Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Details for Mechanism ID: 11027
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Zambia National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Host Country Government Agency
Funding Agency: enumerations.State/African Affairs
Total Funding: $100,000

The activity in this COP will support the National AIDS Council through the Joint Financing Agreement.

The Goal of the Program is to eliminate the threat of HIV and AIDS and associated Opportunistic Infections for the benefit of society.

The objectives of the Program are to co-ordinate and support the development, monitoring and evaluation of the multi-sectoral national response for the prevention and combating of the spread of HIV, AIDS, STI and TB in order to reduce the personal, social and economic impacts of HIV, AIDS, STI and TB as set out in the Strategic Plan.

The Mission of NAC is to provide leadership for a co-ordinated fight against HIV/AIDS in order to reverse the epidemic. The NAC Act makes specific provision for the NAC's functions to:

a) Support the development and co-ordination of policies, plans and strategies for the prevention and combating of HIV, AIDS, STI and TB;

b) Advise the Government, health institutions and other organizations on the policies, strategies and plans to prevent and combat HIV, AIDS, STI and TB;

c) Ensure the provision and dissemination of information and education on HIV, AIDS, STI and TB;

d) Develop a national HIV, AIDS, STI, and TB research agenda and strategic plan which will include the quest for a cure for HIV, AIDS as one of the research priorities;

e) Support programmes relating to prevention, care, and treatment of HIV, AIDS, STI and TB;

f) Mobilise resources to promote and support identified priority interventions including research in areas relating to HIV, AIDS, STI and TB;

g) Provide technical support and guidelines to health and other institutions involved in the:

i. prevention and treatment of HIV, AIDS, STI and TB; and

ii. care and support of persons infected with or affected by HIV, AIDS, STI and TB;

h) Collaborate with other research institutions in relation to HIV, AIDS, STI and TB; and

i) Undertake such other activities as are conductive or incidental to its functions under the Act.

Within the broader vision of the National AIDS Strategic Framework 2006-2009, the NAC-S is expected to play the following critical roles:

Support the national response to HIV and AIDS including development and implementation of the Strategic Plan and Annual Work Plans;

Co-ordinate all HIV and AIDS activities at National, Provincial and District levels, and in the Public and Private Sectors and Civil Society;

Mobilise resources from various Co-operating Partners locally and internationally;

Manage strategic information on HIV and AIDS;

Build capacity, plan, track, monitor and evaluate the country's local responses on HIV and AIDS;

Facilitate the operations of all Theme Groups ("TGs") and the development of various technical documents such as guidelines and standards related to the issues around HIV and AIDS; and

NAC will submit a comprehensive Annual Work plan and Budget for the year drawn from the NAC Strategic Plan.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $100,000

Strengthening a multi-sectoral response and linkages with other health and development programs: NAC will conduct routine DATFs' technical advisory and monitoring visits to HIV/AIDS programmes and projects in the districts and undertake Continuous Organisation Capacity Assessment (OCA) and follow ups at district, province and national levels. In addition NAC will continue to spearhead the process for the preparation of the new National Strategic Framework for the period 2011 2015. The support will be used to continuously improve organizational and management capacity for a competent and efficient leadership and coordination of the multisectoral response as stated in the Annual Work plans and Budgets for the years 2007 to 2009

The process of preparation of Consolidated National Work planning will continue and NAC will continue to advocate for all partners to use the workplan in planning and focusing of activities.