PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
Years of mechanism: 2008 2009
The Project Concern International (PCI) Track 1.0 Better Education and Life Opportunities for Vulnerable
Children through Networking and Organizational Growth (BELONG) project began in April 2005. Its goal is
to increase the number of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) accessing quality services through
sustainable, community-based programs that effectively reduce their vulnerability. In FY 2006, BELONG
reached 63,124 OVC and trained 153 caregivers. In FY 2007 (October 2006 to March 2007), BELONG
reached 46,297 OVC (4,661 with primary direct services and 41,636 with supplemental support) and trained
350 caregivers. In FY 2008, BELONG will reach 66,546 OVC, will train 9,000 caregivers, and will
strengthen 258 community schools and community based organizations in providing OVC care and support.
Five thousand caregivers will be reached with economic strengthening initiatives and are included in the
targets above.
BELONG is an active member of the USG/Zambia OVC Forum and will seek to collaborate and link with
other OVC efforts such as the RAPIDS project, other Track 1.0 OVC projects operating in Zambia, and
other donor supported and GRZ efforts. Partners implementing the BELONG project in Zambia include PCI
as the prime agency, Pact Inc., Bwafwano, a pioneer of community-based care and OVC support, Zambia
Open Community Schools (ZOCS), a local NGO supporting OVC in community schools, and other
community-based organizations.
In FY 2008, BELONG will increase the availability of critical OVC support services, including quality formal
or informal education, literacy, and numeracy training, life skills education, medical care, nutritional support,
and psychosocial support. Channels for reaching OVC include expanded collaboration with PCI's major
local partner, Bwafwano, which will involve increasing Bwafwano's capacity to reach OVC through their
home-based care program. Bwafwano will continue to work through the 37 established OVC committees
and community leaders where it has an established presence in Lusaka and Central Provinces, and expand
into new areas in rural Lusaka, Buccaneer and Ngwerere. Training will be provided to 50 volunteer
caregivers in these new catchment areas to strengthen their capacity to provide care and support for OVC
in a community setting.
BELONG will conduct community sensitization activities to raise awareness on the role of OVC committees
and to address issues affecting OVC, including stigma and discrimination. BELONG and its partners will
bring essential support services to school children in approximately 250 community schools in Lusaka,
Western, and Southern Provinces, where it is expected to reach a total of 63,047 OVC, in addition to those
reached by Bwafwano. These services will include access to education, nutritional support, HIV/AIDS and
life skills education, psycho-social support, and other services in these schools. BELONG will support
HIV/AIDS prevention through behavior change communication for children in target community schools.
Caregivers at these schools will also be trained in psychosocial support, food and hygiene education, first
aid, income generation, and school management.
PCI will continue to identify new children through the home-based care platform using the OVC community
committee members, home-based care or OVC caregivers and self referrals to home-based care
community centers and community schools. PCI will develop and strengthen referral linkages between
community schools and DHMT clinics in their geographical areas and home-based care organizations so
that children are able to access Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) services, Antiretroviral Therapy
(ART) services and other health services. Through partnership with home based-care organizations in the
surrounding communities, PCI will encourage referral of children to palliative care services and ART
adherence support services.
PCI will continue to promote child/youth participation in decision making, monitoring and evaluation. In FY
2008, children will be represented in the provincial community schools committees (PCSC) and will
continuously participate in making key decisions on the management of community schools. PCI will
promote quarterly school competitions where children will be encouraged to express themselves through
poetry, drama and debate to encourage them to bring out issues affecting them, such as HIV/AIDS, VCT,
ART access, puberty challenges, stigma and discrimination.
PCI will sensitize the PCSCs and communities, with which it collaborates for school-aged OVC, about the
needs of infants and young children. PCI will help the community recognize its positive practices as well as
needs of the under-five children that are not being adequately met. PCI will support PCSCs to provide a
loving and trusting environment, an opportunity to play and socialize with other children, to express feelings
and ideas, and to learn positive cultural practices.
PCI will support community schools to include promotion of under-5 healthy habits such as nutrition
education (breastfeeding, weaning); water purification and basic hygiene; promotion of immunizations;
promotion micro-nutrients supplementation and de-worming medications; provision of bed-nets and
education on proper usage; education on the identification of childhood illness and where to seek
assistance; education on HIV/AIDS, prevention/ABC, VCT, PMTCT, treatment/ART, and stigma-reduction
activities. BELONG will use a wraparound approach to leverage nutritional supplements from PCI's Food
For Education (FFE) Program that will be implemented in collaboration Land O'Lakes and other key
stakeholders amounting to $100,000.
BELONG will strengthen the capacity of households providing care for OVC, especially women and older
OVC household heads, to support themselves and their children through economic empowerment
initiatives. This component will increase economic empowerment of participating households by adapting
the WORTH model in partnership with Pact. The model will be used in mobilizing and forming successful
women's groups that generate income based on the principles of self-help and empowerment. Through
WORTH, OVC caregivers will be provided with access to literacy training, savings-led micro-finance and the
development of micro-enterprises. A range of learning materials that guide the groups in business
management, savings-led credit systems and literacy skills have been adapted and translated into the local
language, Nyanja, and have been provided to all members. To date, 5,000 women have been enrolled, and
seven community-based organizations are working with PCI to support this program component, with
technical assistance from Pact. From July 2006 to August 2007, over 200 groups have been formed; total
group savings as at August 24, 2007 were K119, 863,000.00 (almost $30,000); literacy levels have
improved among the rural women; over 2,000 women have their own micro businesses, and 11,550 OVC
are benefiting indirectly through the Worth model.
Activity Narrative: BELONG will continue to build the capacity of a network of local non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
community based organizations (CBOs), and faith based organizations (FBOs) to provide quality services to
OVC. BELONG will work with Bwafwano as a primary partner to implement the detailed organizational
capacity assessment plan that was developed in FY 2007 and which will be implemented in part through the
"Centers of Learning" component and in part via other mechanisms of training, mentoring, on-the-job
training, and technical support; including support to Bwafwano to mentor other identified local organizations
that have been selected for participation in the BELONG network.
BELONG will work with select local organizations and increase their capacity to serve as "Centers of
Learning" in order to facilitate rapid scale-up of services. This component forms a major part of the
BELONG project's strategy for sustainability. The project will work to strengthen Bwafwano and other
"Centers of Learning" to serve in this network of learning, improving their abilities to assess and respond to
capacity building needs. These centers will provide mentoring and coaching in their designated network to
improve the quality of OVC care. BELONG will document lessons learned and successful methodologies
for serving vulnerable children and their caretakers. Building on the monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
system currently in use, BELONG will further strengthen its M&E system to track output and outcome
indicators and also to ensure that duplication and double counting are eliminated. BELONG will build the
M&E capacity of their local partners. BELONG will expand to new districts and identify new partners to
facilitate increased numbers of OVC have access to services, ensuring that end line targets are met.
BELONG's sustainability strategy includes, an emphasis on working together with and strengthening the
capacity of local organizations through technical and organizational support, joint capacity assessment and
planning to address areas of technical and management needs (including strategic planning, financial
management, and resource mobilization), and networking (linking less well-developed organizations with
each other and with more established organizations for mentoring through the centers of learning and with
sources of technical support in government and the NGO community). BELONG's close collaboration with
the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Community Development and Social Sciences, Zambia Open
Community Schools and its ongoing advocacy efforts to improve government support for quality education
targeted at the most vulnerable children at community schools will also help schools sustain their support to
OVC. All FY 2008 targets will be reached by September 30, 2009.