Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Details for Mechanism ID: 13351
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Northrup Grumman Corporation
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $450,000

This mechanism is to support the development of the PEPFAR Records Organization Management Information System (PROMIS), with the goal of supporting the PEPFAR Tanzania team on the reporting of the semi annual progress results (SAPR) and the annual progress results (APR). By supporting the progress report activities, the PEPFAR country team will improve program planning and decision making by using readily available and timely data.

PROMIS software is used by all PEPFAR Tanzania USG implementing agencies and implementing partners who operate across Tanzania. The PEPFAR Tanzania team has invited other PEPFAR countries to use the system, hence other countries use the system will share in the development and maintenance costs. It is expected that if more countries eventually use the system, the cost that countries will have to contribute will be minimized, even though countries will still receive high quality data from the SAPRs and APRs. Thus, the PROMIS will reduce the time country SI teams will have to spend on S/APR submissions, including data cleaning, which will enable the SI teams to spend more time on capacity building and technical assistance to host governments on SI issues.

The mechanism will build capacity to local in-country SI teams on data management, system administration, and later will build capacity to local in-country software development companies which will assist country teams with any software development issues.

The mechanism is being monitored through weekly steering committee meetings which review the costs and activity progress against a pre-determined set of work packages, milestones and deliverables for the software development team.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $450,000

The mechanism will provide ongoing support towards the maintenance and use of of the PROMIS software.

PROMIS is used by the Tanzanian country team for SAPR and APR reporting to gather information from partners. The USG team will use PROMIS to provide them with ongoing access to the data to improve the teams ability to analyze the data and use the information in program planning. The information from PROMIS will also be used to make strategic decisions.

This mechanism will help PEPFAR to have readily available program data and hence support monitoring and evaluation activities. This mechanism and the PROMIS system provides support to the full inter-agency team and the system is used by the USG to fulfill OGAC reporting requirements.

If funds from other countries become available to supplement this mechanism, the partner will be able to develop new features in addition to the limited set supported by COP 2012 fundings from Tanzania.