Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Details for Mechanism ID: 13779
Country/Region: Vietnam
Year: 2013
Main Partner: World Health Organization
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Multi-lateral Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $130,000

The Supranational Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory (SNRL) in Adelaide, Australia is the World Health Organization (WHO) designated regional reference laboratory. Their goal is to provide technical assistance to several Western Pacific developing countries, including Vietnam. This activity is referenced in the Partnership Framework Implementation Plan (Goal #2: Supporting the provision of sustainable HIV/AIDS Services through strengthening systems for peoples health and welfare, Objective 2.1 c: Improve Laboratory Systems through improved strategic planning, systems management, coordination, training and accreditation). The coverage for this activity is national and includes regional TB laboratories. By funding this institution, PEPFAR is tapping into an existing (WHO supported) mechanism and leveraging existing infrastructure and expertise. Once Vietnams TB laboratory infrastructure has been updated and is operating at a higher capacity there will be need for such intense support from SNRL experts. Monitoring and evaluation of the SNRL technical assistance will be supported by the WHO-VN staff.

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $57,000

As a World Health Organization designated regional reference laboratory, the Supranational Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory (SNRL) in Adelaide, Australia provides technical assistance to several Western Pacific developing countries, including Vietnam. Support includes technical assistance (TA) for improved diagnostic capacity, improved biosafety, introduction of new testing technologies and surveillance for measuring incidence of drug resistant M. tuberculosis. Since 2007, support has been provided during brief yearly TA/supervision visits from SNRL Adelaide to Vietnams National TB Reference Laboratory (NTRL) and several provincial TB labs. In the past, TA visits were brief and occurred only once a year, PEPFAR funds have allowed an increase in the frequency and duration. Past and, if approved, future funding allowed for the provision of TA in the following technical areas: EQA for microscopy (Ziehl-Nehlsen and Fluorescent), improvements in biosafety (in line with WHO recommendations) at all tiers of the TB laboratory system, creation/delivery of bio-safety training for TB culture laboratories, proficiency testing initiative at HCMC and Hanoi laboratories, and introduction of LPA (at proposed GeneXpert sites).The PEPFAR laboratory team feels strongly that funding the SNRL strengthens an existing, sustainable relationship and will allow SNRL to create improvements more rapidly to the higher level TB labs in Vietnam.

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $73,000

In COP12, PEPFAR supported Vietnam Ministry of Health to implement and conduct a study of a pilot on Treatment as Prevention (TasP) among HIV sero-discordant couples in Dien Bien and Can Tho provinces. This study aims to assess operational feasibility of offering couple HIV testing and counseling (CHTC) and providing ART for prevention and treatment in sero-discordant couples in Viet Nams program, in order to inform future potential expansion of HIV treatment as prevention interventions. Training on CHTC and study protocol for healthcare providers and program managers were conducted, followed by on-site technical support from study team, including Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (VAAC), World Health Organization (WHO), US Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) and Family Health International 360 (FHI360) experts. CHTC and ARV Treatment services are provided to clients that are in line with national guidelines and study protocol, with regular technical support from central and local study teams to ensure quality of services and study implementation. This funding mechanism in COP13 supports WHO experts in coordination an provision of on-going technical assistance to the implementation of the pilot, refresher training and operational elements of the study including training, supervision, data management and data analysis. The support also covers technical assistance from WHO experts in development and implementation of national guidelines on TasP if the decision of expansion of TasP initiative nationwide is being made after completion of the TasP pilot.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism