Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) to implement Church Partnerships for Positive Change (CPPC) Project in 12 compacts in Mongu and Mazabuka. CPPC will scale-up with 10 new communities in the two districts, totaling compacts to 22 in Year 3. Scaled-up will be community-led HIV prevention activities promoting health-seeking and risk reduction behaviours. Gender and economic empowerment will be integrated in programs.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $150,000

CPPC will support 22 compact communities to implement need-based community action plans that address increased knowledge for and demand/uptake of HIV prevention services. CPPC will promote HIV risk reduction through abstinence, delaying of sexual activity, and being faithful to their partners. CPPC will target rural and urban in/out of school male and female youth between the ages of 10 and 20 years.

In addition to AB messages, CPPC will promote benefits of clinical prevention services such MC, CT and PMTCT; promote communication between young people and adults; gender equity and equality including, reducing gender based violence and establishing safe spaces for girls; address harmful social norms; and train young people in life skills according to national guidelines. The project will utilize existing church structures; mens, womens, youth and couples fellowships, and cell groups, as well as peer education to disseminate individual and small group messages.

CPPC will continue to strengthen referrals and linkages with CT, PMTCT, MC services/providers. CPPC will also promote reproductive health education for youth which recognizes the churchs position, but at the same time provide adequate and accurate information. CPPC will also integrate structural interventions that address alcohol abuse, gender based violence (GBV), and livelihood security.

For sustainability and ownership, CPPC will develop and sustain private sector partnerships in support of the community compact incentives, continue to work through and building the capacity of religious leaders and their members through training and ongoing mentoring in monitoring and evaluation, track performance on set indicators and targets, and using results to award incentives. CPPC will ensure program and data quality through quarterly on-site supportive supervision and quality assessments.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $125,000

Six key drivers of Zambias epidemic are: multiple concurrent partnerships, low and inconsistent condom use, low male circumcision, mobility and labor migration, high risk behavior among vulnerable and marginalized groups, mother-to-child transmission, and social and cultural norms contributing to the epidemic such as alcohol abuse, gender inequality, sexual and partner violence, transactional sex, stigma, and discrimination.

Project Concern International (PCI) works with Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) and Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) to implement Church Partnerships for Positive Change (CPPC) Project in 12 compacts in Mongu and Mazabuka. CPPC will scale-up with 10 new communities in the two districts, totaling compacts to 22 in Year 3. Scaled-up will be community-led HIV prevention activities promoting health-seeking and risk reduction behaviours. Gender and economic empowerment will be integrated in programs.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $200,000

Six key drivers of Zambias epidemic are: multiple concurrent partnerships, low and inconsistent condom use, low male circumcision, mobility and labor migration, high risk behavior among vulnerable and marginalized groups, mother-to-child transmission, and social and cultural norms contributing to the epidemic such as alcohol abuse, gender inequality, sexual and partner violence, transactional sex, stigma, and discrimination.

Project Concern International (PCI) works with Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) and Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) to implement Church Partnerships for Positive Change (CPPC) Project in 12 compacts in Mongu and Mazabuka. CPPC will scale-up with 10 new communities in the two districts, totaling compacts to 22 in Year 3. Scaled-up will be community-led HIV prevention activities promoting health-seeking and risk reduction behaviours. Gender and economic empowerment will be integrated in programs.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $160,000

CPPC will support 22 (12 old and 10 new) compact communities to facilitate critical reflections about PMTCT issues, increase demand and uptake of PMTCT services, and strengthen referral linkages with HIV/ PMTCT service providers. CPPC will build capacity of two church partners and church groups to dialogue around HIV issues, increase their ability to develop and implement community action plans on specific HIV prevention issues through the community compact framework, and to use monitoring and evaluation data for learning and decision-making.

Additionally, some of the church leaders from church compacts formed in years 1 and 2 that have shown great promise will also be involved in mentoring and supporting some of the new church compacts. CPPC will target pregnant women and their partners/ spouses, children born from HIV-positive mothers, single adults, and couples.

CPPC promote activities that encourage early and complete ANC attendance, supervised delivery in clinics where PMTCT is provided, support for infant baby nutrition, and prevention of unintended pregnancies through birth spacing. CPPC will reach pregnant women through cell and women group meetings, couple fellowships, during special sessions for expectant families that will be held on selected days at churches, door-to-door and mobile CT services, and existing home based care and support groups for people living with HIV (PLWHA), and mens support groups which will be formed. The project will continue to utilize existing church structures; mens, womens, youth and couples fellowships and councils/groups, to disseminate individual and small group messages on HIV prevention including gender based violence based on existing national guidelines and curricula.

CPPC will continue to strengthen referral linkages with Ministry of Health and other service providers to increase access to and utilization of family planning, ART, sexually transmitted infections, reproductive health, nutrition, male circumcision, and psychosocial support to promote continuum of care for both the mother and child. Gender and economic empowerment will be integrated in all activities.

CPPC will track PMTCT service uptake by coordinating with MOH and other private health facilities, and mobile partner providers. CPPC will ensure program and data quality through quarterly on-site supportive supervision, mentoring and quality assessments. CPPC will continue to engage in private sector partnerships in support of community compact incentives.

Subpartners Total: $0
Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia: NA
Zambia Episcopal Conference: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $50,000
Gender: Reducing Violence and Coercion $50,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Increasing women's access to income and productive resources
Child Survival Activities
Safe Motherhood