Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 9653
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Johns Hopkins University
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $2,530,000

The Johns Hopkins University STRADCOM project's goal is to harmonize HIV/AIDS radio messages with community- and facility-based communication activities, and develop innovative and entertaining programming designed to: 1) Inform Tanzanians about and motivate them to obtain prevention, CT, ART, care and support, and PMTCT services; 2) Discourage infidelity, multiple partners, transactional sex, cross-generational sex, and alcohol misuse; 3) Support and reinforce gender equitable behavior among men and women; and 4) Model understanding and compassionate attitudes toward people living with HIV and AIDS. STRADCOM works with local radio stations to build their capacity to develop and implement HIV/AIDS-focused quality programs. In addition, STRADCOM works with a wide range of international and local partners to develop and air radio serial dramas and PSAs, and to ensure that mass media efforts complement those taken at the community and inter-personal levels. STRADCOM also works to ensure that partners develop and implement quality media programming, through the application of evidence-based global best practices and utilization of local research results and lessons learned.

STRADCOM works closely with the National AIDS Control Programme, and is a key member of its IEC sub-committee. For example, the Government of Tanzania has asked STRADCOM to provide technical assistance to develop a new communication strategy for HIV/AIDS. STRADCOM has also been asked to increase its focus on building capacity of local organizations and Tanzanians in quality behavior change techniques. To that end, in FY10 STRADCOM will draw on the expertise of Johns Hopkins University (JHU) to organize a Leadership in Strategic Health Communication course, which provides participants with state-of-the art knowledge on current health issues and trends and the application of behavior change techniques. In addition, STRADCOM will undertake an assessment of potential short-term and long-term avenues through which to build local capacity in behavior change communication skills. TACAIDS has also requested technical assistance from STRADCOM in developing behavior change campaigns.

This program contributes to the Partnership Framework goals on Prevention, Service Scale-up and Maintenance, Human Resources, and Leadership. In addition, as noted above, this program aims to increase the skills of Tanzanians to develop and implement quality behavior change programs. STRADCOM plays a critical role in behaviors change through its innovative BCC campaigns and its work with partners. STRADCOM's programs include the Wahapahapa serial drama, the hugely popular Fataki anti cross-generational sex campaign, and a series of videos for CTCs. These programs are critical in moving prevention, care and treatment behavior change goals (e.g., reducing multiple partners, ART adherence) forward and ensuring the success of PEPFAR programs. STRADCOM and partners have also recently developed a multi-media Community Resource Kit, which links popular media campaigns with a community facilitator's guide, to enable these behavior change programs to have increased impact through inter-personal communication efforts.

STRADCOM aims to become more cost-efficient over time through its close coordination with other USG partners and its increasing collaboration with local partners. HIV prevention programs are more effective and efficient through focusing on those at highest risk, addressing key drivers of the epidemic, and ensuring consistent messages are used by all partners. Through its targeted support of other prevention, care and treatment partners' programs, STRADCOM improves the reach and effectiveness of those efforts.

STRADCOM programs have national reach, but STRADCOM reinforces its coverage with additional programming on local radio stations in higher prevalence regions. Programs are targeted to the general population, aiming to shift harmful social and gender norms.

STRADCOM's PSAs, radio serial dramas, and other programming are pre-tested extensively with focus groups, and developed by a range of technical content experts. STRADCOM tracks exposure and impact of its programming through periodic national surveys. A number of questions have also been purchased in a commercial survey conducted by the Steadman Group. In addition, plans are underway to conduct an evaluation of the Fataki campaign to investigate the effects of the campaign at the household and community level.

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $150,000

1. Additional funds to implement mass media awareness compaign on the NCPA for OVC

2.National coverage

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $400,000

Maintain successful activities, including Wahapahapa radio drama, production of CTC videos, and collaboration with TACAIDS/NACP. Campaigns are national, with emphasis on highest prevalence regions.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $380,000

Continue support of CT communications campaigns, including promotion and stigma reduction. Program coverage is national.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $800,000

Maintain successful activities, including Wahapahapa radio drama, Fataki anti cross-generational sex campaign, local radio station capacity building, and collaboration with TACAIDS/NACP. Campaigns are national, with emphasis on highest prevalence regions.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $800,000

Maintain successful activities, including Wahapahapa radio drama, Fataki anti cross-generational sex campaign, local radio station capacity building, and collaboration with TACAIDS/NACP. Additional funds will be used to include an alcohol campaign and work with other partners to translate mass media messages to the community level. Campaigns are national, with emphasis on highest prevalence regions.

Subpartners Total: $0
Media for Development International: NA
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors