Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 3109
Country/Region: Vietnam
Year: 2009
Main Partner: U.S. Department of Defense
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: USDOD
Total Funding: $72,144

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

The funding for this activity of $3,900 will be taken from COP 2008 carryover funding.


PEPFAR will support the Harvard Medical School AIDS Initiative in Vietnam (HAIVN) to work with the

Vietnam Ministry of Defense (MOD) in the training of military physicians and nurses employed by Vietnam's

Ministry of Defense (MOD) to provide Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) care. In FY07

this activity was implemented by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) supported by the University of

Hawaii (UH). Because many of the trainings and workshops were held in Thailand and Hawaii, this

approach was costly and considered unsustainable, as technical advisors and military health professionals

often had to travel overseas. In addition MOD physicians and nurses also received little information about

local PMTCT guidelines and Vietnam's existing civilian services and referral networks. This activity with UH

as the implementing partner was yellow-lighted by OGAC. In order to address these issues, in FY09, the in-

country PEPFAR team determined that the CDC-supported HAIVN is the most appropriate partner to

ensure that MOD's physicians and nurses will receive the technical assistance needed to effectively

address PMTCT issues in the military community. Where military facilities lack HIV-related services, MOD

physicians will be encouraged to refer patients to civilian sites that already offer services, including delivery

and provision of infant formula.

The DOD in-country staff will actively participate in the PEPFAR care and treatment technical working group

to ensure close interagency coordination and oversight for this activity. In addition, in-country DOD staff will

work closely with the CDC-funded HAIVN to assure that they reach intended clinicians and care centers.


ACTIVITY 1 (Funding $3,900) DOD person will participate in PEPFAR care and treatment technical working

group as

well as provide support and oversight to both MOD and the implementing partner. Funding in this activity is

provided to support personnel compensation, benefits and technical travel costs for the following positions

in this program area: DOD Care and Treatment Program Officer (Hanoi) - 10

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15399

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15399 9726.08 Department of US Department of 7130 3109.08 Center of $80,000

Defense Defence/Pacific Excellence


Table 3.3.01:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

This activity will utilize $120,800 of COP 2008 Yellow Lighted funds under COP 2009

The new recruit population within MOD has been targeted with abstinence (AB) and other prevention (OP)

activities as they are considered to be at risk due to their younger age, time spent living in remote areas,

and tendency towards risk taking behavior. However, little data collection has taken place along side AB/OP

programming that would allow one to qualify: the level of risk this population has, how effective the

prevention programs targeting this population have been/are, or how to direct future programming in a

strategic manner. Therefore this narrative is requesting the funds necessary to complete a nationally

representative sero-behavioral survey within the new recruit population in order to collect sexual risk and

drug use data.

The Bangkok-based Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences (AFRIMS), a special medical

detachment of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), will provide technical assistance with

the execution and implementation of a the Ministry of Defense's bio-behavioral survey. AFRIMS/WRAIR has

extensive experience in conducting surveys in collaboration with the Royal Thai Army as well as other

militaries. The surveys conducted in Thailand have been a key surveillance indicator to inform HIV/AIDS

public health policy.


DOD will procure the necessary commodities (reagents, disposables, etc.) for implementation of the sero-

behavioral survey.

PERSONNEL: $33,300

Funding in this activity is provided to support personnel compensation, benefits and technical travel costs

for the following positions in this program area:

- DOD Prevention Program Officer (Hanoi) - 90%.

This individual will be actively involved in the prevention TWG and will be instrumental in coordinating

efforts between MOD, the in-country DOD team, and AFRIMS.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15402

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15402 10043.08 Department of US Department of 7130 3109.08 Center of $230,000

Defense Defence/Pacific Excellence


10043 10043.07 Department of US Department of 5202 3109.07 PACOM/Center $50,000

Defense Defence/Pacific of Excellence


Emphasis Areas

Military Populations

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.03:

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL): $0

This activity will utilize $500,000 of COP 2008 Yellow Lighted funds under COP 2009

The objectives of PEPFAR Vietnam and Vietnam Ministry of Defense (MOD) blood safety program are: to

establish standards for HIV blood safety within the MOD healthcare system; to promote a robust, voluntary

blood donor program; to support establishment of sustainable high quality blood safety programs; to

strengthen linkages between the military and civilian sectors; and to establish policies and procedures for

appropriate HIV counseling, testing, and referral for persons who test positive within blood safety centers.

By the end of FY09 the DOD Vietnam PEPFAR program will support five blood safety laboratories with the

capacity to carry out HIV screening. These five sites are: Hospital 103 in Ha Noi City, Hospital 175 in

HCMC, Hospital 121 in Can Tho City, Hospital 17 in Da Nang City, and Hospital 87 in Nha Trang City.

These five blood safety centers support a safe blood supply for the hospitals in which they are embedded,

as well as neighboring military and civilian hospitals (presuming adequate supply). In addition, four of these

laboratories (the exception being Hospital 87 in Nha Trang City), will each support one co-located Provider

Initiated Testing and Counseling (PITC) center.

Due to a lack of resources at the Ministry of Defense (MOD), and limited funding support in this area by

other donors, MOD requires continued PEPFAR support for blood safety activities. Priority areas include

equipment maintenance, and equipment purchase for upgrading blood safety capacity, continued quality

management and technical assistance for HIV diagnosis, and the establishment/maintenance of referral

procedures for HIV positive individuals. The Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences

(AFRIMS) and the US Army Blood Program through Pacific Command (PACOM) will provide technical

assistance to the MOD's blood safety program.

It is important to note that although military health care facilities are mandated to care for military personnel

and family members, approximately 90% of clients are civilians.

DOD in country staff will actively participate in the PEPFAR laboratory technical working group to ensure

close interagency coordination and oversight for this activity.


PEPFAR will sub contract a local technical agent to provide scheduled maintenance services for all existing

blood safety centers and HIV referral laboratories.


PEPFAR will procure necessary equipment to increase the capacity of blood safety programs in five

established sites, in adherence with updated national blood safety regulations.


PEPFAR will carry out refresher training at MOD sites as needed using DOD/PACOM/AFRIMS developed

training packages that utilize both international and national guidelines.

Number of service outlets carrying out blood safety activities: 5

Number of individuals trained in blood safety: 60

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15401

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15401 5539.08 Department of US Department of 7130 3109.08 Center of $600,000

Defense Defence/Pacific Excellence


9496 5539.07 Department of US Department of 5202 3109.07 PACOM/Center $425,000

Defense Defence/Pacific of Excellence


5539 5539.06 Department of Armed Forces 3112 3112.06 $288,084

Defense Research Institute

of Medical


Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $75,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Program Budget Code: 05 - HMIN Biomedical Prevention: Injection Safety

Total Planned Funding for Program Budget Code: $140,639

Total Planned Funding for Program Budget Code: $0

Table 3.3.05:

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Injection Safety (HMIN): $0

This activity will utilize $139,250 of COP 2008 Yellow Lighted funds under COP 2009

By the end of COP 2008 funding, the Vietnam PEPFAR program will be supporting four referral

laboratories, five blood safety laboratories, and four out-patient/in-patient centers embedded within military

infectious disease departments. The four referral laboratories are: the Military Institute for Hygiene and

Epidemiology (MIHE) based in Hanoi, the Southern Preventative Medicine Center (SPMC) based in HCMC,

Hospital 121 in Can Tho, and Hospital 17 in Da Nang. The five blood safety laboratories are: Hospital 103 in

Hanoi, Hospital 175 in HCMC, Hospital 121 in Can Tho, Hospital 17 in Da Nang, and Hospital 87 in Nha

Trang. The four out-patient/in-patient centers embedded within military infectious disease departments are

as follows: Hospital 103 in Hanoi, Hospital 175 in HCMC, Hospital 121 in Can Tho, and Hospital 17 in Da


Through FY09, the PEPFAR supported MOD sites (above), request the funds necessary to participate in

and coordinate efforts with civilian PEPFAR partners who have been active in establishing an injection

safety program at MOH sites. The injection safety program has been developed through collaboration

efforts between World Health Organization (WHO), Vietnamese Nurses Association (VNA), and PACT, with

financial support under PEPFAR in FY07 and FY08. A national curriculum has been completed, and civilian

PEPFAR partners are focusing program efforts in three areas: utilizing the national training curriculum on

injection safety to create a TOT workforce, designing and distributing supporting written material, and the

provision of sharps containers.

TRAINING: $ 59,882

PEPFAR will support the attendance of a minimum of two MOD health care workers per infectious disease

department/laboratory, to attend a TOT civilian injection safety training workshop. Moreover, these funds

will support the dissemination injection safety knowledge (i.e. through written material distribution) to

participant coworkers, ensuring that injection safety principles in the workplace are implemented.

Number of individuals trained in medical injection safety: 26


The second activity will support the procurement of sharps containers for the military site outlined above as

well as approximately 100 civilian sites.

PERSONNEL: $ 34,368

The third activity will support personnel compensation, benefits, and technical travel costs for the following

position in this program area:

- DOD Technical Advisor/Program Manager (HCMC) - 25%. The DOD technical Advisor/Program Manager

will provide oversight to the injection safety program ensuring workplace implementation, and actively

participate in the prevention technical working group.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $59,882

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Program Budget Code: 06 - IDUP Biomedical Prevention: Injecting and non-Injecting Drug Use

Total Planned Funding for Program Budget Code: $9,575,211

Total Planned Funding for Program Budget Code: $0

Table 3.3.06:

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0


The funding for this activity of $64,168 will be taken from COP 08 yellow lighted budget of DOD program

In FY07, PEPFAR Vietnam program supported a program to train military physicians employed by

Vietnam's Ministry of Defense (MOD) to provide palliative care. The implementing partner for the program

was the University of Hawaii (UH). Because many of the trainings and workshops were held in Thailand and

Hawaii, this approach was costly and considered unsustainable, as technical advisors and military health

professionals often had to travel overseas. MOD physicians also received little information about local

palliative care guidelines and Vietnam's existing civilian services and referral networks. This activity using

UH as the implementing partner was yellow-lighted by OGAC. In order to address these problematic issues,

in FY09, PEPFAR plans to place this activity under TBD. The implementing partner will ensure that MOD's

physicians and nurses will receive the technical assistance (TA) and support they need in Vietnamese and

in a cost-effective manner. And where military facilities lack HIV-related services, MOD physicians will be

encouraged to refer patients to civilian sites that already offer services, such as home-based care.

The implementing partner will encourage Vietnam's MOD to utilize established treatment and administrative

protocols that mirror those implemented in civilian sites. For example, the U.S. Department of Defense has

standardized commodity procurement through the Supply Chain Management System (SCMS). In this

activity, SCMS will be responsible for procuring antiretroviral drugs, opportunistic infection medicines and

CD4 reagents. PEPFAR will be responsible for all other procurement of commodities associated with the

palliative care program. With the implementing partners' involvement, MOD will receive further training

related to treatment and administrative protocols in areas such as dispensing ARV drugs, adherence

counseling, management of adverse reactions, and managing and reporting requirements.

The PEPFAR in-country staff will actively participate in the PEPFAR care and treatment technical working

group to ensure close interagency coordination and oversight for this activity. In addition, in-country

PEPFAR staff will work closely with the Harvard Medical School AIDS Initiative in Vietnam (HAIVN) to

assure that they reach intended clinicians and care centers.


ACTIVITY #1 Funding $34,168 Funding in this activity is provided to support personnel compensation,

benefits and technical travel costs for the following positions in this program area:

- DoD Technical Advisor/Deputy Program Manager (HCMC) - 25%. This individual will be instrumental to

coordinating the palliative care effort between MoD, PEPFAR, and the implementing partner. This individual

will also be an active member on the care and treatment TWG.

ACTIVITY #2 Funding $30,000 Funding in this will support the purchase of commodities (reagents,

consumables, etc.) needed for the palliative care program.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.08:

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $59,250


In 2009, Harvard Medical School AIDS Initiative (HAIV) will partner with the PEPFAR and the Vietnam

Ministry of Defense (MOD) to support ART services at four established outpatient clinics (OPC's) located

within the infectious disease departments of military hospitals in Hanoi, HCMC, Da Nang and Can Tho.

Similar to the activities taking place at civilian sites, HAIVN will: support training and clinical mentoring

activities in order to build capacity and a sustainable TOT workforce; ensure that MOD sites follow MOH

treatment guidelines; and help MOD sites link to civilian resources. It is important to note that although

military health care facilities are mandated to care for military personnel and family members, approximately

80 per cent of the clients who access services are civilians.

PEPFAR has standardized commodity procurement through the Supply Chain Management System

(SCMS). In this activity, SCMS will be responsible for procuring antiretroviral drugs, opportunistic infection

medicines and CD4 reagents. PEPFAR will procure all other commodities for the ART program.

The DOD in-country staff will actively participate in the PEPFAR care and treatment technical working group

to ensure close interagency coordination and oversight for this activity. In addition, in-country DOD staff will

work closely with the CDC-funded HAIVN to assure that they reach intended clinicians and care centers.


ACTIVITY #1 (Funding $29,250) Funding in this activity is provided to support personnel compensation,

benefits and technical travel costs for the following positions in this program area:

- DOD Care and Treatment Program Officer (Hanoi) - 75%.

This individual will be instrumental in coordinating efforts between MOD, DOD, CDC, and the implementing


Moreover the individual will actively participate in the PEPFAR care and treatment TWG.

ACTIVITY #2 (Funding $30,000) Funding in this activity will support the purchase of commodities (reagents,

consumables, etc.) needed for the ART program.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15405

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15405 10233.08 Department of US Department of 7130 3109.08 Center of $340,000

Defense Defence/Pacific Excellence


10233 10233.07 Department of US Department of 5202 3109.07 PACOM/Center $39,000

Defense Defence/Pacific of Excellence


Emphasis Areas

Military Populations

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.09:

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $0

The funding for this activity of $34,168 will be taken from COP 08 yellow lighted budget of DOD program


PEPFAR will support the Harvard Medical School AIDS Initiative in Vietnam (HAIVN) to work with the

Vietnam Ministry of Defense (MOD) in the training of military physicians and nurses to provide TB/HIV care.

In FY07 this activity was implemented by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) supported University of

Hawaii (UH). Because many of the trainings and workshops were held in Thailand and Hawaii, this

approach was costly and considered unsustainable, as technical advisors and military health professionals

often had to travel overseas. In addition, MOD physicians and nurses received little information about local

TB/HIV guidelines and Vietnam's existing civilian services and referral networks. This activity with UH as the

implementing partner was yellow-lighted by OGAC. In order to address these problematic issues, in FY09,

the in-country PEPFAR team determined that the CDC-supported HAIVN is the most appropriate partner to

ensure that MOD's physicians and nurses will receive the technical assistance and support needed to

effectively address TB/HIV issues in the military community. Where military facilities lack HIV-related

services, MOD physicians will be encouraged to refer patients to civilian sites that already offer services.

The DOD in-country staff will actively participate in the PEPFAR care and treatment technical working group

to ensure close interagency coordination and oversight for this activity. In addition, in-country DOD staff will

work closely with the CDC-funded HAIVN to assure that they reach intended clinicians and care centers.


ACTIVITY 1 ($34,168) Funding in this activity is provided to support personnel compensation, benefits and

technical travel costs for the following positions in this program area:

- DOD Technical Advisor/Program Manager (HCMC) - 25%. This individual will ensure collaboration takes

place between the DOD team, MOD, Care and Treatment TWG, and the implementing partner.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16254

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16254 16254.08 Department of US Department of 7130 3109.08 Center of $30,000

Defense Defence/Pacific Excellence


Emphasis Areas

Military Populations

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.12:

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $0

This activity will utilize $44,100 of FY 2008 Yellow Lighted Funds in FY 2009.

By the end of FY08, the U.S. Department of Defense's (DOD) Vietnam PEPFAR program will support four

provider-initiated testing and counseling (PITC) clinics co-located military blood safety centers and three

HIV counseling and testing (CT) centers co-located in three military preventive medicine centers.

By the end of FY09, DOD PEPFAR will strengthen these seven PITC/CT clinics with the capacity to carry

out counseling and testing. These seven sites are: Hospital No. 103 in Hanoi, Hospital No. 175 in HCMC,

Hospital No. 121 in Can Tho City, Hospital No. 17 in Da Nang City, the Southern Military Preventive

Medicine Center (SPMC) in HCMC, the Military Region 9 Preventive Medicine Center (MR9 PMC) in Can

Tho, and the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (MIHE) in Hanoi.

The DOD in-country staff will actively participate in the PEPFAR prevention technical working group to

ensure close interagency coordination and oversight for this activity.

It is important to note that although military health care facilities are mandated to care for military personnel

and family members, approximately 80% of the clients are civilian.



DOD will purchase commodities (reagent, consumables, etc.) needed for the CT program.


Funding in this activity is provided to support personnel compensation, benefits, and technical travel costs

for the

following positions in this program area:

- DOD Care and Treatment Program Officer (Hanoi) - 5%. This individual will provide oversight to the


New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.14:

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $450

This activity represents a portion of funding allocated to this program area for ICASS and the OBO Tax

(Capital Security Cost Sharing), which is charged to this agency on an annual basis. This value was

calculated based on total staff effort dedicated to this budget code. The percentage of total staff effort for

this budget code was multiplied by the total expected 2009 fees for this service as a cost of doing business.

Note that the OBO Tax ($450) will be paid with 2008 carryover funds.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15404

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15404 9517.08 Department of US Department of 7130 3109.08 Center of $45,000

Defense Defence/Pacific Excellence


9517 9517.07 Department of US Department of 5202 3109.07 PACOM/Center $287,000

Defense Defence/Pacific of Excellence


Emphasis Areas

Military Populations

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.14:

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $0

HLAB Activities paid w/ 2008 carryover activities

Funding in this activity is provided to support personnel compensation, benefits and technical travel costs

for the following positions in this program area:

- DOD Program Assistant (Hanoi) - 10%

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.16:

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $0

This is a new activity in COP09.

The Strategic Information technical working group (SI TWG) has prioritized the need for attaining better

information and the creating a culture of data use in Country Operational Plan (COP) 2009. To date the

DoD Vietnam PEPFAR program, like other agencies, has focused its efforts and funding primarily on care,

treatment, and prevention services and not invested in SI activities. The SI TWG is just beginning to staff

sufficiently to provide some support to the DoD SI needs. However, as the DoD program has expanded, the

need for constant SI support has become apparent. Therefore, this activity will support the hiring of one

dedicated LES Sr. SI Advisor/Program Officer dedicated to DoD/Ministry of Defense (MoD) activities.

This new hire will support the DoD program by serving as the primary liaison between the DoD Program

and the SI TWG. In this role, the individual will be both familiar with PEPFAR program activities as well as

the related PEPFAR SI technical needs, resources, strategies, and priorities. More specifically, this role will

prioritize SI resources and activities for the benefit of the DoD program while integrating with the SI TWG to

ensure full access to the range of SI activities and resources. One example of such support includes the

conducting of an integrated biological and behavioral surveillance activity among military recruits. This

activity will require a close collaboration across program areas and agencies and will be critical to better

understand the role of this population in the HIV epidemic in Vietnam.

The provision of training, technical assistance (TA), and oversight of MoD staff at OPC/VCT/PMTCT/PE

sites will be addressed through this position. The aim being to ensure: that MoD sites comply with

standardized national monitoring and reporting requirements, while congruently following MoD's policies

and procedures surrounding the collection and dissemination of data; that each site has access to the

infrastructure needed in order to carry out monitoring and reporting requirements; and to encourage MoD to

develop SI human capacity and the creation of a "culture of data use" within MoD, which places value on

data as a basis for program evaluation and program planning/improvement; and lastly that MoD staff are

linked to other PEPFAR agencies/partners/SI workshops/TWG's. By being an active member of the SI

TWG, this position will also help PEPFAR Vietnam to better integrate TA and training across agencies for

maximum benefit and efficiencies.

Hire one DoD SI staff: $33,300

This first activity will support one locally engaged staff (LES) hire as the Sr. SI Advisor, Program Officer.

Funds will support: personnel compensation, benefits and technical travel costs for this program area - DoD

SI Program Officer 90 %.

This DoD staff, as part of the interagency PEPFAR SI team, will provide training, technical assistance (TA),

and program oversight to the MoD at: four out/in patient clinics (Military Hospitals' 103,175, 121, and 17);

seven VCT/PITC centers (Military Hospital 103, 175, 121, 17, Southern Preventative Medicine Center,

Military Institute for Hygiene and Epidemiology, and Military Region 9); and Peer Education sites targeting

new recruits as needed.

Support for equipment for one SI Staff: $10,000

This second activity will support the procurement of equipment necessary to carry out SI tasks.

Support of participation in cross-agency SI activities: $15,500

This third activity will support any unexpected costs that the position may incur due to cross-cutting

programmatic responsibilities including travel and TA costs. This is especially a concern with the sero-

behavioral survey activity (i.e. travel costs).

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Emphasis Areas

Military Populations

Workplace Programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.17:

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $0


This activity will be supported with 2008 carryover funding.

In FY09 activities will support ongoing communication and collaboration amongst MOD, and between MoD

and the international community.

Facilitating communication is a strategic way to engage a large number of MOD policy makers and high

ranking officials on topics such as: 1) HIV epidemiological data in Vietnam and the region; 2) risk behaviors

associated with HIV transmission; 3) stigma and discrimination and; 4) MOD implemented care, treatment,

and prevention strategies. Communication will be carried out through the workshop model. Speakers will be

chosen among MOD officers, DOD officers, and representatives from Vietnam's PEPFAR partner



ACTIVITY 1: ($80,000) - The first activity will support two workshops. One will be held in the north and one

will be held in the south of Vietnam. MoD will nominate key policy makers and high ranking officials to

attend. MOD and the in-country DOD team will collaboratively determine the workshops priorities topics,

and speakers.

ACTIVITY 2: ($20,000) - The second activity will support one appointed MOD representatives' attendance

at the PEPFAR Implementers Meeting and the Asia Pacific Military Medical Conference.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15406

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15406 5808.08 Department of US Department of 7130 3109.08 Center of $60,000

Defense Defence/Pacific Excellence


9545 5808.07 Department of US Department of 5202 3109.07 PACOM/Center $50,000

Defense Defence/Pacific of Excellence


5808 5808.06 Department of US Department of 3109 3109.06 $15,000

Defense Defence/Pacific


Emphasis Areas

Military Populations

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.18:

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $12,444

No new positions are proposed under HVMS this year.

The majority of the funding for this activity will be supported with 2008 carryover funding ($320,868). It is

provided to support DOD's personnel compensation, benefits and technical travel costs for the following

positions in this program area:

- DOD Program Director (Hanoi) - 100%

- DOD Care and Treatment Program Officer (Hanoi) - 10%

- DOD Program Assistant (Hanoi) - 90%

- DOD Technical Advisor/Program Manager (HCMC) - 25%

A small portion of 2009 funding ( $12,444) will be used to cover the costs of two staff retreats. This activity

will support costs associated with covering the per diem, travel and accommodation costs of staff in

attending the annual FY 2009 PEPFAR retreat. This activity will also support a DOD staff retreat in FY

2009. The goals and objectives for the DOD staff retreat are to:

- Discuss the roles and responsibilities of all team members across different locations (i.e. Hawaii, Hanoi,

and HCMC. It must be noted that half of the team by this time will be new to the DOD program).

- Discuss partner performance to date and how performance can be better supported

- Carry out team building exercises

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15409

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15409 10167.08 Department of US Department of 7130 3109.08 Center of $49,200

Defense Defence/Pacific Excellence


10167 10167.07 Department of US Department of 5202 3109.07 PACOM/Center $41,000

Defense Defence/Pacific of Excellence


Table 3.3.19:

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $134,882
Human Resources for Health $75,000
Human Resources for Health $59,882