Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 7769
Country/Region: Vietnam
Year: 2008
Main Partner: U.S. Agency for International Development
Main Partner Program: Regional Development Mission--Asia
Organizational Type: Own Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $150,000

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $150,000

This is a new activity in FY08.

The USAID Regional Development Mission-Asia (RDM/A) proposes to organize two workshops for 1)

sharing empirically-based lessons on monitoring & evaluation (M&E) of ART service delivery and 2)

reviewing and standardizing HIV/AIDS service delivery measures and coverage modules for most-at-risk

populations (MARPs) in Southeast Asia. RDM/A manages regional HIV/AIDS programs in close

coordination with bilateral programs in China, Laos, and Vietnam, and is therefore in a unique position to

assemble public health practitioners and program administrators from these and other Southeast Asian

countries with similar HIV epidemics to share knowledge and lessons learned from prevention and care and

treatment program M&E.

The ART M&E workshop will provide lessons learned from on-going cohort studies of patients enrolled in

ART programs for improved program design and measurement in the region. Many countries are rapidly

scaling up ART services and are establishing M&E systems for their programs in Southeast Asia. Vietnam,

Thailand and Cambodia are currently conducting cohort studies to provide empirically-based decisions for

improving program implementation of clinical, counseling, peer and community interventions. They are also

monitoring clinical outcomes, quality of life, adherence, and sexual behavior, among other measures. Other

countries in the region such as China, Indonesia and Laos could benefit greatly from the knowledge transfer

and experience-sharing from findings and best practices for ART service provisions and for monitoring

these services. This workshop will also encourage collaboration among USG partners (e.g., Population

Council, John Hopkins University, Measure Evaluation, Chiang Mai University,Family Health International,

etc.) engaging in ART M&E in the region. The workshop will be held in Bangkok, Thailand where RDM/A is

located, and a report of the proceedings with findings and best practices will be produced following the


The MARP coverage workshop is an opportunity for countries in the Southeast Asia region to share lessons

learned in measuring HIV/AIDS program service delivery among MARPs. Monitoring prevention service

coverage is essential for program planning and implementation. The USG-supported UNAIDS publication "A

Framework for Monitoring and Evaluating HIV Prevention Programmes for Most at Risk Populations"

provides recommendations and technical considerations for UNGASS and PEPFAR indicators for countries

with concentrated epidemics. Critically needed is technical development on how to best measure MARP-

related indicators, with an emphasis on distinguishing "any coverage" from "quality coverage" with respect

to the intensity and frequency of interventions. Data from surveillance and surveys of injecting drug users,

commercial sex workers and their clients, and men who have sex with men are often not comparable from

one data source to another or between countries. It is therefore timely to review and strive towards

harmonizing approaches that obtain accurate and quality program coverage information. The proposed

workshop will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, and organized in collaboration with UNAIDS Asia Pacific

Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group, which reviews and strives toward standardizing tools and best

practices for measuring exposure and coverage to interventions. A report of the proceedings with findings

and best practices will be produced following the meeting.