Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 12240
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

Goal and objective

This implementing mechanism will support Zanzibar National blood transfusion Service to provide oversight and coordination of blood safety activities in Zanzibar so as to improve the availability of safe blood and blood products to all health facilities conducting transfusion in Zanzibar. The range of activities includes but are not limited to improve community mobilization, donor recruitment and selection, develop safe donor pool from repeating and voluntary non remunerated blood donors (VNRBD), transportation and cold chain, storage, testing and component production and ensure availability of safe blood in the Pemba island.

Also the fund will support capacity building activities of NBTS Zanzibar management as well as health care workers, training of transfusion facilities on rational use of blood and blood component. The funds will support partner coordination and guide activities of partners and Technical Assistance provider (TA) in different blood activities and processes.

Although Zanzibar has show good progress in safe blood facility coverage, the major challenge is to ensure quality systems so as to lower the prevalence of HIV in donated blood. This funding will assist Zanzibar BTS to step up quality measures which include, review guideline, policy and standard operation procedures (SOP), implement the blood computer which helps to track donors from vein to vein and develop o safe donor pool, oversees their proper utilization of guidelines so as to further lower the prevalence of HIV in donated blood.. Training of staff build the staff capacity to correct perform procedures, carry out the blood processes as required from donor recruitment, testing and processing and implant of quality measures that leads to laboratory accreditation. MOHSW Zanzibar will provide leadership and TA assuring highly functional and operational blood transfusion services while assuring sustainability and quality system integration for the support of HIV/ AIDS prevention care and treatment.

Contribution health system Strengthening:

For sustainability, the NBTS Zanzibar will continue seeking government for its budgetary support and recognition as a sole entity with necessary registration/ regulations, responsibility and mandate for blood transfusion services. Zanzibar. Continued high quality and evidence based interventions (such as blood donor clubs) through local and indigenous organization.

NBTS will foster development and implementation of budgeting and finance systems to ensure a sustainable blood program through costal recovery and contributions from the government funding and other national and international donors

Crosscutting program and key issue

Linkages to HIV prevention activities to integrate prevention education into donor recruitment, counseling and notification of test result with appropriate referral for the TTIs positive to care and treatment services. Linkages with care and treatment and other hospitals /facilities for TTIs positive donors to ensure sound referral mechanism, Linkages with Malaria program to develop malaria interventions for blood donors. Linkages with Phones for health to deliver massages to blood donors as motivational

IM strategies to become more cost efficient overtime

To facilitate efficiency of the service, the funding will be used to promote component production, appropriate utilization of blood and blood products, donor clubs formation for repeat blood donors, integration of safe blood activities within regional and district plans and strengthening of transfusion committees. Part of sustainability plan, MOHSW NBTS Zanzibar will ensure a gradual transition from donor funding to Government of reliance.

Geographical coverage

The program activities covers Zanzibar island (Pemba and Zanzibar) and targets the general population but especially youth.

How IM links to PF goal

The funds will be use to implement the Government of Tanzania's and USG PEPFAR HIV/AIDS and Partnership Framework strategies and HIV/AIDS prevention goals of preventing new HIV infection through unsafe blood by selecting and maintaining of low risk donor pool (VNRBD), counseling and testing of potential donors and testing of donated blood to exclude transfusion transmissible infections (TTIs) especially HIV

M&E plan

The partner to ensure coordination and monitor the appropriate clinical use of blood and blood outcomes of transfusion (haemovigalence) and the establishment of a comprehensive quality system covering the entire transfusion process which includes use of blood computer system. The emphasis is to have quality systems in place while at the same time implementing evidence based strategies and improving on program organization, management and monitoring and evaluation

The program outcome to be monitored through program outcomes, that ensures increased safe blood supply, equitable distribution, as well as TTIs levels are going down. The progress to be monitored through supervision site visits, quarterly and annual reports.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL): $0

This fund is for Zanzibar NBTS program overal blood safety management and implementation, but passing through ZACP coag. The partner used to receive funding from MOHSW NBTS mainland whose coag is ending in March 2010. So this is a new partner mechanism thus the partner said to have an increase of funds. However this partner used to receive more than the current funding.