Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 12224
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

The TBD Communications program is being developed and awarded in response to the completion of the AED/TMARC program, and as a new mechanism to expand behavior change communication activities, coordination and capacity building. The program is being developed as a joint Health and HIV/AIDS team award, to ensure complementarities, be cost effective, and build common systems. The goal of the new Tanzania Capacity and Communications Project (TCCP) is to increase the adoption of safer behaviors by Tanzanian adults and higher risk populations to prevent or manage HIV infection and other health issues. In support of this goal, the TCCP has the following objectives: 1) To reinforce systems for coordinating and delivering communications for health; and 2) To execute evidence-based, coordinated communications initiatives to scale. A clear expectation of the TCCP is that results will be achieved together with PEPFAR/Tanzania's prevention partners, the GOT, other donors, and multi-sectoral institutions. The TCCP is also expected to draw upon global best practices in communications and utilize local research and lessons learned.

This program will contribute to health systems strengthening efforts through its two inter-related capacity building objectives: 1) social and behavior change communications effectively coordinated at the national, regional, and district levels; and 2) social and behavior change communications skills measurable transferred to Tanzanian institutions and organizations. As such, the TCCP will be expected to build on past USG investment in local organizations and collaboration with the GOT. The TCCP will support the GOT in the provision of technical and coordination leadership that is essential to strengthen the quality and robustness of behavior change interventions. This includes the use of up-to-date behavioral theories and models in design and the incorporation of evidence-based approaches into programming. The TCCP will work closely with the GOT to identify existing networks with which organizations engaged in health communications can collaborate. Finally, the TCCP will work with multi-sectoral Tanzanian organizations and institutions to strengthen capacity in social and behavior change communications. Core areas in capacity building include the appropriate use of behavioral theories and models in communications design and delivery, participatory methodologies for community engagement, and quality assurance.

This program contributes to the Partnership Framework goals on Prevention, Service Mainteance and Scale-Up, Leadership, and Human Resources. The TCCP will design, execute, and coordinate highly innovative, state of the art, and results-driven national level communications programs that address main HIV/AIDS and health issues. Any mass media will be national in coverage, with community mobilization and interpersonal communications focused in the eight regions with the highest HIV prevalence. Campaigns will focus on HIV prevention, addressing key drivers of the epidemic including multiple concurrent partnerships, and develop male circumcision BCC support for PEPFAR-supported MC sites and surrounding communities. In the area of PMTCT, the TCCP will address and increase demand for MCH/PMTCT/EID services via media promotion and communications efforts.

The TCCP will be expected to utilize program and managerial efficiencies to create economies of scale and streamline implementation. The TCCP will work in close partnership with the GOT to establish sustainable systems to support and enhance the effectiveness of social and behavior change communications. A keystone of the TCCP's work is collaboration. The TCCP is expected to work closely with the GOT, USG- and non-USG funded implementing partners and the civil and private sectors. These stakeholders will have a sense of ownership and participate fully in the design and execution of the program throughout the life of the project. The TCCP is expected to create innovation collaborations that garner grassroots participation in health communications.

TCCP will be expected to have a national reach, with a focus on highest HIV prevalence regions for inter-personal and community mobilization efforts. Research and on-going monitoring will ensure that programs are segmented appropriately and reach the appropriate target groups.

The TCCP implementing partners will be expected to develop a set of indicators that measure the results of each objective's activities that go beyond the input level or output levels, including innovative methods to monitor or assess the effectiveness and/or outcomes for each of the program objectives.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (CIRC): $0

Continuation of MC IEC/BCC support through materials design and development of materials for use at first PEPFAR supported MC sites. Follow-on Award to scale-up evidence-based communication programs and best practices for behavior change in line with USG priorities; and to measurably transfer social and behavior change communication skills to Tanzanian institutions and organizations. The project will design, execute, and coordinate highly innovative and results-driven national level communications programs that address main HIV/AIDS and health issues. Campaigns will focus on HIV prevention, addressing key drivers of the epidemic including multiple concurrent partnerships, as well as develop male circumcision BCC support for PEPFAR-supported MC sites and surrounding communities. In the area of PMTCT, the project will address and increase demand for services via media promotion and communications efforts. Finally, the project will work with a wide range of Tanzanian organizations and institutions to strengthen capacity in social and behavior change communications. National-level with community mobilization and interpersonal communications activities focused on the 8 regions with the highest HIV prevalence. Targets are indicative and will be assessed when project awarded and workplan developed. USG will potentially use new mass media Indicator when developed by OGAC. Sexual prevention efforts will include MC and potentially PMTCT promotion for "numbers reached".

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $0

New Communications RFA (AED/T-MARC follow-on "plus"). Follow-on Award to scale-up evidence-based communication programs and best practices for behavior change in line with USG priorities; and to measurably transfer social and behavior change communication skills to Tanzanian institutions and organizations. The project will design, execute, and coordinate highly innovative and results-driven national level communications programs that address main HIV/AIDS and health issues. Campaigns will focus on HIV prevention, addressing key drivers of the epidemic including multiple concurrent partnerships, as well as develop male circumcision BCC support for PEPFAR-supported MC sites and surrounding communities. In the area of PMTCT, the project will address and increase demand for services via media promotion and communications efforts. Finally, the project will work with a wide range of Tanzanian organizations and institutions to strengthen capacity in social and behavior change communications. National-level with community mobilization and interpersonal communications activities focused on the 8 regions with the highest HIV prevalence. Targets are indicative and will be assessed when project awarded and workplan developed. USG will potentially use new mass media Indicator when developed by OGAC. PSexual prevention efforts will include MC and potentially PMTCT promotion for "numbers reached".

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

New Communications RFA (AED/T-MARC follow-on "plus"). Follow-on Award to scale-up evidence-based communication programs and best practices for behavior change in line with USG priorities; and to measurably transfer social and behavior change communication skills to Tanzanian institutions and organizations. The project will design, execute, and coordinate highly innovative and results-driven national level communications programs that address main HIV/AIDS and health issues. Campaigns will focus on HIV prevention, addressing key drivers of the epidemic including multiple concurrent partnerships, as well as develop male circumcision BCC support for PEPFAR-supported MC sites and surrounding communities. In the area of PMTCT, the project will address and increase demand for services via media promotion and communications efforts. Finally, the project will work with a wide range of Tanzanian organizations and institutions to strengthen capacity in social and behavior change communications. National-level with community mobilization and interpersonal communications activities focused on the 8 regions with the highest HIV prevalence. Targets are indicative and will be assessed when project awarded and workplan developed. USG will potentially use new mass media Indicator when developed by OGAC. Sexual prevention efforts will include MC and potentially PMTCT promotion for "numbers reached".

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

New Communications RFA will be a follow-on to AED/T-MARC . Focus will be to scale-up evidence-based communication programs and best practices for behavior change in line with USG priorities; and to measurably transfer social and behavior change communication skills to Tanzanian institutions and organizations. These funds will be used to develop and implement quality BCC materials for promotion of PMTCT services. National-level with community mobilization and interpersonal communications activities focused on the 8 regions with the highest HIV prevalence. It will build on Mama Ushauri Address both PMTCT and FP through our health program. Follow-on Award to scale-up evidence-based communication programs and best practices for behavior change in line with USG priorities; and to measurably transfer social and behavior change communication skills to Tanzanian institutions and organizations. The project will design, execute, and coordinate highly innovative and results-driven national level communications programs that address main HIV/AIDS and health issues. Campaigns will focus on HIV prevention, addressing key drivers of the epidemic including multiple concurrent partnerships, as well as develop male circumcision BCC support for PEPFAR-supported MC sites and surrounding communities. In the area of PMTCT, the project will address and increase demand for services via media promotion and communications efforts. Finally, the project will work with a wide range of Tanzanian organizations and institutions to strengthen capacity in social and behavior change communications. National-level with community mobilization and interpersonal communications activities focused on the 8 regions with the highest HIV prevalence. Targets are indicative and will be assessed when project awarded and workplan developed. USG will potentially use new mass media Indicator when developed by OGAC. Sexual prevention efforts will include MC and potentially PMTCT promotion for "numbers reached". Communications activities will increase demand for MCH/PMTCT/EID services via radio media promote use of these services and will promote use of MECR, EID and demand for integrated MCH/PMTCT services.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Child Survival Activities
Family Planning