Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 7232
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2014
Main Partner: Management Sciences for Health
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $680,000 Additional Pipeline Funding: N/A

NOTE: The following is taken from summaries released by PEPFAR on the PEPFAR Data Dashboard. They are incomplete summary paragraphs only and do not contain the full mechanism details. When the full narratives are released, we will update the mechanism pages accordingly.

MSH works with CDC to strengthen performance of CDC-supported local partners and to solidify their ability to deliver high impact and sustainable services to respond to the HIV and AIDS epidemic in Tanzania. In line with the PF, MSH will strengthen various aspects of GOT agency leadership and management, organizational systems and structures, accountability and governance, human resources, project management, grants management and reporting, and evidence-based and strategic decision-making. MSH supports the first two goals of PEPFAR’s Partnership Framework. As a capacity building mechanism, MSH conducts similar strengthening activities across different budget codes. The project covers both Zanzibar (ZACP) and mainland working primarily with the NBTS, MOHSW’s Diagnostic Service Section (DSS), NACP, and NTLP, and NIMR. Its strategy for becoming more cost efficient over time includes the use of coaching and mentoring in capacity building interventions while utilizing a network of local consultants as needed. The transition to a partner government requires work with the partner institutions through established Change Agent Teams (CATs) to plan and execute activities. The CAT is made up of members from the partner institutions whose role is to spearhead the changes within those institutions. The project has outcome indicators associated with each objective that are tracked via quarterly and annual reports which provide a summary of planned and achieved outputs. For each institutional capacity assessment, tools compare baseline and post intervention status.

MSH activities are not measured with FY 2013 EA DSP UEs; however, expenditures reported were in line with programmatic priorities and approved budgets.

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS) $650,000
Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL) $30,000
Mechanism Target Information

Since COP2014, PEPFAR no longer produces narratives for every mechanism it funds. However, PEPFAR has now included performance targets or indicator information for each mechanism based on the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) system. The MER guidance is available on PEPFAR's website Note that COP years 2014-2015 were under a previous version of the MER system and the indicators and definitions may have changed as of the new 2.0 guidance.

This mechanism has no published performance targets or indicators.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $92,522
Human Resources for Health $84,170
Motor Vehicles: Leased $8,352
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
End-of-Program Evaluation