Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 1290
Country/Region: Uganda
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Catholic Relief Services
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: FBO
Funding Agency: HHS/HRSA
Total Funding: $12,158,598

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $550,000

AIDSRelief (AR) provides a comprehensive care and treatment program emphasizing strong links between

PLHAs, their family, communities and the health institutions. Its goal is to ensure that people living with

HIV/AIDS have access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and quality medical care. AR is a consortium of five

organizations which includes Catholic Relief Services (CRS) working as the lead agency, the Institute of

Human Virology, Constella Futures Group (CF), Catholic Medical Mission Board and Interchurch Medical

Assistance World Health; AR services are offered through 18 Local Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs),

distributed throughout Uganda working in some of the most underserved and rural areas, including Northern

Uganda. These include St. Mary's Lacor, St Joseph Kitgum, Nsambya Hospital, Kamwokya Christian Caring

Community, Family Hope Center Kampala, Family Hope Center Jinja, Virika Hospital, Villa Maria Hospital,

Kabarole Hospital, Bushenyi Medical Center 1- Katungu, Bushenyi Medical Center 2- Kabwohe,

Kyamuhunga Comboni Hospital, Kasanga Health Centre, Kalongo Hospital, Amai Hospital, Aber Hospital,

Nkozi Hospital, and Nyenga Hospital. In order to get services closer to the communities it serves, AR

supports 24 satellite sites in selected LPTFs. The Children's AIDS Fund is a sub-grantee in AR and

manages a number of the LPTFs.

As of July 31st, 2008, AR in Uganda was providing care and support to 55,781 adult patients 18 years and

older, and antiretroviral treatment to 16,833 HIV-infected patients 15 years and older. In addition it was

providing care and support to 5,144 infected children under the age of 18, and antiretroviral treatment to

1726 children under the age of 15.

In FY 2008, AR promoted a comprehensive package of PMTCT services at 9 LPTFs. This included

provider-initiated HIV testing in ANC, encouraging mothers to deliver in a health facility (the program also

encourage linkages with Traditional Birth Attendants), CD4 testing of all pregnant HIV+ mothers, DBS for

babies, the provision of ARV prophylaxis to mother and infant and referral for HAART as required. The

program additionally encouraged comprehensive PMTCT services at all 18 AR supported LPTFs through

internal and external linkages. A total of about 30,000 pregnant mothers have been counseled, tested and

have received results in FY 2008. Of those tested, about 8% were HIV positive and of these, 2,400 HIV+

mothers and infants received full course of ARV prophylaxis.

AR increased accessibility and utilization of PMTCT services by increasing the skills of staff working in ANC

and by providing access to rapid HIV testing in ANC. HIV positive pregnant women were referred from

satellite clinics to antenatal care providing sites. Laboratory links were developed to increase access to

earlier infant diagnosis using PCR testing. As part of the essential components of a PMTCT program, all

HIV positive mothers were provided with nutritional information as regards to exclusive breastfeeding and

alternative feeding options.

Training including and update on the new MOH adopted PMTCT guidelines, was provided to 290 health

workers including midwives in ANC clinics providing PMTCT services. Additional training was conducted in

PMTCT and malaria prevention for 720 community volunteers enabling them to carry out community

mobilization and early referral to facilities for suspected malaria in pregnant women. Linkages were created

between PMTCT and the ART clinics at all LPTFs, and also between other health facility services (e.g:

MCH). Long lasting insecticide treated nets were provided to the mothers through linkages with PSI/CDC.

There was also increased sensitization of care providers to provide Cotrimaxazole to infected pregnant

women in care.

Coordinated by CF, strategic information (SI) activities incorporate program level reporting, enhancing the

effectiveness and efficiency of both paper-based and computerized patient monitoring and management

(PMM) systems, assuring data quality and continuous quality improvement, and using SI for program

decision making across all LPTFs. AR has built and maintained a strong PMM system using in-country

networks and available technology at 18 LPTFs in FY 2008. CF carried out site visits to all LPTFs to

provide technical assistance to ensure continued quality data collection, data entry, data validation and

analysis, and dissemination of findings across a range of stakeholders.

AR will continue to encourage increased uptake of PMTCT services at 18 LPTFs. The program will promote

a comprehensive package of PMTCT services, as occurred in FY 2008. In FY2009, with access to

additional funding, AR proposes to reach 25,000 pregnant women with HIV counseling and testing for

PMTCT and about 2,400 HIV positive pregnant women and their exposed infants with antiretroviral

prophylaxis in accordance with Uganda National Guidelines, supported by treatment preparation and

adherence support.

The PMTCT program will continue to be underpinned by strong community outreach and follow-up of all HIV

positive women during pregnancy and after delivery.

This community linkage will ensure reduced losses to follow-up of both mothers and their babies. The

program will also focus on the coordination and integration of services provided at the HIV clinic, ANC,

delivery and MCH clinic within the facilities it supports. Provision of nutritional information and education

will continue and HIV + mothers will also be linked to access to nutritional programs during pregnancy and

breastfeeding as part of a commitment to promoting better maternal and infant health. Long lasting

insecticide treated nets will be provided to the mothers through linkages with PSI/CDC and 720 additional

community volunteers trained to reinforce malaria prevention messages during their outreach activities and

given skills to identify the symptoms of suspected malaria and refer to a health institution. There will be

increased sensitization of care providers to provide intermittent Cotrimaxazole to infected pregnant women

in care.

Training, including updates on the new MOH adopted PMTCT guidelines as well as blood collection for CD4

screening and dry blood spots, and on HIV rapid tests will be provided to 290 health workers including

midwives in ANC clinics providing PMTCT services, counselors, and laboratory staff.

Coordinated by CF, strategic information (SI) activities incorporate program level reporting, enhancing the

effectiveness and efficiency of both paper-based and computerized patient monitoring and management

(PMM) systems, assuring data quality and continuous quality improvement, and using SI for program

decision making across all LPTFs. Using the MOH standard guidelines and data collection tools, CF will

ensure compilation of complete and valid PMTCT data that relate to adult and infant patient information at

the sites. On-site technical assistance and training will be provided to LPTF staff, focusing on identifying

Activity Narrative: barriers to data collection, avoiding double counting and reporting, and timeliness of reports. In addition to

capturing data in IQCare, a new electronic data base will be rolled out to all LPTFs implementing PMTCT

that will capture relevant PMTCT data, from ANC to L&D. The same will be used to efficiently and effectively

report on PMTCT indicators to all stakeholders, including USG, MOH, and the donors. Staff will be trained in

using the data base for sustainability purposes. On a monthly basis, LPTFs will compile and disseminate a

PMTCT report based on already agreed upon indicators, but also compile similar reports on a quarterly,

semi-annual, and annual basis. Feedback from these reports will be used by AR and LPTFs to improve

service delivery, provide forecasting for drugs and testing kits, and gauge the need for human resource

planning. Using available data, AR will strengthen the linkages between ANCs and HIV/AIDS clinics, and

provide information for accurate tracking of pregnant mothers in the community and at health facilities

during the duration of a pregnancy.

To support provision of PMTCT services, AR will identify all females of reproductive age attending the ART

and care clinics and refer them for pregnancy tests. The program will refer and document referrals from

PMTCT to ART services within LPTFs. A system that supports EID will be strengthened and infant-mother

pairs referred to the ART clinic for care and treatment follow-up. Sustainability lies at the heart of the AR

program and is based on durable therapeutic programs and health systems strengthening. AR will focus on

the transition of the management of care and treatment activities to indigenous organizations by actively

using its extensive linkages with faith based groups and other key stakeholders to develop a transition plan

that is appropriate to the Ugandan context. The plan will be designed to ensure the continuous delivery of

quality HIV care and treatment, and all activities will continue to be implemented in close collaboration with

the Government of Uganda to ensure coordination, information sharing and long term sustainability. For the

transition to be successful, sustainable institutional capacity must be present within the indigenous

organizations and LPTFs they support; therefore, AR will strengthen the selected indigenous organizations

according to their assessed needs, while continuing to strengthen the health systems of the LPTFs. In

FY2009, the program will support linkages between LPTFs and the MOH to tap into locally available training

institutions. AR will particularly focus on its relationship with indigenous organizations such as the Uganda

Catholic Medical Bureau and Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau to build their institutional capacity to

support LPTFs integrate ART and other care and support programs into their health care.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13261

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13261 8584.08 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 6429 1290.08 AIDSRelief $687,500

Resources Services



8584 8584.07 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 4799 1290.07 AIDSRelief $703,667

Resources Services



Emphasis Areas


* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Malaria (PMI)

* Safe Motherhood

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $206,250

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.01:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $700,000

AIDSRelief provides a comprehensive care and treatment program emphasizing strong links between

PLHAs, their family, communities and the health institutions. Its goal is to ensure that people living with

HIV/AIDS have access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and quality medical care. AIDSRelief is a consortium

of five organizations which includes Catholic Relief Services (CRS) working as the lead agency, the Institute

of Human Virology (IHV), Constella Futures Group (CF), Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and

Interchurch Medical Assistance World Health (IMA); AIDSRelief services are offered through 18 Local

Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs), distributed throughout Uganda working in some of the most

underserved and rural areas, including Northern Uganda. These include St. Mary's Lacor, St Joseph

Kitgum, Nsambya Hospital, Kamwokya Christian Caring Community, Family Hope Center Kampala, Family

Hope Center Jinja, Virika Hospital, Villa Maria Hospital, Kabarole Hospital, Bushenyi Medical Center 1-

Katungu, Bushenyi Medical Center 2- Kabwohe, Kyamuhunga Comboni Hospital, Kasanga Health Centre,

Kalongo Hospital, Amai Hospital, Aber Hospital, Nkozi Hospital, and Nyenga Hospital. In order to get

services closer to the communities it serves, AIDSRelief supports 24 satellite sites in selected LPTFs. The

Children's AIDS Fund is a sub-grantee in AIDSRelief and manages a number of the LPTFs.

AIDSRelief supported partners (such as Comboni Samaritan in Gulu, Meeting Point and Christian HIV/AIDS

Prevention and Support (CHAPS), who built their behavior change activities on their strong community

networks, to provide community sensitization using other "Faithful House" curriculum for the married

couples and the Value of Life curriculum for the youth and adolescents. 585 people were trained through all

the LPTFs. These facilitators then work with couples and youth at community level. Prevention priorities

included behavior change for risk reduction and risk avoidance, counseling and testing and emphasized the

prevention of the sexual transmission of HIV, and education to patients and community health volunteers on

secondary prevention. As a way of integration the AB activities were integrated with the PMTCT, OVC and

Care and treatment activities at LPTFs. Pregnant women who tested negative in ANC were also

encouraged to attend these trainings with their partners. The OVCs were supported to attend the Value of

Life trainings and were encouraged to form support groups that help them keep positive values.

Coordinated by Constella Futures, strategic information (SI) activities incorporate program level reporting,

enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of both paper-based and computerized patient monitoring and

management (PMM) systems, assuring data quality and continuous quality improvement, and using SI for

program decision making across all LPTFs. In FY 2008, AIDSRelief built a strong PMM system using in-

country networks and available technology at 18 LPTFs. Constella Futures carried out site visits to all

LPTFs to provide technical assistance to ensure continued quality data collection, data entry, data validation

and analysis, and dissemination of findings across a range of stakeholders. Using standard data collection

tools, the program tracked and reported on Sexual Prevention activities.

In FY 2009 AIDSRelief will maintain its services at the 18 LPTFs and 24 satellite sites with the goal to

maintain 20,000 patients on ART, of which 2,800 will be children, and 63,620 in care and support (55,781

adults, and 7,839 children) provided additional funding is made available. The program will continue to

leverage ARVs for pediatric patients from the Clinton Foundation, but will cover other ART related support

such as purchase of OI drugs, laboratory supplies and technical assistance to the LPTFs.

AIDSRelief services in abstinence and being faithful in FY2009 will continue to be offered through 18 local

partner treatment facilities (LPTF), 24 satellites and 3 community based programs. These facilities are

located in the Northern, Western, Southern, Central and Eastern areas of Uganda. The program will support

LPTFs to implement abstinence and being faithful activities that target the HIV negative and sero status

naïve persons. The interventions will include behavior change for risk assessment, risk reduction and risk


The strong community and adherence programs developed by LPTFs during FY 2008 of the AIDSRelief

program will continue to serve as the foundation for outreach to communities. In FY 2009, the program will

continue to ensure that all sites provide education to patients and community health volunteers on

secondary prevention, in and around each sites' catchment areas. Prevention activities focusing on primary

prevention and prevention for positives will include distributing patient education materials, conducting

community sensitizations and trainings, promoting couple testing, encouraging LPTFs to support couple

support groups, and advocating for additional preventive measures such as male circumcision.

Various forms of media will be used for patient education and community sensitization, including radio,

community volunteer efforts, and the provision of Information Education and Communication (IEC)

materials, translated into the local languages. Additionally, the continued use of trainings in the Faithful

House curriculum will promote fidelity amongst married couples and the Value of Life curriculum will

contribute to positive character formation and the delay of sexual debut in young people. Messages

delivered will also address the reduction high risk behaviors such as alcohol and drug use.

Training will be an integral part of this program and will be directed at facility and community level staff. A

total of 240 facility staff, 630 Community based facilitators will be trained in the Faithful House and Value of

Life curriculums. In order to increase the sustainability and continued diffusion of AB messages, 72 couples

will be trained as trainers in the Faithful House curriculum and 72 individuals will be trained as trainers in the

Value of Life curriculum. Each LPTF will also have one staff trained in each of the curriculums for the

purpose of then monitoring and evaluating the performance of the newly trained trainers.

An additional element of AIDSRelief AB programming will include a referral system for AB training

participants to counseling and testing. The program will therefore establish and enhance linkages with

organizations that offer counseling and testing services, such as TASO, AIC, JCRC, etc HIV positive

persons shall further be linked to facilities that provide care and support, while negative couples and youths

will form support groups that help them to maintain their status through behavior change enhancement.

Secondary prevention messages will also be further integrated into the care and treatment activities at the

LPTFs through providing training to counselors, social workers and nurses. In addition an emphasis will be

put on discordant couples to adopt risk reduction strategies.

Activity Narrative: AIDSRelief will also link abstinence and being faithful activities to other program areas, other organizations

community- and faith-based organizations that serve the same geographic areas, and programs in other,

related sectors. For example, pregnant women who attend PMTCT clinics and test negative will be

encouraged to bring their spouses for the Faithful House trainings, and eventually encourage the spouses

to test. Orphans and vulnerable children will be identified and integrated into the Value of Life trainings.

OVC support group meetings will emphasize prevention messages such as being faithful, abstinence and

avoidance of high risk behaviors. AIDSRelief will collaborate with partners working in other sectors,

wherever possible to synchronize efforts to address the needs of the community. The program will also

liaise with other CRS programs, such as microfinance and community savings groups, which promote

improved access to income and productive resources.

With respect to strategic information, in FY 2009, Constella Futures will continue to carry out site visits to all

LPTFs to provide technical assistance that will ensure continued quality data collection, data entry, data

validation and analysis, and dissemination of findings across a range of stakeholders. The use of the IQ

Care system, employed in FY 2008 to track AB activities, will be improved upon through providing further

training to LPTF staff in the areas of data collection and interpretation. An appropriate electronic database

will be designed to track AB community and facility activities, which will help facilities to capture and report

on individuals, reached with abstinence and being faithful prevention messages. Furthermore, AIDSRelief

will continue promoting evidenced-based decision-making, and enhance LPTF staff ability to use data for

informed clinical decisions and adaptive management.

Sustainability lies at the heart of the AR program, and is based on durable therapeutic programs and health

systems strengthening. AR will focus on the transition of the management of care and treatment activities to

indigenous organizations by actively using its extensive linkages with faith based groups and other key

stakeholders to develop a transition plan that is appropriate to the Ugandan context. The plan will be

designed to ensure the continuous delivery of quality HIV care and treatment, and all activities will continue

to be implemented in close collaboration with the Government of Uganda to ensure coordination,

information sharing and long term sustainability. For the transition to be successful, sustainable institutional

capacity must be present within the indigenous organizations and LPTFs they support; therefore, AR will

strengthen the selected indigenous organizations according to their assessed needs, while continuing to

strengthen the health systems of the LPTFs. In FY2009, the program will support linkages between LPTFs

and the MOH to tap into locally available training institutions. AIDSRelief will particularly focus on its

relationship with indigenous organizations such as the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau and Uganda

Protestant Medical Bureau to build their institutional capacity to support LPTFs integrate ART and other

care and support programs into their health care

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13262

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13262 4393.08 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 6429 1290.08 AIDSRelief $744,881

Resources Services



8291 4393.07 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 4799 1290.07 AIDSRelief $744,881

Resources Services



4393 4393.06 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 3330 1290.06 AIDSRelief $744,881

Resources Services



Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

* Increasing women's access to income and productive resources

* Reducing violence and coercion

Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $197,392

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Food and Nutrition: Commodities $15,000

Economic Strengthening

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Economic Strengthening $50,000



Table 3.3.02:

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $296,000

AIDSRelief provides a comprehensive care and treatment program emphasizing strong links between

PLWHAs, their family, communities and the health institutions. Its goal is to ensure that people living with

HIV/AIDS have access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and quality medical care. AIDSRelief is a consortium

of five organizations which includes Catholic Relief Services (CRS) working as the lead agency, the Institute

of Human Virology (IHV), Constella Futures Group (CF), Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and

Interchurch Medical Assistance World Health (IMA); AIDSRelief services are offered through 18 Local

Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs), distributed throughout Uganda working in some of the most

underserved and rural areas, including Northern Uganda. These include St. Mary's Lacor, St Joseph

Kitgum, Nsambya Hospital, Kamwokya Christian Caring Community, Family Hope Center Kampala, Family

Hope Center Jinja, Virika Hospital, Villa Maria Hospital, Kabarole Hospital, Bushenyi Medical Center 1-

Katungu, Bushenyi Medical Center 2- Kabwohe, Kyamuhunga Comboni Hospital, Kasanga Health Centre,

Kalongo Hospital, Amai Hospital, Aber Hospital, Nkozi Hospital, and Nyenga Hospital. In order to get

services closer to the communities it serves, AIDSRelief supports 24 satellite sites in selected LPTFs. The

Children's AIDS Fund is a sub-grantee in AIDSRelief and manages a number of the LPTFs.

In FY 2008, AIDSRelief expanded its services to four new LPTFs and three community based

organizations. It also decentralized services by encouraging LPTFs to open satellite sites and outreach

clinics. As of July 31, 2008, AIDSRelief in Uganda was providing care and support to 55,781 adult patients

18 years and older, and antiretroviral treatment to 16,833 HIV-infected patients 15 years and older.

AIDSRelief has supported a comprehensive continuum of care for adults living with HIV, in order to enhance

their quality of life throughout the entire span of their illness. The adult care and treatment component has

built on existing clinical and social services in all LPTFs. Clinically, the program continued providing adults

with 1st line, alternative 1st line, and 2nd line therapies, clinical follow-up, laboratory testing (including CD4),

and treatment of opportunistic infections. Social services supported consist of psychosocial and spiritual

support, as well as nutrition counseling and education were available to all 55,781 HIV+ adult patients

enrolled in care in FY 2008.

To get services closer to the PHAs, AIDSRelief has encouraged and supported LPTFs to open up satellite

clinics and this has increased accessibility of these services to those in rural areas. All LPTFs had outreach

teams led by a community nurse/clinical officer and are linked with community based volunteers, many of

whom were PLWHAs on treatment. Emphasis has been placed on excellent adherence in order to achieve

durable viral suppression. As a result there has been very good retention rate for patients on ART, low drug

toxicity, and an average adherence rate of over 95%. The teams also provided community based and

household ARV treatment support and preventative services which included education on the importance of

using ITNs, basic hygiene and good nutrition. Emphasis has been put on the creation of linkages within the

different services provided at the LPTFs and other service providers. The referral linkages between ANC,

PMTCT and ART services have been encouraged at the LPTFs to enable HIV+ mothers, their partners and

their babies to access ART services through the facilities.

AIDSRelief also continued employing a model of clinical preceptorship for service providers, with a special

emphasis on maximizing the role of nurses, adherence counselors and community workers. Activities

included training of health workers in improved pain and symptom evaluation and control, recognition and

appropriate referral for management of opportunistic infections (OIs), as well as supply of the basic care

package (ITNs, safe water, information on cotrimoxazole prophylaxis and prevention for positives). Activities

were expanded to include comprehensive training for 720 non-medical community workers as well as 290

medical staff to support and maintain care and treatment for all PLWHAs and their home caregivers. The

program has recognized the strong link between nutritional and Antiretroviral therapy and adherence to ART

but this remains a significant challenge. LPTFs have been encouraged to link with other organization able to

provide food, espically for severely malnourished PHAs. Training and guidance (national guidelines in

nutrition and HIV/AIDS) was provided to staff at LPTFs so that they could conduct nutritional assessment,

education and counseling at community and clinical levels.

By the end of FY 2008, AIDSRelief will have evaluated the program by relating patient outcome measures

such as viral suppression rates, adherence, and treatment support models to program level characteristics

at each LPTF. Over 1500 patients receiving care and treatment from 14 LPTFs were included in this

analysis, grouped into three cohorts (36, 24 and 12 months) representing the length of time they had

received therapy.

In FY2009, due to projected flat-lined funding, AIDSRelief activities will concentrate on consolidating the

quality of services provided at existing LPTFs and satellite sites in order to maintain 17,200 adult patients

on AIDSRelief provided ARVs and 55,781 adult patients in care. Support will consist of ARVs, OI drugs,

laboratory supplies and technical assistance to the LPTFs. A major focus will be to increase the devolution

of services to alternate cadres of service providers through ‘task shifting,' and networking with facilities and

with other service providers including the Ministry of Health. At the LPTFs, this strategy will focus on

protocols enabling nurses and clinical officers to do routine follow-up of stable patients and manage non-

critical acute symptoms as well as enabling nurses and pharmacy staff to do routine medication dispensing

to stable patients. This will increase service delivery, and ensure greater coordination and integration of

services provided within the community. Should additional funding from the USG become available,

AIDSRelief is poised to expand the services it supports to other underserved areas of Uganda to reach an

additional 6300 adult patients on ARVs and 10,000 adults in care.

AIDSRelief will continue to support a comprehensive and integrated continuum of care for HIV infected

patients building on existing services at the LPTFs. Services provided will comprise psychosocial support,

prevention for positives, clinical follow-up, laboratory testing (including CD4), treatment of opportunistic

infections and nutrition counseling and education for the 55,781 HIV + patients enrolled in care in 18 LPTFs

and their satellites. There will also be strengthened linkages between other health facility services,

especially for PMTCT and TB.

The AIDSRelief technical team will provide comprehensive training and technical assistance to 290 medical

and 720 non-medical staff to increase the capacity of LPTFs to appropriately manage and monitor patients

with HIV infection. This will include the recognition and management of opportunistic infections, treatment

failure, adult counseling, and psycho-social assessments. AIDSRelief will follow-up didactic training with

Activity Narrative: on- site clinical mentorship for clinicians and site level support for other cadres of workers. AIDSRelief will

also establish a network of model centers from exemplary LPTFs, where practitioners can gain practical

clinical experience in a controlled setting. Regional Continuous Medical Education Sessions and Partner

Forums will complement LPTF's staff training, allowing experience sharing, and reinforcing knowledge and

skill transfer from AIDSRelief technical staff.

At the community level, AIDSRelief will encourage further development of community based satellite clinics

and outreach staffed by clinical officers and nurses for the routine care of stable patients and a community

health team for the delivery of home based care and medications. The decentralization of HIV services

through the use of satellites and outreach will aim at increasing access to those who live in remote areas.

This approach reinforces AIDSRelief's model of providing integrated services to families at the community,

satellite sites and LPTFs level by inter-linking facility-based health providers and community health workers

and volunteers in order to meet the need of HIV/AIDS patients. AIDSRelief will continue providing

education on the importance of using ITNs, basic hygiene and good nutrition at household and community

levels. It will further enhance its community health programs by promoting family-based care through

symptom monitoring, disclosure counseling, secondary prevention, and family-based testing and education.

In FY 2009, LPTF community volunteers will continue to support patients on therapy, but will additionally

disseminate HIV care and prevention literacy. AIDSRelief will identify gaps in the media and adapt or

develop locally appropriate Information Education and Communication (IEC) and Behavior Change

Communication (BCC) materials on prevention, care, and treatment of HIV. AIDSRelief will also assist

LPTF networks with PLHA groups serving as volunteers in the community to strengthen adherence

programs. Emphasizing the importance of adherence and community linkages at all AIDSRelief supported

sites has enabled the program to achieve high and durable viral suppression.

The program will also strengthen linkages with other service providers operating within the communities

served by AIDSRelief supported facilities. Current relationships with organizations such as PSI and UHMG

(Uganda Health Marketing Group) will be strengthened in order to increase access to ITNs and clean water

at all LPTFs. In addition, the program will link LPTFs to the Ministry of Health to access cotrimoxazole and

malaria treatment. Reinforcing the integration of services that can be accessed through LPTFs will

enhance the overall package of care available to adults.

Coordinated by Constella Futures, SI activities incorporate program level reporting, enhancing the

effectiveness and efficiency of both paper-based and computerized patient monitoring and management

(PMM) systems, assuring data quality and continuous quality improvement, and using SI for program

decision making across project Local Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs). In FY 2009, AIDSRelief will

ensure that 100% of the LPTFs use the new PMM system, IQCare, and other IT solutions that enhance

data use, like IQTools. It will also ensure that LPTFs collect and enter their data in real time, maintain clean,

valid databases, and collect data across all program areas. This will support the program to reach and

report on its patients. During the year, great efforts will be put on ensuring that outreach/satellite information

is collected and integrated with that from the center. On-site training will be given to LPTF clinical and M&E

staff focusing on data analysis and use. Staff will be given skills to analyze their own data, and use the

information to carry out quality of life analyses to be able take informed clinical decisions. The program will

collect data on various clinical indicators that will enable clinicians provide improved care and treatment

services. These indicators will include: CD4, WHO stage, BMI, history and active TB, previous exposure to

ARVs, and risky social behaviors like alcoholism. LPTFs will also be able to track and report on patients

accessing the basic care package (ITNs, safe water, Cotrimoxazole) so that this information is linked to

prevalence and or incidence of certain OIs, like malaria, and chest infections, and overall patient morbidity


Through the already established CQI plans, and the "small test of change" methodology that is being used

at all LPTFs, staff will be assisted in generating, collecting and using patient level outcome information to

continuously assess, define gaps and improve the services they provide. Through the monthly multi-

disciplinary meetings at LPTFs, cross cutting issues on patient management will be discussed, and

strategies to improve the program developed as a team. This will enhance better understanding and

ownership of the program, and indicators that enhance good clinical practice. The program will also promote

these systems through a Training of Trainers (TOT) and peer to peer training model in SI, where "expert"

LPTF staff will train others in various skills. AIDSRelief will also conduct a QA/QI process with a sample of

patients, to evaluate the program by relating patient level outcome measures, viral suppression rates,

adherence and treatment support models to program level characteristics at each LPTF. In FY 2009 this

process will involve over 2000 patients from 18 LPTFs who would have been on therapy for 48, 36, 24 and

12 months respectively.

Sustainability lies at the heart of the AR program, and is based on durable therapeutic programs and health

systems strengthening. AR will focus on the transition of the management of care and treatment activities to

indigenous organizations by actively using its extensive linkages with faith based groups and other key

stakeholders to develop a transition plan that is appropriate to the Ugandan context. The plan will be

designed to ensure the continuous delivery of quality HIV care and treatment, and all activities will continue

to be implemented in close collaboration with the Government of Uganda to ensure coordination,

information sharing and long term sustainability. For the transition to be successful, sustainable institutional

capacity must be present within the indigenous organizations and LPTFs they support; therefore, AR will

strengthen the selected indigenous organizations according to their assessed needs, while continuing to

strengthen the health systems of the LPTFs. In FY2009, the program will support linkages between LPTFs

and the MOH to tap into locally available training institutions. AIDSRelief will particularly focus on its

relationship with indigenous organizations such as the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau and Uganda

Protestant Medical Bureau to build their institutional capacity to support LPTFs integrate ART and other

care and support programs into their health care services. This capacity strengthening will include human

resource support and management, financial management, infrastructure improvement, and strengthening

of health management information systems.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13263

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13263 4395.08 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 6429 1290.08 AIDSRelief $370,000

Resources Services



8292 4395.07 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 4799 1290.07 AIDSRelief $200,000

Resources Services



4395 4395.06 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 3330 1290.06 AIDSRelief $110,362

Resources Services



Emphasis Areas


* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Malaria (PMI)

* TB

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools $15,000

and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Water $20,000

Table 3.3.08:

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $3,617,592

AIDSRelief provides a comprehensive care and treatment program emphasizing strong links between

PLWHAs, their family, communities and the health institutions. Its goal is to ensure that people living with

HIV/AIDS have access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and quality medical care. AIDSRelief is a consortium

of five organizations which includes Catholic Relief Services (CRS) working as the lead agency, the Institute

of Human Virology (IHV), Constella Futures Group (CF), Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and

Interchurch Medical Assistance World Health (IMA); AIDSRelief services are offered through 18 Local

Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs), distributed throughout Uganda working in some of the most

underserved and rural areas, including Northern Uganda. These include St. Mary's Lacor, St Joseph

Kitgum, Nsambya Hospital, Kamwokya Christian Caring Community, Family Hope Center Kampala, Family

Hope Center Jinja, Virika Hospital, Villa Maria Hospital, Kabarole Hospital, Bushenyi Medical Center 1-

Katungu, Bushenyi Medical Center 2- Kabwohe, Kyamuhunga Comboni Hospital, Kasanga Health Centre,

Kalongo Hospital, Amai Hospital, Aber Hospital, Nkozi Hospital, and Nyenga Hospital. In order to get

services closer to the communities it serves, AIDSRelief supports 24 satellite sites in selected LPTFs. The

Children's AIDS Fund is a sub-grantee in AIDSRelief and manages a number of the LPTFs.

In FY 2008, AIDSRelief expanded its services to four new LPTFs and three community based

organizations. It also decentralized services by encouraging LPTFs to open satellite sites and outreach

clinics. As of July 31, 2008, AIDSRelief in Uganda was providing care and support to 55,781 adult patients

18 years and older, and antiretroviral treatment to 16,833 HIV-infected patients 15 years and older.

AIDSRelief has supported a comprehensive continuum of care for adults living with HIV, in order to enhance

their quality of life throughout the entire span of their illness. The adult care and treatment component has

built on existing clinical and social services in all LPTFs. Clinically, the program continued providing adults

with 1st line, alternative 1st line, and 2nd line therapies, clinical follow-up, laboratory testing (including CD4),

and treatment of opportunistic infections. Social services supported consist of psychosocial and spiritual

support, as well as nutrition counseling and education were available to all 55,781 HIV+ adult patients

enrolled in care in FY 2008.

To get services closer to the PHAs, AIDSRelief has encouraged and supported LPTFs to open up satellite

clinics and this has increased accessibility of these services to those in rural areas. All LPTFs had outreach

teams led by a community nurse/clinical officer and are linked with community based volunteers, many of

whom were PLWHAs on treatment. Emphasis has been placed on excellent adherence in order to achieve

durable viral suppression. As a result there has been very good retention rate for patients on ART, low drug

toxicity, and an average adherence rate of over 95%. The teams also provided community based and

household ARV treatment support and preventative services which included education on the importance of

using ITNs, basic hygiene and good nutrition. Emphasis has been put on the creation of linkages within the

different services provided at the LPTFs and other service providers. The referral linkages between ANC,

PMTCT and ART services have been encouraged at the LPTFs to enable HIV+ mothers, their partners and

their babies to access ART services through the facilities.

AIDSRelief also continued employing a model of clinical preceptorship for service providers, with a special

emphasis on maximizing the role of nurses, adherence counselors and community workers. Activities

included training of health workers in improved pain and symptom evaluation and control, recognition and

appropriate referral for management of opportunistic infections (OIs), as well as supply of the basic care

package (ITNs, safe water, information on cotrimoxazole prophylaxis and prevention for positives). Activities

were expanded to include comprehensive training for 720 non-medical community workers as well as 290

medical staff to support and maintain care and treatment for all PLWHAs and their home caregivers. The

program has recognized the strong link between nutritional and Antiretroviral therapy and adherence to ART

but this remains a significant challenge. LPTFs have been encouraged to link with other organization able to

provide food, espically for severely malnourished PHAs. Training and guidance (national guidelines in

nutrition and HIV/AIDS) was provided to staff at LPTFs so that they could conduct nutritional assessment,

education and counseling at community and clinical levels.

By the end of FY 2008, AIDSRelief will have evaluated the program by relating patient outcome measures

such as viral suppression rates, adherence, and treatment support models to program level characteristics

at each LPTF. Over 1500 patients receiving care and treatment from 14 LPTFs were included in this

analysis, grouped into three cohorts (36, 24 and 12 months) representing the length of time they had

received therapy.

In FY2009, due to projected flat-lined funding, AIDSRelief activities will concentrate on consolidating the

quality of services provided at existing LPTFs and satellite sites in order to maintain 17,200 adult patients

on AIDSRelief provided ARVs and 55,781 adult patients in care. Support will consist of ARVs, OI drugs,

laboratory supplies and technical assistance to the LPTFs. A major focus will be to increase the devolution

of services to alternate cadres of service providers through ‘task shifting,' and networking with facilities and

with other service providers including the Ministry of Health. At the LPTFs, this strategy will focus on

protocols enabling nurses and clinical officers to do routine follow-up of stable patients and manage non-

critical acute symptoms as well as enabling nurses and pharmacy staff to do routine medication dispensing

to stable patients. This will increase service delivery, and ensure greater coordination and integration of

services provided within the community. Should additional funding from the USG become available,

AIDSRelief is poised to expand the services it supports to other underserved areas of Uganda to reach an

additional 6300 adult patients on ARVs and 10,000 adults in care.

AIDSRelief will continue to support a comprehensive and integrated continuum of care for HIV infected

patients building on existing services at the LPTFs. Services provided will comprise psychosocial support,

prevention for positives, clinical follow-up, laboratory testing (including CD4), treatment of opportunistic

infections and nutrition counseling and education for the 55,781 HIV + patients enrolled in care in 18 LPTFs

and their satellites. There will also be strengthened linkages between other health facility services,

especially for PMTCT and TB.

The AIDSRelief technical team will provide comprehensive training and technical assistance to 290 medical

and 720 non-medical staff to increase the capacity of LPTFs to appropriately manage and monitor patients

with HIV infection. This will include the recognition and management of opportunistic infections, treatment

failure, adult counseling, and psycho-social assessments. AIDSRelief will follow-up didactic training with

Activity Narrative: on- site clinical mentorship for clinicians and site level support for other cadres of workers. AIDSRelief will

also establish a network of model centers from exemplary LPTFs, where practitioners can gain practical

clinical experience in a controlled setting. Regional Continuous Medical Education Sessions and Partner

Forums will complement LPTF's staff training, allowing experience sharing, and reinforcing knowledge and

skill transfer from AIDSRelief technical staff.

At the community level, AIDSRelief will encourage further development of community based satellite clinics

and outreach staffed by clinical officers and nurses for the routine care of stable patients and a community

health team for the delivery of home based care and medications. The decentralization of HIV services

through the use of satellites and outreach will aim at increasing access to those who live in remote areas.

This approach reinforces AIDSRelief's model of providing integrated services to families at the community,

satellite sites and LPTFs level by inter-linking facility-based health providers and community health workers

and volunteers in order to meet the need of HIV/AIDS patients. AIDSRelief will continue providing

education on the importance of using ITNs, basic hygiene and good nutrition at household and community

levels. It will further enhance its community health programs by promoting family-based care through

symptom monitoring, disclosure counseling, secondary prevention, and family-based testing and education.

In FY 2009, LPTF community volunteers will continue to support patients on therapy, but will additionally

disseminate HIV care and prevention literacy. AIDSRelief will identify gaps in the media and adapt or

develop locally appropriate Information Education and Communication (IEC) and Behavior Change

Communication (BCC) materials on prevention, care, and treatment of HIV. AIDSRelief will also assist

LPTF networks with PLHA groups serving as volunteers in the community to strengthen adherence

programs. Emphasizing the importance of adherence and community linkages at all AIDSRelief supported

sites has enabled the program to achieve high and durable viral suppression.

The program will also strengthen linkages with other service providers operating within the communities

served by AIDSRelief supported facilities. Current relationships with organizations such as PSI and UHMG

(Uganda Health Marketing Group) will be strengthened in order to increase access to ITNs and clean water

at all LPTFs. In addition, the program will link LPTFs to the Ministry of Health to access cotrimoxazole and

malaria treatment. Reinforcing the integration of services that can be accessed through LPTFs will

enhance the overall package of care available to adults.

Coordinated by Constella Futures, SI activities incorporate program level reporting, enhancing the

effectiveness and efficiency of both paper-based and computerized patient monitoring and management

(PMM) systems, assuring data quality and continuous quality improvement, and using SI for program

decision making across project Local Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs). In FY 2009, AIDSRelief will

ensure that 100% of the LPTFs use the new PMM system, IQCare, and other IT solutions that enhance

data use, like IQTools. It will also ensure that LPTFs collect and enter their data in real time, maintain clean,

valid databases, and collect data across all program areas. This will support the program to reach and

report on its patients. During the year, great efforts will be put on ensuring that outreach/satellite information

is collected and integrated with that from the center. On-site training will be given to LPTF clinical and M&E

staff focusing on data analysis and use. Staff will be given skills to analyze their own data, and use the

information to carry out quality of life analyses to be able take informed clinical decisions. The program will

collect data on various clinical indicators that will enable clinicians provide improved care and treatment

services. These indicators will include: CD4, WHO stage, BMI, history and active TB, previous exposure to

ARVs, and risky social behaviors like alcoholism. LPTFs will also be able to track and report on patients

accessing the basic care package (ITNs, safe water, Cotrimoxazole) so that this information is linked to

prevalence and or incidence of certain OIs, like malaria, and chest infections, and overall patient morbidity


Through the already established CQI plans, and the "small test of change" methodology that is being used

at all LPTFs, staff will be assisted in generating, collecting and using patient level outcome information to

continuously assess, define gaps and improve the services they provide. Through the monthly multi-

disciplinary meetings at LPTFs, cross cutting issues on patient management will be discussed, and

strategies to improve the program developed as a team. This will enhance better understanding and

ownership of the program, and indicators that enhance good clinical practice. The program will also promote

these systems through a Training of Trainers (TOT) and peer to peer training model in SI, where "expert"

LPTF staff will train others in various skills. AIDSRelief will also conduct a QA/QI process with a sample of

patients, to evaluate the program by relating patient level outcome measures, viral suppression rates,

adherence and treatment support models to program level characteristics at each LPTF. In FY 2009 this

process will involve over 2000 patients from 18 LPTFs who would have been on therapy for 48, 36, 24 and

12 months respectively.

Sustainability lies at the heart of the AR program, and is based on durable therapeutic programs and health

systems strengthening. AR will focus on the transition of the management of care and treatment activities to

indigenous organizations by actively using its extensive linkages with faith based groups and other key

stakeholders to develop a transition plan that is appropriate to the Ugandan context. The plan will be

designed to ensure the continuous delivery of quality HIV care and treatment, and all activities will continue

to be implemented in close collaboration with the Government of Uganda to ensure coordination,

information sharing and long term sustainability. For the transition to be successful, sustainable institutional

capacity must be present within the indigenous organizations and LPTFs they support; therefore, AR will

strengthen the selected indigenous organizations according to their assessed needs, while continuing to

strengthen the health systems of the LPTFs. In FY2009, the program will support linkages between LPTFs

and the MOH to tap into locally available training institutions. AIDSRelief will particularly focus on its

relationship with indigenous organizations such as the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau and Uganda

Protestant Medical Bureau to build their institutional capacity to support LPTFs integrate ART and other

care and support programs into their health care services. This capacity strengthening will include human

resource support and management, financial management, infrastructure improvement, and strengthening

of health management information systems.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13268

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13268 4386.08 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 6429 1290.08 AIDSRelief $4,686,000

Resources Services



8289 4386.07 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 4799 1290.07 AIDSRelief $4,186,630

Resources Services



4386 4386.06 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 3330 1290.06 AIDSRelief $3,286,630

Resources Services



Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools $15,000

and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Water $20,000

Table 3.3.09:

Funding for Care: Pediatric Care and Support (PDCS): $74,000

AIDSRelief provides a comprehensive care and treatment program emphasizing strong links between

PLHAs, their families, communities and the health institutions. Its goal is to ensure that people living with

HIV/AIDS have increased access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and quality comprehensive medical care.

AIDSRelief (AR) is a consortium of five organizations which includes Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

working as the prime agency, the Institute of Human Virology (IHV) of the University of Maryland School of

Medicine, Constella Futures Group (CF), Catholic Medical Mission Board and Interchurch Medical

Assistance World Health (IMA); AIDSRelief services are offered through 18 Local Partner Treatment

Facilities (LPTFs), distributed across Uganda in some of the most underserved and rural areas. These

include St. Mary's Lacor, St Joseph Kitgum, Kalongo Hospital, Aber Hospital and Amai Hospital in Northern

Uganda; Nsambya Hospital, Kamwokya Christian Caring Community, Family Hope Center Kampala, Villa

Maria Hospital and Nkozi Hospital in Central Uganda; Family Hope Center Jinja and Nyenga Hospital in

Eastern Uganda; Virika Hospital, Kabarole Hospital, Bushenyi Medical Center - Katungu, KCRC -

Bushenyi, Kyamuhunga Comboni Hospital, Kasanga Health Centre in Western Uganda. In order to get

services closer to the communities served, AIDSRelief supports devolution of services to satellite sites in

selected LPTFs. The Children's AIDS Fund is a sub-grantee in AIDSRelief and manages a number of the


As of July 31, 2008, AR in Uganda was providing care and support to 5144 pediatric patients <18years, and

ART to 1726 patients <15 years. We maintained and supported 18 LPTFs and their satellites providing care

and treatment to adults and children and a number LPTFs expanded and decentralized their services by

opening satellites and outreach clinics. Specific pediatric focused sessions occurred at the various partner

forums; topics covered were Adult and Pediatric ARV provision with a focus on switching to second line

therapy; prevention of transmission of HIV from mothers to their infants; TB and the integration of TB and

HIV care and treatment services. AR also provided training in pediatric counseling to all LPTFs using a

newly developed curriculum produced in partnership with the African Network for Caring for Children with

AIDS. Subsequent to this training, LPTFs have established child friendly corners, organized family

treatment days and formed child support groups. Barriers to disclosure to children which had been a difficult

issue for health workers have been overcome. The hallmark of the model is to provide a continuum of care

from health facility to community supported by ongoing on-site mentorship/preceptorship for all cadres of

staff at supported LPTFs. By the end FY 2008 the AR Technical team will have made an average of one

weekly visit to each LPTF/quarter. Additional technical support visits will have been made to all LPTFs

focusing on the areas of pediatric care and PMTCT, TB/HIV service integration and pediatric psycho-social

support. The program has recognized the strong link between nutritional inputs, ART and adherence but

this remains a significant challenge. LPTFs have been encouraged to link with other organizations to able to

provide food, especially for severely malnourished patients. Training and guidance (national guidelines in

nutrition and HIV/AIDS) was provided to staff at LPTFs so that they could conduct nutritional assessment,

education and counseling at community and clinical levels.

In FY 2009, AR will concentrate on consolidating the quality of services provided at existing LPTFs and

satellite sites with the goal of maintaining 2800 pediatric patients on ART (16%) and 7,839 pediatric patients

in care and support through the provision of ARVs, OI drugs, laboratory supplies and technical assistance to

the LPTFs. In FY2009, AR proposes to expand its services to bring more 2500 children in care, and 750

children on ART and continue to support a comprehensive and integrated continuum of care for HIV

infected patients building on existing services at the LPTFs to provide psychosocial and counseling

support, clinical follow-up, laboratory testing (including CD4), treatment of opportunistic infections and

nutrition counseling and education for the 55,781 HIV+ patients including 7,839 pediatric patients enrolled in

care and 20000 patients including 2800 children on ARVs in 18 LPTFs and their satellites. In many of the

regions supported by AR, access to pediatric care and treatment services is limited. AR will bring infants

and children into care and treatment as an area of targeted expansion and will ensure integration and

linkages between ANC, Labor and Delivery Services, MCH and Immunization services to identify and

enhance the follow-up of HIV infected mothers and their exposed children. AR will maintain linkages with

JCRC and other groups, who can provide early infant diagnosis so that all HIV exposed infants can be

diagnosed in a timely manner, receive their results and be referred for comprehensive HIV care.

Strengthening a provider initiated testing in out and inpatient pediatric services will also identify more HIV

infected children to assure continuity of care and to minimize losses to follow-up all exposed children will be

followed up in the ART program until they are at least 2 years and are documented negative and later they

will continue to access services through the OVC program up to the age of 5 years. In an effort to ensure

that all children and their families have access to the BCP, linkages with organizations such as PSI and

UHMG will be strengthened. AR will continue to ensure that nutritional assessment, education and

counseling are provided to mothers/caretakers and their children at LPTFs. The programs will strengthen

integration of the nutrition component into the LPTFs adherence and community outreach activities in order

to assure that all children receiving services at AR supported facilities receive comprehensive age

appropriate psycho-social counseling and treatment and adherence support, provide training and technical

assistance to all service providers in the area of pediatric psycho-social counseling. Task shifting to

maximize human resources will be emphasized at facility and community levels, focusing on using nurses

and clinical officers for the routine follow-up of stable patients, using protocol driven nurse and clinical

officer management of non-critical acute symptoms; nurses and pharmacy staff will also be trained in

routine medication dispensing to stable patients. In line with a family centered approach to care, at the

community level, we will encourage the development of community based satellite clinics and outreaches

staffed by clinical officers/nurses/community health workers for the routine care of stable patients and the

use of community health teams for the delivery of home based care and for medication delivery. The

decentralization of HIV services satellites and outreaches will increase access to those who live in remote

areas. This approach reinforces the model of providing integrated services to families at the community by

inter-linking facility based health providers and community health workers and volunteers. Currently, AR

provides varying levels of home based care, ARV treatment support and community preventative services

using outreach teams led by a community nurse or a clinical officer. The outreach teams coordinate with

CHWs and community based volunteers, many of whom are motivated PLHAs in their communities.

Development of these community health programs to provide integrated HIV care, support adherence and

promote preventative services is critical to ensuring sustainable treatment programs and maximizing

funding investments. They also promote family based care through symptom monitoring, disclosure

counseling, secondary prevention, and family based testing and education. In addition, the LPTFs'

Activity Narrative: community volunteers will be used as resources to support patients on therapy, disseminate HIV care and

prevention literacy. AR will adapt existing, locally appropriate IEC and BCC materials, identify gaps in these

media and develop materials as needed to be used by HCWs and community volunteers. Education on the

importance of using ITNs, basic hygiene and good nutrition will be provided at household level and to

communities. AR will assist LPTF networks with PLHA groups serving as volunteers in the community to

strengthen adherence programs. We will support several LPTFs in Northern Uganda and will continue to

assist them in developing outreach programs that provide support to those affected by internal

displacement. The program will also strengthen linkages within the LPTFs, particularly those between

PMTCT, TB and CT services with ART services. LPTFs will also be linked to organizations that provide

community based therapeutic feeding programs to support the malnourished. Linkages with organizations

such as PSI and AFFORD will be strengthened in order to increase access to ITNs and clean water. In

addition, the program will link LPTFs to the Ministry of Health to access cotrimoxazole and malaria

treatment. Reinforcing LPTFs external and internal integration will ensure that core AIDSRelief care and

treatment activities will be integrated with ancillary services and program activities of other providers in the

same region. Pediatric technical capacity is an area of emphasis, the program will continue to ensure that

all involved cadres of service providers have the capacity to provide age appropriate services to children.

To accomplish this, the technical team, will provide comprehensive pediatric training and technical

assistance to medical and non-medical staff to increase the capacity of LPTFs to appropriately manage and

monitor pediatric patients with HIV infection. AR will provide training in pediatric counseling and will

strengthen LPTF staff capacity to develop community based psycho-social assessments. AR is developing

a network of model centers where practitioners can gain practical clinical experience in a controlled setting.

12 Regional CME (including 3 focusing on pediatrics and 3 on PMTCT) and 2 partners' forums will

complement LPTF's staff training, allow experience sharing and reinforce knowledge and skill transfer from

AIDSRelief technical staff. Coordinated by CF, SI activities incorporate program level reporting, enhancing

the effectiveness and efficiency of both paper-based and computerized patient monitoring and management

(PMM) systems, assuring data quality and continuous quality improvement, and using SI for program

decision making across project Local Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs). In FY 2009, AR wiill ensure that

100% of the LPTFs use the new PMM system, IQ Care, and other IT solutions that enhance data use, like

IQ Tools. It will also ensure that LPTFs collect and enter their data in real time, maintain clean, valid

databases, thus support the program to reach and report on its patients. During the year, efforts will be put

on ensuring that outreach/satellite information is collected and integrated with that from the center. On-site

training will be given to LPTF clinical and M&E staff focusing on data analysis and use. The program will

collect data on various clinical indicators that will enable clinicians provide improved care and treatment

services which will include: CD4, WHO stage, BMI, history and active TB, previous exposure to ARVs, and

risky social behaviors like alcohol intake; track and report on patients accessing the basic care package

(ITNs, safe water, Cotrimoxazole) so that this information is linked to prevalence and or incidence of certain

OIs. The program will maximize tracking of activities that lead to scale up of pediatric care and treatment.

Documenting and reporting on enrolled children, followed up by age group, treatment regimens, and those

receiving the basic care package. Through the already established CQI plans, and the "small tests of

change" methodology that is being used at all LPTFs, staff will be able to identify patient management gaps,

and decide how and when these will be addressed. Through the monthly multi-disciplinary meetings at

LPTFs, cross cutting issues on patient management will be discussed, and strategies to improve the

program developed. The program will also promote these systems through a Training of Trainers (TOT) and

peer to peer training model in SI, where "expert" LPTF staff will train others in various skills. We will also

conduct a QA/QI process with a sample of patients, to evaluate the program by relating patient level

outcome measures, viral suppression rates, adherence and treatment support models to program level

characteristics at each LPTF. In FY 2009 this process will involve over 2000 patients from 18 LPTFs who

would have been on therapy for 48, 36, 24 and 12 months respectively. In addition, AIDSRelief will initiate a

CQI process in which LPTFs will be assisted in generating, collecting and using patient level outcome

information to continuously assess and improve the services they provide. AR will focus on the transition of

the management of care and treatment activities to indigenous organizations by actively using its extensive

linkages with faith based groups and other key stakeholders to develop a transition plan that is appropriate

to the Ugandan context. The plan will be designed to ensure the continuous delivery of quality HIV care

and treatment, and implemented in close collaboration with the Government of Uganda to ensure

coordination, information sharing and long term sustainability. For the transition to be successful,

sustainable institutional capacity must be present within the indigenous organizations and LPTFs they

support; therefore, AR will strengthen the selected indigenous organizations according to their assessed

needs, while continuing to strengthen the health systems of the LPTFs. In FY 2009, the program will

support linkages between LPTFs and the MOH to tap into locally available training institutions, and focus on

its relationship with indigenous organizations such as the UCMB and UPMB to build their institutional

capacity to support LPTFs.

AR will continue to strengthen the health system management of LPTFs, conduct biannual finance and

compliance trainings and program finance staff will carry out regular site visits to provide technical

assistance, and to set up appropriate cost accounting systems.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13263

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13263 4395.08 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 6429 1290.08 AIDSRelief $370,000

Resources Services



8292 4395.07 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 4799 1290.07 AIDSRelief $200,000

Resources Services



4395 4395.06 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 3330 1290.06 AIDSRelief $110,362

Resources Services



Emphasis Areas

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Malaria (PMI)

* TB

Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Water $20,000

Table 3.3.10:

Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $904,398

AIDSRelief provides a comprehensive care and treatment program emphasizing strong links between

PLHAs, their families, communities and the health institutions. Its goal is to ensure that people living with

HIV/AIDS have increased access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and quality comprehensive medical care.

AIDSRelief (AR) is a consortium of five organizations which includes Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

working as the prime agency, the Institute of Human Virology (IHV) of the University of Maryland School of

Medicine, Constella Futures Group (CF), Catholic Medical Mission Board and Interchurch Medical

Assistance World Health (IMA); AIDSRelief services are offered through 18 Local Partner Treatment

Facilities (LPTFs), distributed across Uganda in some of the most underserved and rural areas. These

include St. Mary's Lacor, St Joseph Kitgum, Kalongo Hospital, Aber Hospital and Amai Hospital in Northern

Uganda; Nsambya Hospital, Kamwokya Christian Caring Community, Family Hope Center Kampala, Villa

Maria Hospital and Nkozi Hospital in Central Uganda; Family Hope Center Jinja and Nyenga Hospital in

Eastern Uganda; Virika Hospital, Kabarole Hospital, Bushenyi Medical Center - Katungu, KCRC -

Bushenyi, Kyamuhunga Comboni Hospital, Kasanga Health Centre in Western Uganda. In order to get

services closer to the communities served, AIDSRelief supports devolution of services to satellite sites in

selected LPTFs. The Children's AIDS Fund is a sub-grantee in AIDSRelief and manages a number of the


As of July 31, 2008, AR in Uganda was providing care and support to 5144 pediatric patients <18years, and

ART to 1726 patients <15 years. We maintained and supported 18 LPTFs and their satellites providing care

and treatment to adults and children and a number LPTFs expanded and decentralized their services by

opening satellites and outreach clinics. Specific pediatric focused sessions occurred at the various partner

forums; topics covered were Adult and Pediatric ARV provision with a focus on switching to second line

therapy; prevention of transmission of HIV from mothers to their infants; TB and the integration of TB and

HIV care and treatment services. AR also provided training in pediatric counseling to all LPTFs using a

newly developed curriculum produced in partnership with the African Network for Caring for Children with

AIDS. Subsequent to this training, LPTFs have established child friendly corners, organized family

treatment days and formed child support groups. Barriers to disclosure to children which had been a difficult

issue for health workers have been overcome. The hallmark of the model is to provide a continuum of care

from health facility to community supported by ongoing on-site mentorship/preceptorship for all cadres of

staff at supported LPTFs. By the end FY 2008 the AR Technical team will have made an average of one

weekly visit to each LPTF/quarter. Additional technical support visits will have been made to all LPTFs

focusing on the areas of pediatric care and PMTCT, TB/HIV service integration and pediatric psycho-social

support. The program has recognized the strong link between nutritional inputs, ART and adherence but

this remains a significant challenge. LPTFs have been encouraged to link with other organizations to able to

provide food, especially for severely malnourished patients. Training and guidance (national guidelines in

nutrition and HIV/AIDS) was provided to staff at LPTFs so that they could conduct nutritional assessment,

education and counseling at community and clinical levels.

In FY 2009, AR will concentrate on consolidating the quality of services provided at existing LPTFs and

satellite sites with the goal of maintaining 2800 pediatric patients on ART (16%) and 7,839 pediatric patients

in care and support through the provision of ARVs, OI drugs, laboratory supplies and technical assistance to

the LPTFs. In FY2009, AR proposes to expand its services to bring more 2500 children in care, and 750

children on ART and continue to support a comprehensive and integrated continuum of care for HIV

infected patients building on existing services at the LPTFs to provide psychosocial and counseling

support, clinical follow-up, laboratory testing (including CD4), treatment of opportunistic infections and

nutrition counseling and education for the 55,781 HIV+ patients including 7,839 pediatric patients enrolled in

care and 20000 patients including 2800 children on ARVs in 18 LPTFs and their satellites. In many of the

regions supported by AR, access to pediatric care and treatment services is limited. AR will bring infants

and children into care and treatment as an area of targeted expansion and will ensure integration and

linkages between ANC, Labor and Delivery Services, MCH and Immunization services to identify and

enhance the follow-up of HIV infected mothers and their exposed children. AR will maintain linkages with

JCRC and other groups, who can provide early infant diagnosis so that all HIV exposed infants can be

diagnosed in a timely manner, receive their results and be referred for comprehensive HIV care.

Strengthening a provider initiated testing in out and inpatient pediatric services will also identify more HIV

infected children to assure continuity of care and to minimize losses to follow-up all exposed children will be

followed up in the ART program until they are at least 2 years and are documented negative and later they

will continue to access services through the OVC program up to the age of 5 years. In an effort to ensure

that all children and their families have access to the BCP, linkages with organizations such as PSI and

UHMG will be strengthened. AR will continue to ensure that nutritional assessment, education and

counseling are provided to mothers/caretakers and their children at LPTFs. The programs will strengthen

integration of the nutrition component into the LPTFs adherence and community outreach activities in order

to assure that all children receiving services at AR supported facilities receive comprehensive age

appropriate psycho-social counseling and treatment and adherence support, provide training and technical

assistance to all service providers in the area of pediatric psycho-social counseling. Task shifting to

maximize human resources will be emphasized at facility and community levels, focusing on using nurses

and clinical officers for the routine follow-up of stable patients, using protocol driven nurse and clinical

officer management of non-critical acute symptoms; nurses and pharmacy staff will also be trained in

routine medication dispensing to stable patients. In line with a family centered approach to care, at the

community level, we will encourage the development of community based satellite clinics and outreaches

staffed by clinical officers/nurses/community health workers for the routine care of stable patients and the

use of community health teams for the delivery of home based care and for medication delivery. The

decentralization of HIV services satellites and outreaches will increase access to those who live in remote

areas. This approach reinforces the model of providing integrated services to families at the community by

inter-linking facility based health providers and community health workers and volunteers. Currently, AR

provides varying levels of home based care, ARV treatment support and community preventative services

using outreach teams led by a community nurse or a clinical officer. The outreach teams coordinate with

CHWs and community based volunteers, many of whom are motivated PLHAs in their communities.

Development of these community health programs to provide integrated HIV care, support adherence and

promote preventative services is critical to ensuring sustainable treatment programs and maximizing

funding investments. They also promote family based care through symptom monitoring, disclosure

counseling, secondary prevention, and family based testing and education. In addition, the LPTFs'

Activity Narrative: community volunteers will be used as resources to support patients on therapy, disseminate HIV care and

prevention literacy. AR will adapt existing, locally appropriate IEC and BCC materials, identify gaps in these

media and develop materials as needed to be used by HCWs and community volunteers. Education on the

importance of using ITNs, basic hygiene and good nutrition will be provided at household level and to

communities. AR will assist LPTF networks with PLHA groups serving as volunteers in the community to

strengthen adherence programs. We will support several LPTFs in Northern Uganda and will continue to

assist them in developing outreach programs that provide support to those affected by internal

displacement. The program will also strengthen linkages within the LPTFs, particularly those between

PMTCT, TB and CT services with ART services. LPTFs will also be linked to organizations that provide

community based therapeutic feeding programs to support the malnourished. Linkages with organizations

such as PSI and AFFORD will be strengthened in order to increase access to ITNs and clean water. In

addition, the program will link LPTFs to the Ministry of Health to access cotrimoxazole and malaria

treatment. Reinforcing LPTFs external and internal integration will ensure that core AIDSRelief care and

treatment activities will be integrated with ancillary services and program activities of other providers in the

same region. Pediatric technical capacity is an area of emphasis, the program will continue to ensure that

all involved cadres of service providers have the capacity to provide age appropriate services to children.

To accomplish this, the technical team, will provide comprehensive pediatric training and technical

assistance to medical and non-medical staff to increase the capacity of LPTFs to appropriately manage and

monitor pediatric patients with HIV infection. AR will provide training in pediatric counseling and will

strengthen LPTF staff capacity to develop community based psycho-social assessments. AR is developing

a network of model centers where practitioners can gain practical clinical experience in a controlled setting.

12 Regional CME (including 3 focusing on pediatrics and 3 on PMTCT) and 2 partners' forums will

complement LPTF's staff training, allow experience sharing and reinforce knowledge and skill transfer from

AIDSRelief technical staff. Coordinated by CF, SI activities incorporate program level reporting, enhancing

the effectiveness and efficiency of both paper-based and computerized patient monitoring and management

(PMM) systems, assuring data quality and continuous quality improvement, and using SI for program

decision making across project Local Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs). In FY 2009, AR wiill ensure that

100% of the LPTFs use the new PMM system, IQ Care, and other IT solutions that enhance data use, like

IQ Tools. It will also ensure that LPTFs collect and enter their data in real time, maintain clean, valid

databases, thus support the program to reach and report on its patients. During the year, efforts will be put

on ensuring that outreach/satellite information is collected and integrated with that from the center. On-site

training will be given to LPTF clinical and M&E staff focusing on data analysis and use. The program will

collect data on various clinical indicators that will enable clinicians provide improved care and treatment

services which will include: CD4, WHO stage, BMI, history and active TB, previous exposure to ARVs, and

risky social behaviors like alcohol intake; track and report on patients accessing the basic care package

(ITNs, safe water, Cotrimoxazole) so that this information is linked to prevalence and or incidence of certain

OIs. The program will maximize tracking of activities that lead to scale up of pediatric care and treatment.

Documenting and reporting on enrolled children, followed up by age group, treatment regimens, and those

receiving the basic care package. Through the already established CQI plans, and the "small tests of

change" methodology that is being used at all LPTFs, staff will be able to identify patient management gaps,

and decide how and when these will be addressed. Through the monthly multi-disciplinary meetings at

LPTFs, cross cutting issues on patient management will be discussed, and strategies to improve the

program developed. The program will also promote these systems through a Training of Trainers (TOT) and

peer to peer training model in SI, where "expert" LPTF staff will train others in various skills. We will also

conduct a QA/QI process with a sample of patients, to evaluate the program by relating patient level

outcome measures, viral suppression rates, adherence and treatment support models to program level

characteristics at each LPTF. In FY 2009 this process will involve over 2000 patients from 18 LPTFs who

would have been on therapy for 48, 36, 24 and 12 months respectively. In addition, AIDSRelief will initiate a

CQI process in which LPTFs will be assisted in generating, collecting and using patient level outcome

information to continuously assess and improve the services they provide. AR will focus on the transition of

the management of care and treatment activities to indigenous organizations by actively using its extensive

linkages with faith based groups and other key stakeholders to develop a transition plan that is appropriate

to the Ugandan context. The plan will be designed to ensure the continuous delivery of quality HIV care

and treatment, and implemented in close collaboration with the Government of Uganda to ensure

coordination, information sharing and long term sustainability. For the transition to be successful,

sustainable institutional capacity must be present within the indigenous organizations and LPTFs they

support; therefore, AR will strengthen the selected indigenous organizations according to their assessed

needs, while continuing to strengthen the health systems of the LPTFs. In FY 2009, the program will

support linkages between LPTFs and the MOH to tap into locally available training institutions, and focus on

its relationship with indigenous organizations such as the UCMB and UPMB to build their institutional

capacity to support LPTFs.

AR will continue to strengthen the health system management of LPTFs, conduct biannual finance and

compliance trainings and program finance staff will carry out regular site visits to provide technical

assistance, and to set up appropriate cost accounting systems.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13268

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13268 4386.08 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 6429 1290.08 AIDSRelief $4,686,000

Resources Services



8289 4386.07 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 4799 1290.07 AIDSRelief $4,186,630

Resources Services



4386 4386.06 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 3330 1290.06 AIDSRelief $3,286,630

Resources Services



Emphasis Areas

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Malaria (PMI)

* TB

Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Water $20,000

Table 3.3.11:

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $98,987

AIDSRelief provides a comprehensive care and treatment program emphasizing strong links between

PLHAs, their family, communities and the health institutions. Its goal is to ensure that people living with

HIV/AIDS have access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and quality medical care. AIDSRelief is a consortium

of five organizations which includes Catholic Relief Services (CRS) working as the lead agency, the Institute

of Human Virology (IHV), Constella Futures Group (CF), Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and

Interchurch Medical Assistance World Health (IMA); AIDSRelief services are offered through 18 Local

Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs), distributed throughout Uganda working in some of the most

underserved and rural areas, including Northern Uganda. These include St. Mary's Lacor, St Joseph

Kitgum, Nsambya Hospital, Kamwokya Christian Caring Community, Family Hope Center Kampala, Family

Hope Center Jinja, Virika Hospital, Villa Maria Hospital, Kabarole Hospital, Bushenyi Medical Center 1-

Katungu, Bushenyi Medical Center 2- Kabwohe, Kyamuhunga Comboni Hospital, Kasanga Health Centre,

Kalongo Hospital, Amai Hospital, Aber Hospital, Nkozi Hospital, and Nyenga Hospital. In order to get

services closer to the communities it serves, AIDSRelief supports 24 satellite sites in selected LPTFs. The

Children's AIDS Fund is a sub-grantee in AIDSRelief and manages a number of the LPTFs.

Progress to-date; activities and achievements

As of July 31, 2008, AIDSRelief in Uganda was providing care and support to 55,781 adult patients 18 years

and older, and antiretroviral treatment to 16,833 HIV-infected patients 15 years and older; and to 5144

pediatric patients 18 years and younger, and antiretroviral treatment to 1762 HIV-infected patients 15 years

and younger. In FY 2008 AIDSRelief supported 18 LPTFs and 24 satellite sites to provide a family-centered

approach to diagnosis and treatment of 3,600 TB, co-infected HIV positive patients. This incorporated

routine opt out counseling and testing for HIV within TB treatment facilities, systematic referral for TB

screening within HIV testing facilities, and systematic TB screening within HIV care and treatment facilities.

Family members of TB patients were also encouraged to be screened for TB. HIV prevention messages,

such as avoidance of high risk behaviors and secondary prevention, were integrated into counseling and

testing sessions for TB patients. AIDSRelief followed the Government of Uganda policy guidelines and

AIDS Control Program guidance on TB/HIV integration and TB/HIV communication strategy.

LPTFs' laboratory infrastructure was strengthened to assure safe and quality processing of TB samples.

AIDSRelief continued linking LPTFs to the Ministry of Health's National TB and Leprosy Program for TB

drugs and supplies for basic laboratory investigations. Referral linkages within the LPTFs and between

LPTF and satellite sites for TB patients were improved, and HIV + patients who required care were referred

to HIV/AIDS clinics. These patients were also treated for other opportunistic infections and received the

basic care package through the CDC/PSI program.

Training of health workers and community volunteers were key activities in FY 2008. AIDSRelief trained

290 community health nurses and 720 volunteers on how to recognize TB signs and symptoms. On-going

training of medical and clinical officers in TB X-ray interpretation and clinical mentorship on TB diagnosis

and care was also provided. Additionally, three regional continuous medical education (CME) sessions,

focused on TB and the integration of TB and HIV care and treatment services, were held in FY 2008. The

AIDSRelief technical team made an average of one week-long visit each quarter to all LPTFs to provide

technical assistance related to TB/HIV. The program also encouraged LPTFs to coordinate with the MOH's

District Health Department to train health workers in TB/HIV.

Coordinated by Constella Futures, strategic information (SI) activities incorporated program level reporting,

enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of both paper-based and computerized patient monitoring and

management (PMM) systems, assuring data quality and continuous quality improvement, and using SI for

program decision making across all LPTFs. AIDSRelief has built and maintained a strong PMM system

using in-country networks and available technology at 18 LPTFs in FY 2008. Constella Futures carried out

site visits to all LPTFs to provide technical assistance to ensure continued quality data collection, data entry,

data validation and analysis, and dissemination of findings across a range of stakeholders.

By the end of FY 2008, AIDSRelief will have evaluated the program by relating patient outcome measures

such as viral suppression rates, adherence, and treatment support models to program level characteristics

at each LPTF. Over 1500 patients receiving care and treatment from 14 LPTFs will be included in this

analysis, grouped into three cohorts (36, 24 and 12 months) representing the length of time they had

received therapy.

FY 2009 activities

In FY2009, AIDSRelief program will intensify the diagnosis and treatment of TB/HIV co-infected patients by

ensuring that all HIV+ patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of or previous history of TB infection

are appropriately evaluated and properly managed if found to be positive. AIDSRelief will provide treatment

to 3,600 HIV + patients, and all family members of TB patients will be screened for TB. A total of 4,800

registered TB patients will receive HIV counseling and testing results at AIDSRelief supported LPTFs and

all patients testing positive will be referred to HIV care and treatment. Routine, opt-out counseling and

testing for HIV within TB treatment sites will continue, as will systematic referral for TB screening at HIV

testing sites.

The program will continue implementing a family-centered approach to both HIV testing and TB screening.

Under this approach AIDSRelief will assist the LPTFs to implement a contact tracing strategy that ensures

that family members of all HIV+ patients diagnosed with TB be screened for TB. This will be accomplished

using the community based treatment support mechanisms that are implemented at all AIDSRelief

supported centers. AIDSRelief will strengthen the TB-DOTS system through integration with the existing

HIV community follow-up programs. A total of 290 LPTF staff will be trained in the provision of clinical

treatment for TB to HIV+ patients, and 720 community volunteers will be trained to provide community-

based treatment support for TB patients. On-going training clinical mentorship of medical and clinical staff

(including laboratory personnel) will also be provided by the AIDSRelief technical team. This will include TB

diagnosis and management (including TB X-ray interpretation), preparation and handling of specimens,

proper infection control procedures. In addition, AIDSRelief will continue to encourage LPTFs to coordinate

with the MOH's District Health Department to train health workers in TB/HIV.

Activity Narrative: AIDSRelief will ensure that all Uganda National TB reporting requirements are followed and collaborate with

the Uganda National regional and District TB programs to assist all LPTFs to become MOH-registered

TB/HIV treatment centers. The ability to treat co-infected patients at one site will increase adherence to

treatment and simplify monitoring, lessen the health-care burden on co-infected patients, and enhance

sustainability. The program will continue strengthening LPTF laboratory and clinical infrastructure to assure

safe and quality processing of TB samples and effective infection control. AIDSRelief will also ensure

participation of all supported labs in an external and internal quality control program for TB specimens. In

addition, through linkages with the NTLP labs will increase surveillance for MDR- and XDR-TB. To enhance

TB tracking and reporting, Constella Futures, the monitoring arm of AIDSRelief, will ensure compilation of

complete and valid HIV patient treatment/TB data; enhance analysis of required indicators for quality HIV

patient treatment and ARV program monitoring and reporting; and provide relevant, LPTF-specific technical

assistance to develop specific data quality improvement plans for tracking TB cases. The program will use

IQ Care, the current PMM system, to track TB patients who are counseled, tested, and receive their HIV

results and HIV+ patients screened for TB. In addition, all patients accessing care and treatment, and being

treated for TB, will be captured using the existing clinical management tools, and their data captured in the

data base for further analysis and reporting.

To enhance tracking and reporting of comprehensive TB data, LPTF staff will receive training in the

following areas: TB indicator definitions; analysis of TB data captured on the different tracking tools-both

manual registers and electronic; and tracking and reporting on patients completing treatment, and capturing

defaulters. AIDSRelief will promote the data use culture, to enable LPTFs use data for informed clinical

decisions and adaptive management. It will ensure that different data systems at health facilities are

harmonized for effective and efficient reporting.

Sustainability lies at the heart of the AR program, and is based on durable therapeutic programs and health

systems strengthening. AR will focus on the transition of the management of care and treatment activities to

indigenous organizations by actively using its extensive linkages with faith based groups and other key

stakeholders to develop a transition plan that is appropriate to the Ugandan context. The plan will be

designed to ensure the continuous delivery of quality HIV care and treatment, and all activities will continue

to be implemented in close collaboration with the Government of Uganda to ensure coordination,

information sharing and long term sustainability. For the transition to be successful, sustainable institutional

capacity must be present within the indigenous organizations and LPTFs they support; therefore, AR will

strengthen the selected indigenous organizations according to their assessed needs, while continuing to

strengthen the health systems of the LPTFs. In FY2009, the program will support linkages between LPTFs

and the MOH to tap into locally available training institutions. AIDSRelief will particularly focus on its

relationship with indigenous organizations such as the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau and Uganda

Protestant Medical Bureau to build their institutional capacity to support LPTFs integrate ART and other

care and support programs into their health care.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13264

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13264 4396.08 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 6429 1290.08 AIDSRelief $100,000

Resources Services



8293 4396.07 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 4799 1290.07 AIDSRelief $30,000

Resources Services



4396 4396.06 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 3330 1290.06 AIDSRelief $13,625

Resources Services



Emphasis Areas


* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* TB

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $26,500

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools $1,000

and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.12:

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $500,000

AIDSRelief provides a comprehensive care and treatment program emphasizing strong links between

PLHAs, their family, communities and the health institutions. Its goal is to ensure that people living with

HIV/AIDS have access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and quality medical care.

AIDSRelief is a consortium of five organizations which includes Catholic Relief Services (CRS) working as

the lead agency, the Institute of Human Virology (IHV), Constella Futures Group (CF), Catholic Medical

Mission Board (CMMB) and Interchurch Medical Assistance World Health (IMA); AIDSRelief services are

offered through 18 Local Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs), distributed throughout Uganda working in

some of the most underserved and rural areas, including Northern Uganda. These include St. Mary's Lacor,

St Joseph Kitgum, Nsambya Hospital, Kamwokya Christian Caring Community, Family Hope Center

Kampala, Family Hope Center Jinja, Virika Hospital, Villa Maria Hospital, Kabarole Hospital, Bushenyi

Medical Center 1- Katungu, Bushenyi Medical Center 2- Kabwohe, Kyamuhunga Comboni Hospital,

Kasanga Health Centre, Kalongo Hospital, Amai Hospital, Aber Hospital, Nkozi Hospital, and Nyenga

Hospital. In order to get services closer to the communities it serves, AIDSRelief supports 24 satellite sites

in selected LPTFs as well as three CBOs. The Children's AIDS Fund is a sub-grantee in AIDSRelief and

manages a number of the LPTFs.

As of the end of February 2009, AIDSRelief in Uganda will have supported 18 LPTFs and 24 satellite sites

to provide 7839 orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) with support including psychosocial, life skills,

leveraged education, leveraged nutrition support and leveraged child protection.

In order to enhance linkages and access to health care for OVC, AIDSRelief carried out regional trainings

using facilitators from the Ministry of Gender and Social Development. Trainings were conducted in line with

the Ministry's OVC policy and reached 360 health professionals (Social Workers, Counselors, and medical

personnel) and community volunteers. The objectives of the trainings included equipping OVC service

providers with information and skills in all key areas of focus for OVC, as outlined in the NOP & NSSPI. The

primary goal was to enable OVC community service providers to strengthen linkages between various OVC

interventions and to enhance collaboration and partnership between various stakeholders involved in

implementing OVC work. Following these trainings, the health workers and volunteers acquired relevant

skills that helped them in identifying and sensitizing communities about OVC issues.

Additionally, positive parenting training targeting parents and guardians of OVCs was carried out at 18

LPTFs. 72 such trainings took place, reaching out to 1,500 parents/guardians. The trainings focused on:

parenting skills; children's rights and responsibilities; child abuse and neglect; substance and drug abuse

among adolescents; communicating to children; and general hygiene and nutrition for OVCs.

AIDSRelief has created two entry points in the identification of OVC, the AIDSRelief HIV clinics at all the

LPTFs and the community. At the clinic, the program has identified and supported the HIV+ children as well

as OVCs under the care of the adult clients. Support for OVCs at the facility level includes: identifying the

vulnerable households, nutritional counseling and food supplements as needed, psychosocial support and

training of care givers in OVC management. Also at the facility level, AIDSRelief supported LPTFs to create

a family-centered care environment, and enhanced community support systems, including support for OVC

peer groups, foster homes and paralegal support. All LPTFs established two support groups each, one for

children and one for adolescents, making a total 36 support groups; 70% of the facilities have designated

child friendly corners and child days that typically occurred quarterly.

On child days, children were grouped by age and age appropriate activities were carried out. These

activities included sessions on discipline, behavior life skills, and leadership skills. Identification of skills and

talents also took place, and the OVC were linked to livelihood support programs such as vocational skills

and apprenticeship. Additionally, adolescents were trained in prevention activities, using the Value of Life

Curriculum, with a focus on abstinence. Every year, the program organizes 80 such child days throughout

the supported LPTFs.

Through the community approach, trained health workers and volunteers carried out community

mobilization and sensitization at community and family level using existing structures like churches and

religious leadership, community meetings, and youth peer groups. As a result, they were able to identify

2,900 OVCs and linked them to comprehensive OVC packages provided by the program. AIDSRelief

additionally connected LPTFs with other organizations that provide vital nutritional services often required

by OVC. Through establishing linkages with the Ministry of Health and the Clinton Foundation, LPTFs in

Northern Uganda were trained in the Community Therapeutic Care model. This training equipped them to

provide out-patient care for severely malnourished children without other medical complications, including

the provision of ready to use therapeutic food (PlumpyNut) to 245 OVC. Additional linkages in other

geographical areas have been established with government facilities, such as Mwanamujimu in Mulago

Hospital, which also provides nutritional support. The AIDSRelief Nutritionist also identified nutritional

centers close to the AIDSRelief LPTFs and has engaged these centers to allow the AIDSRelief facilities to

refer the OVC that need nutritional supplements. Other linkages for OVC services including school fees,

and additional nutritional support have been established at nearby health facilities e.g. Jajja's home in

Bushenyi. A total of 2,000 OVCs were supported with school fees; over 3,500 accessed food supplements,

especially OVCs in the Northern LPTFs.

Coordinated by Constella Futures, strategic information (SI) activities incorporate program level reporting,

enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of both paper-based and computerized client monitoring and

management (CMM) systems, assuring data quality and continuous quality improvement, and using SI for

program decision making across all LPTFs. AIDSRelief has built and maintained a strong CMM system

using in-country networks and available technology at 18 LPTFs in FY 2008. Constella Futures carried out

site visits to all LPTFs to provide technical assistance to ensure continued quality data collection, data entry,

data validation and analysis, and dissemination of findings across a range of stakeholders. Using standard

data collection tools, the program tracked and reported on OVC supported under each core program area.

This enabled LPTFs to accurately report on OVC receiving primary direct, primary supplemental, or any

leveraged support.

Activity Narrative: In FY 2009 AIDSRelief will maintain its services at the 18 LPTFs and 24 satellite sites with the goal to

provide supplemental direct support to 7,300 OVCs. The core areas under here will include: psychosocial

support to infected and affected OVCs; and health care services including nutrition security on child days.

In FY 2009 AIDSRelief will provide a comprehensive OVC package that caters for the provision of age

appropriate interventions to children in order to meet the social, physical and psychosocial needs of the

OVC. The OVC services offered through AIDSRelief will include; care and support, health services, and

psychosocial support (including the mitigation of conflict impact on OVC). Care and support will focus on

empowering families and communities to provide quality care and support for OVC, and ensuring that OVC

are able to get their basic needs. AIDSRelief will provide a package of psychosocial support that will

include: counseling for families of the OVCs in positive parenting skills; caring skills to parents and

guardians; and career guidance to OVCs to enable them live in the challenging environment. The

psychosocial activities will also address: reproductive concerns of adolescent OVCs and trauma and how to

treat it. Through linkages with paralegal programs identified by the LPTFs, succession planning activities

will be carried out. These will target parents/guardians of OVCs, to give them skills to write wills, talk to their

children about their family history, and help families prepare for life after death. The program aims at

reaching 1,080 care providers with these activities.

AIDSRelief will continue to build the capacities of health workers, social workers, counselors and community

volunteers to be able to identify OVC both at the health facilities and in the community and to link them to

comprehensive OVC packages. Specific regional trainings in OVC management will be provided for LPTF

health workers and volunteers with facilitators from the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development.

Training for health workers will enhance skills for providing an OVC friendly approach, i.e. empathy skills,

counseling and listening skills as well supervision and monitoring of OVC activities. Training for community

health workers will include identification and referral of sick OVC to health care facilities for necessary

health services. A total of 290 health workers and 720 community volunteers will be trained. AIDSRelief,

will also provide mosquito nets to 3,500 OVCs families identified in communities.

The LPTFswill be supported to establish adolescent clubs, with adolescent days and targeted services.

Additional child focused support mechanisms such as support groups, which strengthen knowledge, provide

mutual support and address the many psychosocial problems faced by these children, will continue to be

strengthened. The 36 psychosocial support groups for children and adolescents, established in FY 2008,

will remain active. These will bring together over 7,000 OVCs both HIV negative and positive, to share

experiences, access career guidance, ongoing counseling support, and acquire life skills, like being

assertive. AIDSRelief will work with both in-school and out of school OVC support groups, supporting them

with communication messages, leadership trainings, and peer to peer counseling skills.

To ensure that the OVC identified under the AIDSRelief program get a holistic OVC package, LPTFs will be

supported to create linkages with other programs that provide additional OVC program components.

AIDSRelief will leverage support for the following services: 1) Food and nutrition - AIDSRelief will continue

linking with organizations that provide ready to use therapeutic food for severely malnourished children. It is

hoped this activity will reach 2,900 OVCs. 2) With respect to education, AIDSRelief will link with existing

CRS and other agencies that support OVC programs to meet OVC educational needs, such as school fees,

vocational training and apprenticeship opportunities, reaching 3,000 OVC. 3) Activities that support child

protection and economic security will be leveraged from agencies that provide the same, like district

probation offices, and GOAL Uganda in Northern Uganda. Under the CRS Savings and Internal Lending

Communities (SILC) program, 300 families will be reached. This will provide opportunities for caregivers of

OVC to increase their economic resources, enabling them to provide for the basic needs of children in their

care. The SILC program activities will also serve as a venue for identifying additional OVC needs not

addressed by the caregivers.

Additionally, AIDSRelief will dedicate staff time and effort towards strengthening the implementation,

monitoring and reporting on OVC activities. A full time Project Officer (PO) will be supported by the program

for this activity. The PO will be the contact person for OVC activities, follow up on linkages with other

service providers, and organize and facilitate OVC trainings. The PO will work with LPTFs to look for

additional opportunities in their catchment areas for OVC support programs and relevant linkages.

AIDSRelief will also continue working within the Ministry of Gender and Social Development OVC policy in

carrying out all its activities, and access OVC materials.

With respect to strategic information activities, Constella Futures will continue to utilize paper-based and

computerized client monitoring and management systems. All 18 LPTFs will continue to receive site visits

and technical assistance, in order to ensure continued quality data collection, data entry, data validation and

analysis, and dissemination of findings across a range of stakeholders. In FY 2009, further efforts will be

made to track OVC at community level, using existing infrastructure and resource persons like community

volunteers. LPTF staff will be trained to acquire skills in tracking, monitoring, and reporting on OVC

activities. The training will also focus on understanding the various definitions of OVC activities, core

program areas, and avoiding double reporting.

Sustainability lies at the heart of the AIDS RELIEF program, and is based on durable OVC support

programs and health systems strengthening. AR will focus on the transition of the management of OVC

activities to indigenous organizations by actively using its extensive linkages with faith based groups and

other key stakeholders to develop a transition plan that is appropriate to the Ugandan context. The plan

will be designed to ensure the continuous delivery of quality OVC activities to be implemented in close

collaboration with the Government of Uganda to ensure coordination, information sharing and long term

sustainability. For the transition to be successful, sustainable institutional capacity must be present within

the indigenous organizations and LPTFs they support; therefore, the organization will strengthen the

selected indigenous organizations according to their assessed needs, while continuing to strengthen the

health systems of the LPTFs.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13265

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13265 4397.08 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 6429 1290.08 AIDSRelief $500,000

Resources Services



8294 4397.07 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 4799 1290.07 AIDSRelief $400,000

Resources Services



4397 4397.06 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 3330 1290.06 AIDSRelief $85,313

Resources Services



Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Malaria (PMI)

* TB

Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $137,500

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools $5,000

and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.13:

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $150,000

AIDSRelief provides a comprehensive care and treatment program emphasizing strong links between

PLHAs, their families, communities and the health institutions. Its goal is to ensure that people living with

HIV/AIDS have increased access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and quality comprehensive medical care.

AIDSRelief is a consortium of five organizations which includes Catholic Relief Services (CRS) working as

the prime agency, the Institute of Human Virology (IHV) of the University of Maryland School of Medicine,

Constella Futures Group (CF), Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and Interchurch Medical Assistance

World Health (IMA); AIDSRelief services are offered through 18 Local Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs),

distributed across Uganda in some of the most underserved and rural areas. These include St. Mary's

Lacor, St Joseph Kitgum, Kalongo Hospital, Aber Hospital and Amai Hospital in Northern Uganda; Nsambya

Hospital, Kamwokya Christian Caring Community, Family Hope Center Kampala, Villa Maria Hospital and

Nkozi Hospital in Central Uganda; Family Hope Center Jinja and Nyenga Hospital in Eastern Uganda; Virika

Hospital, Kabarole Hospital, Bushenyi Medical Center - Katungu, KCRC - Bushenyi, Kyamuhunga Comboni

Hospital, Kasanga Health Centre in Western Uganda. In order to get services closer to the communities

served, AIDSRelief supports devolution of services to satellite sites in selected LPTFs. The Children's AIDS

Fund is a sub-grantee in AIDSRelief and manages a number of the LPTFS. As of July 31, 2008, AIDSRelief

in Uganda was providing care and support to 55,781 adult patients 18 years and older, and antiretroviral

treatment to 16,833 HIV-infected patients 15 years and older. In addition it was providing care and support

to 5,144 infected children under the age of 18, and antiretroviral treatment to 1762 children under the age of


In FY2008 at AIDSRelief supported centers, 40,000 individuals (35,200 excluding TB patients) received

counseling and testing for HIV and received test results (including TB patients). This comprised 19,600

males (17,248 excluding TB patients) and 20,400 females (17,952 excluding TB patients). In order to avoid

stock outs of test kits at the LPTFs, In FY2008 AIDSRelief procured test kits to carry out tests on 100,000

individuals through community outreaches and at the health facilities. The program, in addition, integrated

counseling and testing services into AB and OVC activities. This encouraged couples who participated in

the Faithful House trainings and the youth who participated in the Value of Life trainings to undergo HIV

testing. The program encouraged LPTFs to strengthen their linkages with the Ministry of Health for

additional support in provision of HIV Test kits to supplement on those procured by AIDSRelief.

AIDSRelief has built strong community networks and has also provided mentoring at all LPTFs on

counseling and testing. In Northern Uganda Community based organization Comboni Samaritan in Gulu,

Meeting Point and Christian HIV/AIDS Prevention and Support (CHAPS) have been following up patients on

ART treatment as well as carrying out community mobilization and sensitization. In other LPTFs AIDSRelief

has encouraged the enrollment of Community volunteers who have played a key role in mobilizing the

community, linking them to counseling and testing facilities. The clients that test positive are further linked to

AIDSRelief care and treatment facilities. Those that test negative are encouraged to join existing community

groups that assist in the retention of the negative HIV status.

By the end of FY2008 the AIDSRelief Technical team will have made an average of one visit to each

LPTF/quarter, each lasting on the average one week. As part of the purpose of the above trainings and

CMEs is to further equip the LPTFs with knowledge and skills to improve their support to patients.

In FY2009, through greater coordination and integration of services provided within the community by

networking with other service providers including the Ministry of Health, and should additional resources be

made available, AIDSRelief will endeavor to strengthen counseling and testing services. In the area of

testing and counseling the program will focus on three essential aspects: strengthening the capacity of

LPTFs to perform CT at satellites, at community outreaches; integrating RTC in all clinical areas of the

facilities it supports; enhancing referral networks between the LPTFs and other service providers in their

areas to ensure that all patients identified as positive are referred to HIV care and services. Due to limited

funding AIDSRelief will support LPTFs to build strong referral networks to access C&T and those people

who test positive are referred for care and treatment to other service providers.

Decentralizing counseling and testing services to satellite sites, community outreaches and integrating RCT

will enable community members to have easier access to testing and counseling services and will increase

HIV status awareness particularly among under-represented populations such as men and children in line

with Ministry of Health Guidelines. Community volunteers, especially people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA)

who have been trained on how to engage communities will mobilize communities to come for these services

and will continue to be supported in this role by AIDSRelief. These will serve as key agents in linking

household members, communities and CT services. The existing system of networks from the service

provision all the way to the household level will ensure that couples, children and adolescents receive CT

services in line with the Ministry of Health Guidelines. In FY2009, AIDSRelief will continue to emphasize the

importance of providing pediatric CT services in line with the Ministry of Health Guidelines. This emphasis

will be supported by ongoing pediatric counseling training aimed at enhancing the capacity of LPTFs to

increase the number of children being tested for HIV.)

In FY2009, AIDSRelief will support LPTFs to provide CT services through which the program expects to

have 40,000 people tested, counseled and receiving their results. In order to address LPTFs challenges of

test kits shortages, AIDSRelief will strengthen the linkages of the sites with MOH supply chain system and

will purchase kits for 20,000 tests to temporarily fulfill the gap created. Linkages will be created between the

MCH, out- and in-patient departments promoting routine counseling and testing and testing targeting

families of infected patients. A concerted effort will be made to reach adolescents through collaborations

with organizations that target adolescent services.

AIDSRelief will further strengthen the existing PLHA networks and will utilize them to sustain the active

referral systems between communities and care and treatment services. Community volunteers will be

trained to increase knowledge on HIV care and treatment and to reinforce their role in conducting

community sensitization on CT services. A total of 290 health workers and 720 community volunteers will

be trained.

Activity Narrative: AIDSRelief will support the LPTFs to integrate Counseling and testing services within the AB trainings and

community activities that focus on OVCs. This will encourage couple testing as well as the OVCs will know

their HIV status and those that are positive will be linked into care and treatment facilities.

Coordinated by Constella Futures, strategic information (SI) activities incorporate program level reporting,

enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of both paper-based and computerized patient monitoring and

management (PMM) systems, assuring data quality and continuous quality improvement, and using SI for

program decision making across all LPTFs. AIDSRelief has built a strong PMM system using in-country

networks and available technology at 18 LPTFs in FY 2008. In FY 2009,. It will ensure compilation of

complete and valid HIV patient treatment/ARV data; enhance analysis of required indicators for quality HIV

patient treatment and ARV program monitoring and reporting; and provide relevant, LPTF-specific technical

assistance to develop specific data quality improvement plans. In FY 2009, AIDSRelief will support LPTFs

roll-out of IQCare, electronic data management software deployed in FY 2008, to enhance sustainability of

PMM systems. The program will promote these systems through a Training of Trainers (TOT) and peer to

peer training model in SI, where "expert" LPTF staff will train others in various skills. AIDSRelief will promote

the data use culture, to enable LPTFs use data for informed clinical decisions and adaptive management.

The program will work with LPTFs to document and report individuals counseled, tested, and received

results, including family members. This information will show those eligible to enroll into care, discordant

couples, and those who should be targeted with prevention messages. Technical assistance will be

provided to LPTFs on how to eliminate double counting of repeat testers, identifying clients testing under

other program areas such as PMTCT and TB, and putting in place data collection tools to track CT


Sustainability lies at the heart of the AR program, and is based on durable therapeutic programs and health

systems strengthening. AR will focus on the transition of the management of care and treatment activities to

indigenous organizations by actively using its extensive linkages with faith based groups and other key

stakeholders to develop a transition plan that is appropriate to the Ugandan context. The plan will be

designed to ensure the continuous delivery of quality HIV care and treatment, and all activities will continue

to be implemented in close collaboration with the Government of Uganda to ensure coordination,

information sharing and long term sustainability. For the transition to be successful, sustainable institutional

capacity must be present within the indigenous organizations and LPTFs they support; therefore, AR will

strengthen the selected indigenous organizations according to their assessed needs, while continuing to

strengthen the health systems of the LPTFs. In FY2009, the program will support linkages between LPTFs

and the MOH to tap into locally available training institutions. AIDSRelief will particularly focus on its

relationship with indigenous organizations such as the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau and Uganda

Protestant Medical Bureau to build their institutional capacity to support LPTFs integrate ART and other

care and support programs into their health care.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13266

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13266 4398.08 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 6429 1290.08 AIDSRelief $150,000

Resources Services



8295 4398.07 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 4799 1290.07 AIDSRelief $150,000

Resources Services



4398 4398.06 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 3330 1290.06 AIDSRelief $120,000

Resources Services



Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $41,250

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools $1,500

and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.14:

Funding for Treatment: ARV Drugs (HTXD): $4,667,621

AIDSRelief provides a comprehensive care and treatment program emphasizing strong links between

PLHAs, their family, communities and the health institutions. Its goal is to ensure that people living with

HIV/AIDS have access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and quality medical care. AIDSRelief is a consortium

of five organizations which includes Catholic Relief Services (CRS) working as the lead agency, the Institute

of Human Virology (IHV- UMSOM), Constella Futures Group (CF), Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB)

and Interchurch Medical Assistance World Health (IMA); AIDSRelief services are offered through 18 Local

Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs), distributed throughout Uganda working in some of the most

underserved and rural areas, including Northern Uganda. These include St. Mary's Lacor, St Joseph

Kitgum, Nsambya Hospital, , Kamwokya Christian Caring Community, Family Hope Center Kampala, Family

Hope Center Jinja, Virika Hospital, Villa Maria Hospital, Kabarole Hospital, Bushenyi Medical Center 1-

Katungu, Bushenyi Medical Center 2- Kabwohe, Kyamuhunga Comboni Hospital, Kasanga Health Centre,

Kalongo Hospital, Amai Hospital, Aber Hospital, Nyenga Hospital and Nkozi Hospital. In order to get

services closer to the communities it serves, AIDSRelief supports 24 satellite sites in selected LPTFs. The

Children's AIDS Fund is a sub-grantee in AIDSRelief and manages four of the LPTFs.

Progress to-date; activities and achievements

In FY 2008, AIDSRelief expanded its services to four new LPTFs. As of July 31, 2008, AIDSRelief in

Uganda was supporting 18 LPTFs and 24 satellite sites to provide care and support to 61,859 patients and

antiretroviral treatment to 20,590 (18,395 supported by AIDSRelief) HIV-infected people of which 1,726

were children.

AIDSRelief improved supply chain management capacity at all 18 LPTFs . AIDSRelief procured

Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) through a global procurement mechanism which provides very competitive

pricing, with delivery, warehousing and distribution through Joint Medical Stores (JMS). Strengthening local

capacity at critical points has ensured excellent supply chain management and uninterrupted ARVs

provision. To date, AIDSRelief has not experienced any stock-out. The program continues to work closely

with the USG in-country team and the Ministry of Health to harmonize and integrate the procurement of

ARVs. The choice of regimen has been guided by recent evidence to ensure that the most effective and

durable regimen with the minimum toxicity and resistance profile is used. The choice of regimen is based on

the more favorable pharmacokinetic and safety profile and is supported by extensive clinical evidence. The

choice of regimen is also designed to preserve optimal therapeutic choices for second line regimens. In

order to support existing institutions and avoid creating parallel systems, Joint Medical Stores (JMS) a local

faith based organization continued to warehouse and distribute ARVs on behalf of the program with

continued support from AIDSRelief. Reporting and forecasting of ARVs by LPTFs has been improved with

the introduction of the dispensing tool. In FY 2008, AIDSRelief received additional drug support from Clinton

Foundation which enabled the program to scale up treatment beyond that supported by FY 2008 funding.

AIDSRelief continued to institutionalize Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), which were developed in

accordance with national guidelines. These guide supply chain activities from product selection and

forecasting, procurement, distribution and consumption monitoring. Throughout FY 2008, AIDSRelief

institutionalized these SOPs to ensure efficient supply chain management, and thus provided an

uninterrupted supply of ARVs to LPTFs.

The program also conducted further trainings for all LPTF staff on the general principles of supply chain

management and the ART Dispensing Tool, developed by MSH RPM Plus. This dispensing tool allowed

LPTF to capture accurate pharmacy data, forecast drug needs, monitor patient numbers on ARVs and OI

drugs, generate accurate pharmacy reports, and initiate appropriate stock replenishment through placing

monthly orders. These pharmacy reports tracked stock inventory movement through the supply chain from

deliveries by JMS up to the point of use by the patient. This permitted continuous modulation of patient

enrollment to reflect ARV drugs availability, and ensured a guaranteed and continuous supply of drugs for

each patient initiated on therapy. The use of the dispensing tool has been found to be very helpful in

ensuring patient adherence because it maintains a patient diary. This was further enhanced by on site

training and one-on-one mentoring during routine Pharmaceutical TA for all LPTFs. Furthermore,

AIDSRelief supported LPTFs to establish Therapeutic Drug Committees (TDCs) to assist among others in

the pharmaceutical and clinical management of the program.

FY 2009 activities

In FY 2009 AIDSRelief will maintain its support for services at the 18 LPTFs and 24 satellite sites in order to

maintain 20,590 patients on ART, of which 2,800 will be children (provided additional funding is made

available). AIDSRelief will also provide care and support to 63,620 (55,781 adults, and 7,839 children). The

program will continue to leverage ARVs for pediatric patients from the Clinton Foundation, but will cover

other ART related support such as purchase of OI drugs, laboratory supplies and technical assistance to the

LPTFs. The program will continue to procure adult 1st line, alternative 1st line, and 2nd line therapies for

adults and children. The AIDSRelief Supply Chain Management Team will continue capacity building

through technical backstopping and on-going training and mentoring in Supply Chain Management.

Technical support to LPTFs to institutionalize standard operating procedures (SOPs) for drug management

will continue in COP09. AR will train and retrain the LPTF pharmacists and other health workers including

pharmacy technicians or assistants in the development and use of SOPs which are in line with national

guidelines. In-depth training of the LPTF staff in the utilization of SOPs, forecasting and quantification for

ARVs and general drug management issues will be conducted.

The Pharmaceutical Management Team manages country operations with a Medicines and Therapeutic

Committee (MTC/TDC) of clinicians, pharmacists, strategic information advisors and program managers.

The MTC/TDC reviews drug utilization patterns across all LPTFs, assesses scale-up progress and develops

required technical support plans. The Pharmaceutical Management Team will support the strengthening or

establishment of medicines and Therapeutics committees (MTC) at all Local Partner Treatment Facility. The

Medicines and Therapeutic committees will have the key responsibility of developing policies for managing

medicines use and administration, evaluating the clinical use of drugs and managing a formulary system.

The MTC will promote rational use of medicines (RUM) through the medication use reviews, provision of

Activity Narrative: drug information to patients, monitoring medication errors, development and implementation of

pharmacovigilance plan and development and implementation of continuing education plans. The AR

technical team will provide technical assistance through training and on site mentorship for these

committees. Technical assistance will be provided to the LPTFs in development and implementation of

Pharmacovigilance plan (data gathering activities relating to detection, assessment and understanding of

adverse drug events / reactions i.e. ADEs or ADRs and treatment failure). Functional MTC at LPTF level will

ensure that the ARV supply chain management is clinically informed and logistically supported. The training

and backstopping on the use of electronic tools like the dispensing tool will be continued to further improve

the Drug Information Management System of the LPTFs. To facilitate the recruitment and retention of

competent pharmacy staff for LPTFs, linkages will continue to be strengthened with pharmacy training

institutions with a purpose of recommending graduate students to AIDSRelief LPTFs.

The Institute for Human Virology will participate in the periodic review of National Treatment Guidelines in

order to assist in the selection of regimens most appropriate to the Ugandan context guided by the Ministry

of Health. Choice of regimen is guided by most recent evidence to ensure that the most effective and

durable regimen available within the national guidelines with the least possible toxicity and resistance profile

is used. The current choice of primary regimen for AIDSRelief sites consists of Truvada (TVD) combined

with Nevirapine (NVP) or Efavirenz (EFV) for patients on Rifampicin containing tuberculosis protocols or

intolerant to NVP. Aluvia (lopinavir/ritonovir) is used for those who are intolerant to both NVP and EFV. For

those who have renal insufficiency, AZT/3TC will be substituted for TVD. Limited quantities of Stavudine

(D4T30) to be combined with Lamivudine (3TC) are also procured to be used for patients with both renal

insufficiency and anemia. The choice of regimen is based on the more favorable pharmacokinetic and

safety profile and is supported by extensive clinical evidence. The choice of regimen is also designed to

preserve optimal therapeutic choices for second line regimens, which in the AR program consists of AZT (or

D4T in cases of anemia, or TDF in patients failing AZT or D4T as their primary regimen) coupled with 3TC

and Aluvia. All drugs with exception of Aluvia (which is currently not available as generics) are procured in

generic form. AIDSRelief provides AZT, 3TC and NVP for children less than 5 years of age, and AZT or

D4T, 3TC and EFV/NVP for those above 5 years and ABC as an alternative for those affected by severe


Constella Futures coordinates the overall monitoring and evaluation of the AIDSRelief program, and will

support LPTFs in harmonizing patient numbers for both adults and children, to ensure that accurate reports

are produced. This will be done through: updating of the clinical management tools to ensure that they

capture relevant pharmacy information; training and targeted TA to staff focusing on identifying and

reporting active and terminated patients; and properly documenting clients on each regimen. This will

involve emphasizing to clinical staff the relevance of documenting patients switching regimens, and the

reasons for the same. Every quarter, this information will be available, and harmonized with that from the

dispensing tool, so as to inform forecasting and procurements processes

AIDSRelief initiated the development of its sustainability plan in Year 5 focusing on technical,

organizational, funding, policy and advocacy dimensions. To date, the program has been able to increase

access to quality care and treatment, while simultaneously strengthening health facility systems through

human resource support, equipment, financial training and improvements in health management

information. In FY2009, the program will support linkages between LPTFs and the MOH to tap into locally

available training institutions. These approaches will ensure continuity of skills training. AIDSRelief will

particularly focus on its relationship with indigenous organizations such as the Uganda Catholic Medical

Bureau and Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau; Joint Medical Stores to build their institutional capacity to

support LPTFs integrate ART and other care and support programs into their health care services. These

strategies will enable AIDSRelief to fully transfer its knowledge, skills and responsibilities to in country

service providers.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13267

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13267 4377.08 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 6429 1290.08 AIDSRelief $4,667,621

Resources Services



8288 4377.07 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 4799 1290.07 AIDSRelief $3,667,621

Resources Services



4377 4377.06 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 3330 1290.06 AIDSRelief $3,667,621

Resources Services



Emphasis Areas


* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Malaria (PMI)

* TB

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.15:

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $600,000

AIDSRelief provides a comprehensive care and treatment program emphasizing strong links between

PLHAs, their family, communities and the health institutions. Its goal is to ensure that people living with

HIV/AIDS have access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and quality medical care. AIDSRelief is a consortium

of five organizations which includes Catholic Relief Services (CRS) working as the lead agency, the Institute

of Human Virology (IHV), Constella Futures Group (CF), Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and

Interchurch Medical Assistance World Health (IMA); AIDSRelief services are offered through 18 Local

Partner Treatment Facilities (LPTFs), distributed throughout Uganda working in some of the most

underserved and rural areas, including Northern Uganda. These include St. Mary's Lacor, St Joseph

Kitgum, Nsambya Hospital, Kamwokya Christian Caring Community, Family Hope Center Kampala, Family

Hope Center Jinja, Virika Hospital, Villa Maria Hospital, Kabarole Hospital, Bushenyi Medical Center 1-

Katungu, Bushenyi Medical Center 2- Kabwohe, Kyamuhunga Comboni Hospital, Kasanga Health Centre,

Kalongo Hospital, Amai Hospital, Aber Hospital, Nkozi Hospital, and Nyenga Hospital. In order to get

services closer to the communities it serves, AIDSRelief supports 24 satellite sites in selected LPTFs. The

Children's AIDS Fund is a sub-grantee in AIDSRelief and manages a number of the LPTFs.

As of July 31st, 2008, AIDSRelief in Uganda was providing care and support to 55,781 adult patients 18

years and older, and antiretroviral treatment to 16,833 HIV-infected patients 15 years and older. In addition

it was providing care and support to 5,144 infected children under the age of 18, and antiretroviral treatment

to 1726 children under the age of 15. The program provided a total of 18 LPTFs with laboratory equipment

and supplies. Equipment procurement was done in accordance with CDC and MOH guidelines through

local vendors; AIDSRelief identified local service providers for the procurement and distribution of lab

reagents needed for the tests to support treatment of HIV infected patients (CD4 tests, LFT, RFT,

cryptoccocal antigen, malaria, syphilis, HIV& TB, HB, TOXO, CBC, WBC count). AIDSRelief also provided

support for viral load testing at selected LPTFs and linked others to nearby facilities that provide such

services. The program continued its collaboration with Center for Disease control (CDC) Uganda to get

support for viral load testing for QA/QI, and referral CD4 testing, and AIDSRelief LPTF laboratories

participated in UKNEQAS external assessment scheme for CD4 testing with support from CDC. AIDSRelief

also provided support to LPTFs to enhance continuous power supply so that reagents and other lab

materials are properly stored at all times. These included solar powered backup systems. Accessories such

as surge protectors, stabilizers and UPS were also supplied in order to protect delicate equipment from

frequent power surges.

The program additionally conducted on-site and continuing medical education trainings for laboratory staff

to strengthen their capacity to initiate and monitor patients on ARVs, and to conduct diagnostic tests for

opportunistic infections. A total of 96 laboratory personnel received refresher courses in standard operating

procedures, good laboratory practices, reagents forecasting and procurement , quality assurance and

quality control, infection control, DBS collection techniques, Direct TB smear Microscopy, HIV rapid testing,

basic flow cytometry and viral load techniques. These trainings were conducted in accordance with the

national guidelines. As AIDSRelief focused on decentralization of services, it further increased the

laboratory capacity of 24 LPTF satellite sites, enabling them to perform rapid HIV tests, malaria smears, TB

smears and other diagnostic tests and to collect and process specimens for other tests to be performed at

identified referral laboratories. Pediatric diagnostic capacity was accessed by all LPTFs and their satellite

sites and early infant diagnosis enabled the earlier initiation of therapy as required. AIDSRelief provided

support for viral load testing at Some LPTFs. AIDSRelief provided clinical management tools to ensure

collection and compilation of laboratory data for all HIV patients.

In FY 2009, AIDSRelief will maintain its services at the 18 LPTFs and 24 satellite sites with the goal to

maintain 20,000 patients on ART, of which 2,800 will be children, and 63,620 patients in care and support.

The FY 2009 request will include provision for lab supplies and technical assistance to the LPTFs. In FY

2009, AIDSRelief laboratory support will continue to include the procurement and distribution of necessary

reagents from local distributors (HIV test kits, reagents for the identification of opportunistic infection).

AIDSRelief will further strengthen LPTFs laboratory capacity to diagnose TB, malaria and other

opportunistic infections through additional equipment and supplies and technical assistance Laboratory staff

skills in forecasting will be strengthened. There will be some provision for viral loads measurements. Tools

and reference materials to monitor OIs and ARV drug toxicities will also be provided. The program will

continue the provision of clinical management tools to ensure collection and compilation of laboratory data

for all HIV patients. Through strengthening internal controls, and with support from CDC, AIDSRelief will

ensure that all laboratories build on the current quality assurance program through participation in external

quality assurance schemes such as UKNEQAS. AIDSRelief will also ensure that service contracts for

laboratory equipment remain in place, and that routine preventative service visits and prompt maintenance

occurs. The program will also maintain support for the maintenance of solar back up power systems and

surge protectors. To enforce sustainability the program will build local capacity in country to perform

equipment maintenance/ service by collaborating with private service providers.

AIDSRelief will again provide refresher trainings for 96 laboratory personnel to emphasize standard

operating procedures, good laboratory practices, reagents forecasting and procurement and quality control

to ensure a safe working environment, personal safety and reliable laboratory test results. Additionally, in

order to address the shortage of laboratory personnel, the program will train nurses and midwifes to conduct

HIV rapid tests and link them to MOH and CDC for quality assurance support and laboratory training

schools to increase the number of qualified staff. Additional efforts will be made to create linkages between

LPTFs and training institutions in order to facilitate the recruitment of qualified staff. As AIDSRelief

continues its focus on decentralization of services, it will continue support for the 24 satellites laboratories.

This includes continued training for these sites in rapid HIV testing, malaria smears, TB smears and other

diagnostic tests and in the collecting and processing of specimens for other tests to be performed at an

identified referral laboratory. Laboratory services will also be further extended to include home based HIV

testing and mobile laboratories in case sufficient funding) is made available for this.

In FY 2009, AIDSRelief will engage the Ministry of Health to ensure that AR is represented in the Laboratory

Technical Working Group, and diffuse relevant information from this group to LPTFs. The program will

continue its collaboration with Center for Disease control (CDC) Uganda to get support for viral load testing

Activity Narrative: for QA/QI, and referral CD4 testing. AIDSRelief LPTF laboratories will continue to participate in UKNEQAS

external assessment scheme for CD4 testing with support from CDC. Through Constella Futures,

AIDSRelief will continue to support all sites to accurately document and track laboratory tests. All data will

be captured in the current electronic data base for easy retrieval. On a monthly basis, reports will be made

indicating number of tests performed and staff trained. The PMM system will help to identify those clients

that need monitoring tests like CD4s, and link up with relevant personnel to have the tests performed. The

close monitoring and reporting will eventually feed into forecasting and procurement of laboratory reagents

and supplies.

Sustainability lies at the heart of the AR program, and is based on durable therapeutic programs and health

systems strengthening. AR will focus on the transition of the management of care and treatment activities to

indigenous organizations by actively using its extensive linkages with faith based groups and other key

stakeholders to develop a transition plan that is appropriate to the Ugandan context. The plan will be

designed to ensure the continuous delivery of quality HIV care and treatment, and all activities will continue

to be implemented in close collaboration with the Government of Uganda to ensure coordination,

information sharing and long term sustainability. For the transition to be successful, sustainable institutional

capacity must be present within the indigenous organizations and LPTFs they support; therefore, AR will

strengthen the selected indigenous organizations according to their assessed needs, while continuing to

strengthen the health systems of the LPTFs. In FY2009, the program will support linkages between LPTFs

and the MOH to tap into locally available training institutions. AIDSRelief will particularly focus on its

relationship with indigenous organizations such as the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau and Uganda

Protestant Medical Bureau to build their institutional capacity to support LPTFs integrate ART and other

care and support programs into their health care.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13269

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13269 4390.08 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 6429 1290.08 AIDSRelief $750,000

Resources Services



8290 4390.07 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 4799 1290.07 AIDSRelief $755,871

Resources Services



4390 4390.06 HHS/Health Catholic Relief 3330 1290.06 AIDSRelief $755,871

Resources Services



Emphasis Areas

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Malaria (PMI)

* TB

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $206,250

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.16:

Subpartners Total: $6,227,884
Christian HIV/AIDS Prevention and Support: $30,429
Meeting Point: $32,314
Villa Maria Hospital: $195,836
Kalongo Hospital: $101,273
University of Maryland: $2,172,125
Palladium Group (formerly Futures Group): $559,799
Comboni Samaritans of Gulu : $205,159
Nsambya Hospital: $306,818
Kamwokya Christian Caring Community: $276,347
St. Mary's Hospital, Lacor: $204,096
Kasanga Health Center: $147,373
Katungu Medical Center: $177,001
Kabwohe Medical Center: $248,591
Children's AIDS Fund International: $220,550
Kabarole Hospital: $119,145
Virika Hospital: $186,909
Kyamuhanga Comboni Hospital: $161,183
Nyenga Hospital: $72,516
Amai Community Hospital: $88,275
St. Joseph's Hospital: $120,337
Family Hope Clinic: $265,003
Aber Hospital: $59,748
Nkozi Hospital: $60,600
Family Hope Clinic: $216,457
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $997,642
Human Resources for Health $206,250
Human Resources for Health $197,392
Food and Nutrition: Commodities $15,000
Economic Strengthening $50,000
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery $15,000
Water $20,000
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery $15,000
Water $20,000
Water $20,000
Water $20,000
Human Resources for Health $26,500
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery $1,000
Human Resources for Health $137,500
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery $5,000
Human Resources for Health $41,250
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery $1,500
Human Resources for Health $206,250