Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012

Details for Mechanism ID: 9597
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2010
Main Partner: IntraHealth International, Inc.
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $5,666,259

The Tanzania HR Capacity Project (THRP) catalyzes leadership and effective policy implementation at national and decentralized levels, instilling greater local ownership and accelerating implementation of the National Human Resources for Health (HRH) Strategic Plan. Project implementation is primarily through IntraHealth, which supports four Tanzanian organizations who lead on implementation: the Mkapa Foundation (BMAF), Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC), University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) Computer Sciences Department, and the Aga Khan Foundation. The program is a follow on to the Capacity Project.

THRP will support strengthened systems, policies, and practices for recruitment and retention at the central level through engagement with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW), advocating for finalization of draft policies, and identifying concrete approaches that will result in policy/strategy implementation. BMAF leads on expanding work with District Health Management Teams to an additional 40 districts for strengthened systems and capacity for HR management (HRM), including provision of grants to develop innovative recruitment and retention interventions. THRP will also address productivity through strengthened performance management and task shifting. Building on a strengthened HRM toolkit and a network of HRM trainers, THRP will continue to build capacity for district HR leaders in HRM and catalyze HRH action fora for sharing experiences and improving HRH practices, including new staff orientation, supportive supervision, and performance standards. There is also strong potential for synergy with the recently announced Global Fund Round 9 award for health systems strengthening.

THRP will continue efforts to ensure that information systems are in place in the public and private sectors to manage and use HRH data effectively for planning and decision making, especially at the district level. Under the leadership of the Prime Minister's Office for Regional and Local Government, the project will implement a functional HR Information System, linked at central, regional, and district levels, starting with 10 districts. THRP will play a leadership role with inter-ministerial HRIS coordination to ensure integration across multiple partner systems; plan for district functionality and use; provide the hardware and software to expand infrastructure; and train program managers in the use of the system and the information generated for data-driven decision making. The UDSM and CSSC will implement this component of the project, working with ITECH for the inservice training tracking module linked to the national HRIS.

The project's component to develop a social welfare workforce aims to train 2,000 Para-Social Workers (PSWs) and their supervisors in FY 2010 and 2011 (initially with pre-service training, then additional in-service training after six months) to provide basic social welfare service delivery to Tanzania's orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). The project will work with Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in four regions to raise awareness about local government's legal mandate to serve OVC, to promote government sustainability of the PSW volunteer cadre, and to focus on effective recruitment, retention, and productivity of social welfare staff.

This incremental approach to developing a social welfare workforce will strengthen Tanzania's overall system by delivering frontline support for OVC at the village level as quickly as possible; then gradually upgrading the skills of PSWs through a newly created supervisory position, resulting in an increased number of people who are qualified to move into a recently approved new cadre, the Social Welfare Assistant (SWA). Working with LGAs will help ensure that PSW volunteers and the new SWA cadre are integrated into service delivery and the potential for sustainability. THRP plans to shift the direct training activities to a local organization, e.g., the Institute of Social Work. The project also plans to link with the Global Fund OVC program to achieve PSW and SWA integration in Global Fund-supported districts.

The geographic focus of the project will build on previous work in Iringa, Lindi, and Mtwara regions, as well as districts already involved in HRH management strengthening. It will expand into three additional regions in FY 2011. Zanzibar will continue to receive support for HRIS maintenance. Advocacy with LGAs concerning PSWs will continue in Dodoma and Mwanza, and expand into Iringa and Shinyanga.

The program is aligned with the USG/GOT Partnership Framework which has HR as one of six priority pillars, especially recruitment, retention, and productivity. Strengthening and expanding the workforce contributes to USG's health and HIV/AIDS programs by enabling districts to provide high quality services with trained personnel.

M&E is a key feature of THRP so that all interventions aimed at increased recruitment and retention can be monitored to assess change in district commitment to HRM. The project will build on data gathered in FY 2009 showing the impact of PSWs and supervisors in social welfare service delivery and shifts in LGAs' approach to serving OVC. The project will work with the National Institute for Medical Research and Ifakara Health Institute to evaluate specific interventions related to employee satisfaction and productivity so that effective interventions are identified for national scale up.

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $2,012,800

1).Work in collaboration with the Prime Minister's Office for Regional and Local Government (PMORALG), to ensure the mainstreaming of social Welfare Assistants into the councils.2).Scale up training of 3,000 PSWTs and 300 supervisors 3)Work in collaboration with PMORALG to develop and implement the retention and recruitment plan for the Welfare Assistants. With these additional 2010 resources Intrahealth will continue scale up of training for Para-Social worker trainers and supervisors. In addition the funds will be used to support documentation of the process for replication to other LGA's.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $3,653,459

Expand efforts to help the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare orchestrate the implementation of their human resources strategy; work with districts to strengthen Human Resource Management and improve recruitment, retention, and productivity; implement the application of the OPRAS performance appraisal system; and implement a human resource information system for local management of health and social workers. The funds will provide support for hardware purchases related to the expansion of the Human Resource Information System at the district level. These investments will aid with recruitment and retention of health workers.

Subpartners Total: $0
Aga Khan Foundation: NA
Benjamin William Mkapa HIV/AIDS Foundation: NA
Christian Social Services Commission: NA
The Institute of Social Work: NA
University of Dar es Salaam: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $5,666,259
Human Resources for Health $5,666,259