Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2007 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 5074
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2009
Main Partner: John Snow, Inc
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $6,400,000

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $6,400,000


Activity Narrative:

This activity takes advantage of cross-program synergy by linking with the Partnership for Supply Chain

Management System (SCMS) activities in ARV Drugs, Counseling & Testing and Adult Care & Support, the

President's Malaria Initiative, USAID Population/ MCH funding, Government of the Republic of Zambia

(GRZ), Center for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ), Catholic Relief Services (CRS)/AIDS

Relief, Churches Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ), University Teaching Hospital (UTH), Zambia

Prevention, Care and Treatment Partnership (ZPCT), Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

(GFATM), UNITAID, and the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative (CF).

The purpose of this activity is to expand assistance for ensuring that ARV drugs, HIV tests, sexually

transmitted infection (STI) drugs, and opportunistic infection (OI) drugs procured by the US Government

(USG), GFATM, and other partners are in sufficient supply and provided to Zambians at service delivery

sites through efficient and accountable logistics supply chain systems. This activity was preceded by

several key initiatives in FY 2005 and 2006 conducted by the JSI/DELIVER project, and by the USAID |

DELIVER PROJECT in FY 2007 and 2008. Their scope of work was to 1) implement the revised ARV drug

logistics supply chain nationwide and to coordinate and centralize the management of ARV drugs; 2)

implement the revised HIV test kit logistics supply chain nationwide and to coordinate and centralize the

management of HIV tests; and 3) design and pilot test a revised essential drugs (ED) logistics supply chain

nationwide in order to coordinate and centralize the management of key OI/STI drugs, antimalarials and


Examples of previous activities include: centralizing the management of ARV and HIV test procurement

information and planning; providing technical assistance to GFATM Principal Recipients in the development

of ARV drug Procurement and Supply Management Plans (PSM); beginning facility-level computerization of

the ARV and HIV test reporting and ordering process; and training more than 3,900 warehouse staff,

pharmacists, laboratory staff and other key personnel in the management of the ARV, HIV tests and ED

logistics systems.

With FY 2009 funding, the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT will expand efforts to strengthen the effectiveness,

efficiency, and sustainability of the national ARV, HIV tests and essential drug logistics systems. Activities

will include:

1. Supporting the MOH in coordinating ARV drug, HIV test, and OI drug forecasting and procurement

planning capacity at the central level.

2. Supporting the complete transfer of the MOH Logistics Management Unit's (LMU) logistics

responsibilities to Medical Stores Limited (MSL).

3. Quantifying required ARV drugs, HIV tests, and OI drugs consistent with resources and policies for

rapidly scaling-up antiretroviral therapy (ART) programs.

4. Reinforcing the standardization of ARV drug and HIV test kit inventory control procedures at central,

district, and service delivery sites, including the documentation and dissemination of logistics policies and


5. Institutionalizing pre-service logistics management training within the appropriate schools of pharmacy,

schools of nursing and medical schools in Zambia.

6. Evaluating the piloted models for the national ED/malaria/FP logistics system.

7. Implementing standardized ED/malaria/FP inventory control procedures at central, district, and service

delivery sites, including the documentation and dissemination of logistics policies and procedures, based on

the results of the year-long ED pilot.

8. Continuing installation of the software tool at ART and CT sites to collect and use for ordering ARV drugs

and HIV tests; significantly reducing the time and effort required for ordering and reporting.

9. Improving ARV drug, HIV test and ED logistics decision-making processes at the central level through

use of aggregated data from health facilities as provided through the national logistics management

information systems (LMIS).

10. Significantly increasing the frequency of monitoring and evaluation of the ARV drug, HIV test kit, and ED

supply chains, and making improvements as needed, taking full advantage of the recently established

seven provincial offices; and,

11. Collaborating with the SCMS project and other partners and stakeholders to address the broader area

of HIV/AIDS commodity security.

To complete these activities, the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, in collaboration with MOH, MSL, and other

partners, will train up to 1,500 additional key personnel (e.g., doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and laboratory

personnel from the MOH and non-governmental organizations) in both the manual and automated ARV

drug, HIV test kit, and ED logistics management systems. Moreover, at the central level, the USAID |

DELIVER PROJECT will coordinate multi-year national ARV drug, HIV test kit and key ED forecasts and

procurement plans with all key partners, including GRZ and donors. The USAID | DELIVER PROJECT will

also be an active member on appropriate national technical working groups, such as voluntary counseling

and testing (VCT), Home-Based Care; Treatment, Care, and Support; and ART Implementation working

groups. Finally, the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT will provide direct support to the GFATM Principal

Recipients through participation in the Zambia GFATM Steering Committee and provision of assistance in

developing proposals and Procurement and Supplies Management Plans for GFATM/Geneva.

Through the continuing development of the national ARV drug, HIV test kit and ED logistics systems, and

skills transfer to MOH and non-governmental staff, it is anticipated that these activities will contribute

significantly to the MOH's capacity to efficiently manage the national response to HIV/AIDS.

All FY 2009 targets will be reached by September 30, 2010.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16544

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16544 16544.08 U.S. Agency for John Snow, Inc. 6822 5074.08 DELIVER II $1,600,000



Emphasis Areas

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Family Planning

* Malaria (PMI)

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $2,000,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.18:

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $2,000,000
Human Resources for Health $2,000,000