Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Details for Mechanism ID: 13317
Country/Region: Uganda
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Joint Clinical Research Center
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $2,808,580

The main goal of the Targeted HIV/AIDS Lab Services (THALAS) program is to increase access to, coverage of, and utilization of quality comprehensive HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis care and treatment services within regional referral hospitals (RRH) and selected district hospitals and their respective communities.The project will target 19 Strengthening Ugandas Systems for Treating AIDS Nationally (SUSTAIN) supported regional referral hospitals (RRH) and district laboratories through the Joint Clinical Research Center (JCRC) Kampala, and six Regional Centres of Excellence (RCEs) located in Kakira, Mbale, Gulu, Fort Portal, Kabale and Mbarara. THALAS will also directly provide comprehensive HIV/AIDS care and treatment services to an estimated 13,114 clients.. THALAS will ensure that these clients receive quality HIV/AIDS care and treatment, laboratory, prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV, and TB/HIV services.

THALAS will work closely with other partners and the Ministry of Health (MoH) as a way of building sustainability. Cost saving mechanisms like coordination with other implementing partners and supporting already existing national programs will be implemented to avoid duplication and wastage of resources and support. As a local organization, JCRC will work closely in partnership with THALAS to ensure increased allocation of local resources, and seek to mobilize resources from other donors and stakeholders.

Activities planned under this mechanism will be monitored for performance based on agreed indicators and targets and will be tracked in quarterly, bi-annual and annual progress reports.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $112,127

THALAS program will support the provision of care services to at least 13,114 HIV positive adults as a contribution to the overall PEPFAR target of 812,989 HIV positive individuals receiving a minimum of one clinical care service. This is a subset of the overall care target. The THALAS project will support provision of continuum of care services to all clients on pre-antiretroviral treatment (pre-ART) and ART care at the JCRC clinic in Kampala. THALAS will provide comprehensive care and support services in line with national guidelines and PEPFAR guidance including: strengthen positive health dignity and prevention (PHDP); strengthen linkages and referrals using linkage facilitators; implement quality improvement for adherence and retention; pain and symptom management. It is anticipated that clients will make a minimum of one clinic visit per quarter amounting to four visits in a year. Patients enrolled on pre-ART will receive routine clinical and laboratory monitoring to determine eligibly of treatment. Eligible patients will be enrolled into ART according to Ministry of health (MOH) guidelines.

THALAS will work closely with MOH Regional Referral Hospitals (RRH) supported by SUSTAIN and other implementing partners to ensure that clients in chronic care in the target health facilities receive a comprehensive package of services. This will include organizing and participation in coordinatio meetings and supporting and mentoring RRH and district hospitals in leadership and stewardship. THALAS will also continue to work with the National Medical Stores (NMS) to access supplies for patients at the JCRC Kampala clinic. The program will support the use of existing policy documents and guidelines and tools developed by the MOH and AIDS Control Program (ACP) particularly in the initiation of ART as well as recommended PMTCT regimens.

In collaboration with MOH and other programs at JCRC, THALAS will support pre-service and in-service/refresher training for clinic staff at the JCRC Kampala clinic on the comprehensive HIV care package, TB/HIV services, and integrated family planning services.

Programmatic monitoring and evaluation activities will be conducted by collecting data through national tools and periodic Data Quality Assessments. Data use at the facility level will be strengthened through supporting strategic information (SI) focused in-service training for health workers. Program evaluations and outcomes of interest will be supported to foster evidence-based decision-making and program improvement. Key areas of focus will be patient tracking, effective referrals and linkages across the Continuum of response (COR) while monitoring retention in care and loss to follow up.

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $97,947

THALAS will support provision of TB/HIV services for an estimated 13,114 pre-ART and ART patients that will be receiving care and treatment at JCRC Kampala clinic. THALAS will support the implementation of intensified case finding (ICF) through the use of the ICF tool to screen every patient at every clinic visit. In addition THALAS will ensure sputum microscopy for all suspected TB-infected patients. For patients diagnosed with TB, the project will support continuous follow-up and adherence monitoring until completion of treatment. Additional TB/HIV services will include TB infection control through interventions such as improved ventilation, triaging of patients and use of patient masks and respirators to protect health workers. TB/HIV patients will be enrolled on ART and TB treatment services as per the revised MOH ART guidelines. TB/HIV services will be integrated with other adult and pediatric care and treatment services.

THALAS will use the existing policy documents and standard MOH guidelines including the national TB/HIV guidelines as they deliver services. In addition, THALAS will support the use of MOH registers to record and report information on TB/HIV services and provide regular reports to the National TB and Leprosy Program (NTLP) per quarter. Drugs for treatment of TB and regents for sputum microscopy will be acquired from NTLP. In collaboration with SUSTAIN, NTLP, AIDS Control Program (ACP) and other programs at JCRC, THALAS will support in-service/refresher training for clinic staff at the JCRC Kampala clinic on TB/HIV services.

By the end of the reporting period the THALAS project expects that all the clients that will have visited the clinic will have been screened for TB; and all those diagnosed with TB will be started on treatment. Monitoring and evaluation activities will be conducted to strengthen data collection through national tools and to improve the technical quality of data through periodic Data Quality Assessments Data use at facility level will be strengthened through supporting SI focused in-service training for health workers. Program evaluations and outcomes of interest, will be supported to foster evidence-based decision-making and program improvement. Key areas of focus will be patient tracking, effective referrals and linkages across COR while monitoring retention in care and loss to follow up.

Funding for Care: Pediatric Care and Support (PDCS): $10,652

THALAS will target a minimum of 1,180 children with care and support services, contributing to the overall PEPFAR target of 73,169 HIV positive children receiving at least a minimum of one clinical care service. This is a subset of the umbrella care target. Services will include early infant diagnosis (EID), cotrimoxazole prophylaxis, screening for TB and treatment of opportunistic infections as well as laboratory services. It is envisaged that the children will make at least six clinic visits during this reporting period. Continuous clinical and laboratory monitoring will be done to ensure that those who are eligible are identified and enrolled into ART according to MOH guidelines.

THALAS will work closely with MOH, regional referral hospitals (RRHs), SUSTAIN and other implementing partners to ensure clients in chronic care in the target health facilities receive a comprehensive package. This will include organizing and participation in coordination meetings and supporting and mentoring RRH and district hospitals in leadership and stewardship.

THALAS will liaise with PACE and UHMG for provision and distribution of basic care kits to clients. Additionally, the program will liaise with National Medical Stores, Joint Medical Stores, Supply Chain Management Systems and Medical Access Uganda Limited for ARVs and other HIV commodities (cotrimoxazole, lab reagents). THALAS will also continue to support the use of existing policy documents and guidelines and tools developed by the MOH and AIDS Control Program particularly in the initiation of ART as well as recommended regimens for ePMTCT. In collaboration with MOH, SUSTAIN and other programs at JCRC, THALAS will support pre-service and in-service/refresher training for pediatric clinic staff at the JCRC Kampala clinic on the comprehensive HIV care package, and TB/HIV services. Programmatic monitoring and evaluation activities will be implemented to strengthen by collection of data through national tools and to improve the technical quality of data through periodic Data Quality Assessments. Data use at facility level will be strengthened through supporting SI focused in-service training for health workers. Program evaluations and outcomes of interest, will be supported to foster evidence-based decision-making and program improvement. Key areas of focus will be patient tracking, effective referrals and linkages across the Continuum of response (COR) while monitoring retention in care and loss to follow up.

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $1,688,536

Following a baseline assessment conducted in FY 2011 using the strengthening lab improvement towards accreditation (SLIPTA) checklist, the THALAS project supported specific interventions in FY 2012 to address identified gaps including: training in laboratory diagnostics, logistics, quality and safety, and good clinical laboratory practice. Twenty Ministry of Health (MoH) facilities received onsite mentoring support from THALAS lab experts. As a result of these interventions, 17 of the THALAS supported labs are above the WHO Star I score which entails movement from zero at baseline where all but one of the labs had been.

During FY 2012 THALAS will work with the existing lab staff to empower resident mentors to continue providing support to their peers and ensure sustainability and consolidation of efforts made over the last two years. In addition, critical resource materials like the quality manual and mentorship materials that THALAS helped develop will be finalized, printed and disseminated to key implementing partners.

THALAS program will continue to provide routine CD4 monitoring and clinically indicated chemistry and hematology tests for an estimated 13,114 HIV positive clients receiving clinical care services at JCRC Kampala. THALAS will also provide viral load tests to an estimated 10,000 patients with suspected treatment failure based on clinical and immunological criteria. These viral load tests will include referrals from other care and treatment sites around the country.

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $861,794

THALAS will support treatment as well as advanced care to 9,610 adult clients currently on ART by September 2013. This target is not a ceiling, allowing for higher achievements with continued program efficiencies. THALAS will support the clinical services for ART at the JCRC Kampala clinic. Additionally, THALAS will liaise with PACE and UHMG for provision and distribution of basic care kits to clients and also liaise with National Medical Stores, Joint Medical Stores, Supply Chain Management Systems and Medical Access Uganda Limited for ARVs and other HIV commodities (e.g. cotrimoxazole, lab reagents). Laboratory services including CD4 cell tests will be provided to determine eligibility for ART. THALAS will support implementation of early warning indicators to identify HIV drug resistance.

THALAS will work closely with MOH, RRHs, SUSTAIN and other implementing partners to ensure clients in chronic care in the target health facilities receive a comprehensive package of services. This will include organizing and participation in coordination meetings and supporting and mentoring RRH and district hospital in leadership and stewardship.

THALAS will use the existing policy documents and guidelines and tools developed by the MOH and ACP particularly in the initiation of ART so that their ART services are consistent with recommended MoH regimens. THALAS will support regular submission of reports on project activities to MOH. In collaboration with NTLP, ACP and other programs at JCRC, THALAS will support pre-service and in-service/refresher training for clinic staff at the JCRC Kampala clinic on the comprehensive HIV care package, TB/HIV services, and family planning services. THALAS will continue to work with MOH and participate in national level activities to develop guidelines and policy related to HIV/AIDS care and treatment.

Monitoring and evaluation activities will be conducted to strengthen data collection through national tools and to improve the technical quality of data through periodic Data Quality Assessments. Data use at facility level will be strengthened through supporting SI focused in-service training for health workers. Program evaluations and outcomes of interest, will be supported to foster evidence-based decision-making and program improvement. Key areas of focus will be patient tracking, effective referrals and linkages across COR while monitoring retention in care and loss to follow up.

Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $37,524

THALAS will support treatment as well as advanced care to at least 1,437 HIV positive children on ART By September 2013. THALAS will support the clinical services for children on ART at the JCRC Kampala pediatric clinic. THALAS will liaise with PACE and UHMG for provision and distribution of basic care kits to clients. Additionally, THALAS will liaise with National Medical Stores, Joint Medical Stores and Supply Chain Management Systems for ARVs and other HIV commodities (cotrimoxazole, lab reagents). THALAS will in addition support in-patient services for very ill children at JCRC Kampala and work closely with SUSTAIN/Regional Referral Hosptials (RRH)to provide for in-patient treatment for clients who need such care at the Regional Centres of Excellence. Laboratory services including CD4 cell tests will be provided to determine eligibility for ART. In addition, THALAS will support the implementation of early warning indicators for the identification of HIV drug resistance.

THALAS will work closely with MOH, RRHs, SUSTAIN and other implementing partners to ensure early HIV diagnosis among children, early initiation and maintenance of children on HIV care and treatment. In addition THALAS will work with MOH and other relevant partners for nutritional support and food supplements to children.

THALAS will use the existing policy documents and guidelines and tools developed by the MOH and ACP particularly in the initiation and retention of children on ART. THALAS will support regular submission of reports on project activities to MOH.

In collaboration with NTLP, AIDS Control Program and other programs at JCRC, THALAS will support pre-service and in-service/refresher training for clinic staff at the JCRC Kampala clinic on the comprehensive HIV care package particularly for children, TB/HIV services, family planning and mental health. THALAS will continue to work with MOH and participate in national level activities to develop guidelines and policy decisions related to HIV/AIDS care and treatment.

Program monitoring and evaluation activities will be conducted to strengthen data collection through national tools and to improve the technical quality of data through periodic Data Quality Assessments. Data use at the facility level will be strengthened through supporting SI focused in-service training for health workers. Program evaluations and outcomes of interest, will be supported to foster evidence-based decision-making and program improvement. Key areas of focus will be patient tracking, effective referrals and linkages across COR while monitoring retention in care and loss to follow up.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $550,000
Gender: Reducing Violence and Coercion $50,000
Human Resources for Health $500,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
enumerations.Impact/End-of-Program Evaluation
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Child Survival Activities
End-of-Program Evaluation
Family Planning