Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 10212
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Central Statistical Office - Zambia
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Host Country Government Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $1,892,246

The fiscal year (FY) 2012 plan aims to build-up and sustain the Central Statistical Office (CSO) and staff expertise in statistical analysis and the conduct of population-based surveys. An Important FY12 activity is the undertaking of the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). This survey will have larger coverage than in the previous rounds as it will include HIV testing of children aged 2 to 5 years in addition to adults in the reproductive age groups. All consenting adults will be tested for HIV and Syphilis. All individuals with seropositive results will undergo a further test, CD4, to determine access to and the unmet need for ART. This indicator has not been captured under any of the population-based HIV/AIDS surveys that have been carried out in Zambia. In FY13, CSO will commence preparatory activities for the second survey, the AIDS Indicator Survey (AIS) in readiness for the undertaking of the actual survey the following year. This survey aims to determine the prevalence of HIV in children aged 2 to 5 years and adults aged 15 to 64 years and syphilis in adults only, determine access to and unmet needs to HIV/AIDS services for HIV positive individuals, and to estimate HIV incidence. In FY12 and FY13, CSO will play a pivotal role in health systems strengthening by providing statistical analysis capacity building support to the Ministry of Health through the Epidemiology for Data Users program being implemented by the MOH. This activity provides statistical and database skills to MoH and NAC provincial and district personnel. These skills are crucial in their work and especially in developing epidemiological profiles for the districts that they work in. This narrative includes an additional S1,310,835 for the partnership framework for implementation plan.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $600,000

An Important FY 2012 activity is the undertaking of the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). This activity will be conducted and support Zambia PEPFAR activities under the area of Surveillance and Surveys. The Central Statistical Office is the producer but not the end users of statistics. In this case, the office is going to collaborate with all stake holders that need information on HIV/AIDS indicators in order to monitor and evaluate their programs. This survey will have larger coverage than in the previous rounds. All consenting adults will be tested for HIV and Syphilis. All individuals with seropositive results will undergo a further test, CD4, to determine access to and the unmet need for anti-retroviral treatment (ART). This indicator has not been captured under any of the population-based HIV/AIDS surveys that have been carried out in Zambia. All adults with reactive syphilis results will be treated within the home but confirmatory testing for surveillance purposes will be done at the reference laboratories. The specimens collected in the survey will also be used for HIV incidence testing and estimation. This will be a collaborative effort between CSO and the National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council (NAC), the University Teaching Hospital (UTH), Tropical Disease Research Center (TDRC) and the Ministry of Health (MoH). The country plans to have another population-based survey, the AIDS Indicators Survey (AIS) that will estimate HIV prevalence and incidence within a period of five years. In FY 2013, CSO will commence preparatory activities for the second survey, the AIDS Indicator Survey (AIS) in readiness for the undertaking of the actual survey the following year. This survey aims to determine the prevalence of HIV among adults, determine access to and unmet needs to HIV/AIDS services for HIV positive individuals, and to estimate HIV incidence.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $1,292,246

COP12 PFIP ADDITIONAL FUNDING: $1,310,835 The fiscal year (FY) 2012 plan aims to build-up and sustain the Central Statistical Office (CSO) and staff expertise in statistical analysis and the conduct of population-based surveys. In COP 12, USG will support capacity building of the Central Statistical Office (CSO) staff expertise in statistical analysis and the conduct of population-based surveys. CSO will conduct a population-based survey to estimate HIV prevalence and incidence in 2012 and 2013. Upon completion of this survey, several cadre will have received training in statistical analysis as well as the clinical aspects of the survey such as drawing of blood, HIV counselling and testing, operation of the CD4 machines, conducting of HIV incidence testing using BED-CEIA. This activity will be conducted and support Zambia PEPFAR activities under the area of other health systems strengthening. The Central Statistical Office is the producer but not the end users of statistics. However, the ability of CSO to provide statistical services has been limited to owing largely to few qualified individuals in statistical analysis and conduct of the population-based surveys with biomarkers. They have previously relied on external technical support. The Ministry of Health relies on CSO for the production of indicators for monitoring the HIV and AIDS response but the capacity of the CSO is currently limited. CSO will play a pivotal role in health systems strengthening by providing statistical analysis capacity building support to the Ministry of Health through the Epidemiology for Data Users program being implemented by the Ministry of Health. This activity provides statistical and database skills to MoH and NAC provincial and district personnel. These skills are crucial in their work and especially in developing epidemiological profiles for the districts that they work in. The CSO will collaborate with the University of Zambia (UNZA), NAC, Ministry of Health (MoH) to utilize technology to collect, assess, and report data from the district and province to the national level routinely in accordance with established deadlines. The CSO will be responsible for maintaining a national data warehouse.