PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
Years of mechanism: 2010 2011
Maintain and strengthen provision of integrated high-quality care and support for PLWHA aimed at extending and optimizing quality of life from the time of diagnosis throughout the continuum of illness. ICAP will intergrate Positive prevention services, supporting nutritional assessment and counseling in all supported facilities, build the capacity of local government and civil society for sustainable delivery of services for PLWHA. Strengtherning coordination and collaboration mechanisms between partners and Ministry of Health. The services will be provided in 23 districts in Kagera, Kigoma, Coast and Zanzibar
Maintain Quality HIV services at existing sites, scaling up to sites with high prevalence and previously underserved areas, expansion of adherence and psychosocial support services to PLHA and promoting PWP. This will be accomplished through, provision of Technical support, regular supportive supervision, clinical and nutrition mentoring, patient monitoring, ensuring uninterrupted supply of drugs and reagents through central procurement mechanism,Capacity building to local partners in financial accountability, program oversight and M&E. Funds will also be used for facilities and community linkages. Partner works in 23 districts in Kigoma, Kagera, Pwani, Lindi and Zanzibar and currently covers 14457 patients on treatment .
Maintain and improve quality of existing pediatric HIV Care services. This will be achieved through provisison of CTX, Screening and Treatment for OIs, Nutritional Assessment and support and Linkages with other programs such as OVC and HBC, PMTC, TB/HIV. The services will be provided in Kigoma, Zanzibar,Kagera and Pwani
Maintain and improve quality of existing pediatric HIV services. This will be achieved through support supervision visits, inservice training including on site mentorship, infrastructure devolopment and supplies of essential commodities including drugs. The work will occur in Kagera, Kigoma, Pwani and Zanzibar.
Continuation of support for safe MC services at Kagera Regional Hospital
Implement PMTCT activities to pregnant women in 4 regions (Kigoma , Kagera, Coast & Zanzibar). These regions have total number of 29 districts. the ANC HIV Prevalence: Kigoma 3.5, Kagera 4.7, Coast 7.3 and Zanzibar 0.8; Current coverage based on 2009 SAPR is 50% implement PMTCT package (see base package), include MECR, *Mother support groups, implement new M and E and computerise data system. Implement PMTCT and improve MCH and PMTCT services (see PF package)
Support implementation of Lab quality system and accreditation process by ISO 15189 at Mnazi Mmoja hospital laboratory
Continue to support Early infant diagnosis at national level
support 3 program officers, (2 for EID program and 1 procurement officer ) at MOHSW,
Support funding for 7 technologists positions at NHLQATC
Continue implementing activities to reduce burden of TB among PLHIV as well as assisting MOHSW to Review/update/develop draft guideline/tools for management of TB in Pediatrict.This will be accomplished through strenghtnen referral and linkages, mentoring, on job training, regular supportive supervision and provision of TA directly to MOHSW. Service will continue being provided in 23 districts in 3 regions (Kagera, Kigoma and Pwani) and Zanzibar