Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Details for Mechanism ID: 13466
Country/Region: Uganda
Year: 2011
Main Partner: United Nations Children's Fund
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Multi-lateral Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

1. Overall goals and objectives The objective of the grantee will be to provide a package of comprehensive HIV/AIDS services in some of the health facilities previously under the Track 1.0 care and treatment program

Activities under this program will include; HIV counseling and testing, HIV care and support, PMTCT, Abstinence and be faithful activities, Care and support activities for both adults and children in addition to ART and ARV services, Laboratory support activities, Biomedical prevention activities like safe male circumcision and injection safety, support for strategic information and health systems s strengthening

2. Target populations and geographic coverage

This will be a national program covering health facilities formerly under the Track 1.0 care and treatment program and will reach about 40,000 HIV infected individuals with a comprehensive package of care with about 25,000 receiving ART

3. Enhancing cost effectiveness and sustainability

This program will provide a comprehensive package of services and will avoid duplication of efforts with other providers in service delivery. It will apply best practices in HIV care and provide the best unit costs for services. It will have an integrated health service model and will integrate HIV/AIDS care into broader health.

4. Health Systems Strengthening . The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability.

Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period.

5. Cross-Cutting Budget Attributions Provide a brief (one sentence) description and budget amount for the cross-cutting areas this mechanism is working in. a. Human Resources for Health: the program will support recruitment and retention of staff through innovative and acceptable ways. REDACTED b. Construction/Renovation: REDACTED c1. Food and Nutrition: The program will support nutrition and sustainable livelihoods activities c2. Food and Nutrition: The program will provide food and nutritional assessment and supplements d. Economic Strengthening: Community house hold strengthening activities like IGA's will be implemented e. Education: The programs will s support education for orphans and vulnerable children f. Water: Provision of safe water by availing safe water systems and water treatment options will be done g. Gender: Reducing Violence and Coercion: prevention programs will include activities that promote positive gender norms and address SGBV issues.

6. Key issues: Briefly (one sentence) identify activities in each key issue that this mechanism will address. a. Health-Related Wraparounds o Child Survival Activities: Maternal and child health activities will be strengthened o Malaria (PMI), Provision of insecticide treated mosquito nets, malaria screening and treatment will be one of the program activities o Safe Motherhood: Improvement of Maternal health services both antenatal and post-natal will be done o TB: Intensified T B finding, TB treatment completion and Infection control will also be an area of focus in this program b. Gender: The programs will also f focus on mainstreaming Sexual and gender related issues c. End-of-Program Evaluation: Midterm and end of program reviews and evaluations will be done d. Mobile Population: For facilities close to mobile populations like armed forces, fisher folks, truckers; prevention and care programs that target these populations will be implemented.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0

1. Target populations and coverage of target population or geographic area

This program will support Track 1.0 health facilities and community based organizations to provide comprehensive HIV care and treatment. These facilities are among poor, rural, underserved communities spread in the Northern, Western and central regions of Uganda. Approximately 35,000 HIV positive adults will be served.

2. Description of service delivery or other activity carried out

The project will establish a family based model of care that offers all available services beyond care and support including Testing and Counseling, Laboratory services, adult and pediatric care and treatment, PMTCT and TB/HIV integration. The patient flow system will be developed for each health facility so that there is emphasis on inter-linkages at the health unit

3. Integration with other health activities

This program will offer an integrated comprehensive package of services. A family based model of care will ensure that all services available including PMTCT, counseling and testing, adult care and support. Linkages between PMTCT/EID and care/treatment and laboratory and Care/support will be strengthened

4. Relation to the national program

The program will leverage resources from the GoU, MoH and NTLP to enhance the Track 1.0 health

program. The program will work closely with MoH to implement MoH guidelines regarding supply chain management, providing information to feed into the planning and monitoring process.

5. Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health

The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of the Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability. Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $0

1. Target populations and coverage of target population or geographic area

This program will support Track 1.0 health facilities and community based organizations to provide comprehensive HIV care and treatment. These facilities are among poor, rural, underserved communities spread in the Northern, Western and central regions of Uganda. Children 18 years and below who are orphans or vulnerable will be supported through all the service outlets

2. Description of service delivery or other activity carried out

This program will support the 4-pillar approach to PMTCT which includes 1)Keeping mothers HIV- negative 2)Traditional PMTCT-ARVS to mothers during pregnancy, labor and child post delivery 3) Family planning and availability of Reproductive health services 4) Provision of ART and care package to keep mothers alive. As well, the program will integrate sexual and reproductive health, maternal and child health into all HIV/AIDS services.

3. Integration with other health activities

This program will offer an integrated comprehensive package of services. A family based model of care will ensure that all services available including PMTCT, counseling and testing, adult care and support. Linkages between PMTCT/EID and care/treatment and laboratory CD4 monitoring will be strengthened

4. Relation to the national program

The program will leverage resources from the GoU, MoH and NTLP to enhance the Track 1.0 health program. The program will work closely with MoH to implement MoH guidelines regarding supply chain management, providing information to feed into the planning and monitoring process.

5. Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health

The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of the Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability. Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $0

1. Target populations and coverage of target population or geographic area

This program will support Track 1.0 health facilities and community based organizations to provide comprehensive HIV care and treatment. These facilities are among poor, rural, underserved communities spread in the Northern, Western and central regions of Uganda. About 23,000 individuals will be served

2. Description of service delivery or other activity carried out

The project will establish a family based model of care that offers all available services beyond care and support including Testing and Counseling, Laboratory services, adult and pediatric care and treatment, PMTCT and TB/HIV integration. The patient flow system will be developed for each health facility so that there is emphasis on inter-linkages at the health unit

3. Integration with other health activities

This program will offer an integrated comprehensive package of services. A family based model of care will ensure that all services available including PMTCT, counseling and testing, adult care and support. Linkages between PMTCT/EID and care/treatment and laboratory CD4 monitoring will be strengthened

4. Relation to the national program

The program will leverage resources from the GoU, MoH and NTLP to enhance the Track 1.0 health program. The program will work closely with MoH to implement MoH guidelines regarding supply chain management, providing information to feed into the planning and monitoring process.

5. Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health

The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of the Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability. Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $0

1. Target populations and coverage of target population or geographic area

This program will support Track 1.0 health facilities and community based organizations to provide comprehensive HIV care and treatment. These facilities are among poor, rural, underserved communities spread in the Northern, Western and central regions of Uganda

2. Description of service delivery or other activity carried out

HIV positive individuals will be identified through counseling and testing as this is the main port of entry. PITC will be offered all persons seeking care at the facilities, and their family members. The MOH testing algorithm (Determine for screening, STAT-PAK for confirmatory testing and Uni-Gold as the tie-breaker test) will be used. Couple-testing will be encouraged both in the testing facilities and in the home family setting.

3. Integration with other health activities

This program will offer an integrated comprehensive package of services. A family based model of care will ensure that all services available including PMTCT, counseling and testing, adult care and support. Linkages between HCT and other programs like PMTCT/EID and care/treatment and laboratory CD4 monitoring will be strengthened

4. Relation to the national program

The program will leverage resources from the GoU, MoH and NTLP to enhance the Track 1.0 health program. The program will work closely with MoH to implement MoH guidelines regarding supply chain management, providing information to feed into the planning and monitoring process.

5. Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health

The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of the Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability. Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period

Funding for Care: Pediatric Care and Support (PDCS): $0

1. Target populations and coverage of target population or geographic area

This program will support Track 1.0 health facilities and community based organizations to provide comprehensive HIV care and treatment. These facilities are among poor, rural, underserved communities spread in the Northern, Western and central regions of Uganda. Approximately 5,000 children will receive care and support

2. Description of service delivery or other activity carried out

The project will establish a family based model of care that offers all available services beyond care and support including Testing and Counseling, Laboratory services, adult and pediatric care and treatment, PMTCT and TB/HIV integration. The patient flow system will be developed for each health facility so that there is emphasis on inter-linkages at the health unit

3. Integration with other health activities

This program will offer an integrated comprehensive package of services. A family based model of care will ensure that all services available including PMTCT, counseling and testing, adult care and support.

Linkages between PMTCT/EID and care/treatment and laboratory CD4 monitoring will be strengthened

4. Relation to the national program

The program will leverage resources from the GoU, MoH and NTLP to enhance the Track 1.0 health program. The program will work closely with MoH to implement MoH guidelines regarding supply chain management, providing information to feed into the planning and monitoring process.

5. Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health

The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of the Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability. Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period

Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $0

1. Target populations and coverage of target population or geographic area

This program will support Track 1.0 health facilities and community based organizations to provide comprehensive HIV care and treatment. These facilities are among poor, rural, underserved communities spread in the Northern, Western and central regions of Uganda. Approximately 2,000 children will be served

2. Description of service delivery or other activity carried out

The project will establish a family based model of care that offers all available services beyond care and support including Testing and Counseling, Laboratory services, adult and pediatric care and treatment, PMTCT and TB/HIV integration. The patient flow system will be developed for each health facility so that there is emphasis on inter-linkages at the health unit

3. Integration with other health activities

This program will offer an integrated comprehensive package of services. A family based model of care

will ensure that all services available including PMTCT, counseling and testing, adult care and support. Linkages between PMTCT/EID and care/treatment and laboratory CD4 monitoring will be strengthened

4. Relation to the national program

The program will leverage resources from the GoU, MoH and NTLP to enhance the Track 1.0 health program. The program will work closely with MoH to implement MoH guidelines regarding supply chain management, providing information to feed into the planning and monitoring process.

5. Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health

The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of the Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability. Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (CIRC): $0

1. Target populations and coverage of target population or geographic area

This program will support Track 1.0 health facilities and community based organizations to provide comprehensive HIV care and treatment. These facilities are among poor, rural, underserved communities spread in the Northern, Western and central regions of Uganda

2. Description of service delivery or other activity carried out

This program will implement safe male circumcision and support infrastructure support to avail circumcision services. The target will be HIV negative men in discordant relationships, Men with multiple sexual partners, other HIV negative men and adolescents and later neonates and lastly all other men

3. Integration with other health activities

This program will offer an integrated comprehensive package of services. A family based model of care will ensure that all services available including PMTCT, counseling and testing, adult care and support.

Linkages between SMC and AB, OP, and community/peer support programs will be strengthened to keep them negative

4. Relation to the national program

The program will leverage resources from the GoU, MoH and NTLP to enhance the Track 1.0 health program. The program will work closely with MoH to implement MoH guidelines regarding supply chain management, providing information to feed into the planning and monitoring process.

5. Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health

The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of the Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability. Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $0

1. Target populations and coverage of target population or geographic area

This program will support Track 1.0 health facilities and community based organizations to provide comprehensive HIV care and treatment. These facilities are among poor, rural, underserved communities spread in the Northern, Western and central regions of Uganda

2. Description of service delivery or other activity carried out

This program will support abstinence and be faithful programs to implement a faithful house and value of life treatment both at facility and community levels

3. Integration with other health activities

This program will offer an integrated comprehensive package of services. A family based model of care will ensure that all services available including PMTCT, counseling and testing, adult care and support. Linkages between AB and other community support mechanisms will be strengthened

4. Relation to the national program

The program will leverage resources from the GoU, MoH and NTLP to enhance the Track 1.0 health program. The program will work closely with MoH to implement MoH guidelines regarding supply chain management, providing information to feed into the planning and monitoring process.

5. Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health

The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of the Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability. Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

1. Target populations and coverage of target population or geographic area

This program will support Track 1.0 health facilities and community based organizations to provide comprehensive HIV care and treatment. These facilities are among poor, rural, underserved communities spread in the Northern, Western and central regions of Uganda

2. Description of service delivery or other activity carried out

This program will support the 4-pillar approach to PMTCT which includes 1)Keeping mothers HIV- negative 2)Traditional PMTCT-ARVS to mothers during pregnancy, labor and child post delivery 3) Family planning and availability of Reproductive health services 4) Provision of ART and care package to keep mothers alive. As well, the program will integrate sexual and reproductive health, maternal and child health into all HIV/AIDS services.

3. Integration with other health activities

This program will offer an integrated comprehensive package of services. A family based model of care will ensure that all services available including PMTCT, counseling and testing, adult care and support.

Linkages between PMTCT/EID and care/treatment and laboratory CD4 monitoring will be strengthened

4. Relation to the national program

The program will leverage resources from the GoU, MoH and NTLP to enhance the Track 1.0 health program. The program will work closely with MoH to implement MoH guidelines regarding supply chain management, providing information to feed into the planning and monitoring process.

5. Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health

The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of the Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability. Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $0

1. Target populations and coverage of target population or geographic area

This program will support Track 1.0 health facilities and community based organizations to provide comprehensive HIV care and treatment. These facilities are among poor, rural, underserved communities spread in the Northern, Western and central regions of Uganda

2. Description of service delivery or other activity carried out

This program will support laboratory infrastructure development and diagnostics for chronic HIV care in addition to ART monitoring

3. Integration with other health activities

This program will offer an integrated comprehensive package of services. A family based model of care will ensure that all services available including PMTCT, counseling and testing, adult care and support. Linkages between PMTCT/EID and care/treatment and laboratory CD4 monitoring will be strengthened

4. Relation to the national program

The program will leverage resources from the GoU, MoH and NTLP to enhance the Track 1.0 health program. The program will work closely with MoH to implement MoH guidelines regarding supply chain management, providing information to feed into the planning and monitoring process.

5. Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health

The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of the Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability. Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $0

1. Target populations and coverage of target population or geographic area

This program will support Track 1.0 health facilities and community based organizations to provide comprehensive HIV care and treatment. These facilities are among poor, rural, underserved communities spread in the Northern, Western and central regions of Uganda

2. Description of service delivery or other activity carried out

The project will establish a family based model of care that offers all available services beyond care and support including Testing and Counseling, Laboratory services, adult and pediatric care and treatment, PMTCT and TB/HIV integration. All patients; approximately 40,000 will be screened for TB symptoms at contact with health care providers and all TB patients will be counseled and tested for HIV. This will ensure intensified case finding. The patient flow system will be developed for each health facility so that there is emphasis on inter-linkages with the TB clinic at the health unit (internal referrals) and an organized external referral system and community follow up or support mechanism with improved infection control practices

3. Integration with other health activities

This program will offer an integrated comprehensive package of services. A family based model of care will ensure that all services available including PMTCT, counseling and testing, adult care and support. Linkages between PMTCT/EID and care/treatment and laboratory CD4 monitoring will be strengthened

4. Relation to the national program

The program will leverage resources from the GoU, MoH and NTLP to enhance the Track 1.0 health program. The program will work closely with MoH to implement MoH guidelines regarding supply chain management, providing information to feed into the planning and monitoring process.

5. Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health

The six WHO building blocks for HSS (service delivery, health work force, information, medical products, vaccines and technologies, financing and leadership/governance) provide a useful framework to guiding the strengthening of the Track 1.0 health systems in order to improve quality, access, coverage and safety of health services that in turn lead to improved health, efficiency responsiveness and sustainability. Strengthening activities will occur in all six building blocks during the project period

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $0
Water $0