Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 12223
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

The objectives of this nationwide activity are to (a) establish HIV/AIDS prevention programs that target tourists, tourism employees, and communities surrounding tourist destinations and (b) mobilize funds from tourists to support work place and community-based HIV/AIDS prevention, care and mitigation activities. This endeavor will contribute to the Partnership Framework Goal 3: Leadership, Management, Accountability, and Governance. More specifically, it will build the capacity of non-state actors at national and local levels in the response to HIV/AIDS. It will also contribute to Goal 2 by bringing to scale prioritized prevention interventions to high-risk populations and enhancing the enabling environment though sustained leadership and leveraging the efforts of other sectors.

There are three partners envisaged for implementing this activity. First is the Tourism Confederation of Tanzania (TCT), which is the umbrella organization representing private businesses involved in the travel and tourism industry in Tanzania. TCT engages the government and other private sector associations on legislative, regulatory, environmental, infrastructure, taxation, and other sector development issues. TCT is made up of nine Member Associations: Tanzania Association of Tour Operators, Hotel Association of Tanzania, Tanzania Society of Travel Agents, Intra-Africa Travel & Tourism Association, Tanzania Air Operators Association, Tanzania Hunting Operators Association, Tanzania Professional Hunters Association, Tanzania Tour Guides Association, and Zanzibar Tourism Investors Association. Among its many activities, TCT conducts education and awareness programs on HIV for its members and organizes support campaigns for HIV-positive individuals.

The other two partners are expected to be the Center for Responsible Travel (CREST) and LifeAction Ltd. CREST, an international NGO that was founded in 2003 at Stanford University, conducts research on and is involved in projects that use tourism and international travel as a tool for promoting socio-economic empowerment, poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation. LifeAction is a Tanzanian registered company that has extensive experience in South Africa in workplace and community-based programs through collaborative partnerships with community leaders, local business, bilateral and multilateral donors (e.g. CDC, USAID, DFID, WHO), financial institutions (e.g. ABSA) and international firms (e.g. The Xstrata Group, Anglo American, DeBeers). LifeAction works with a mix of public and private health service providers at the regional, district and local levels and typically brokers financial and in-kind support of public and private sponsors. The sister company in South Africa, Re-Action (Responsible Action for Health and Sustainability), has worked on prevention programs with the small and medium sized tour operators, small hotels, bed-and-breakfasts, and back-packers there. The programs focused on staff, guests and the surrounding communities with HIV/AIDS projects (e.g. refurbish clinics using funds given by guests).

PPPs are inherently targeted leverage mechanisms and, in this instance, one of the expected implementing partners, LifeAction, specializes in forging public-private partnerships as an operating business principle, thereby laying the foundation for PEPFAR's exit. LifeAction will be required to submit quarterly progress reports that document the results being achieved.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

Tourism, which attracts 750,000 tourists per year in Tanzania, has the potential to exacerbate the HIV/AIDS epidemic around and en route to tourist destinations. Tourism also has the potential for raising consciousness about HIV/AIDS issues and marshalling resources to improve the lives of people in communities adjacent to and people working in tourist centers. This nationwide activity will (a) establish HIV/AIDS prevention programs that target tourists, tourism employees, and communities surrounding tourist destinations and (b) mobilize funds from tourists to support work place and community-based HIV/AIDS prevention, care and mitigation activities. HIV prevention programs will utilize quality behavior change techniques and focus on key drivers of the epidemic, relevant to the target groups (such as transactional sex, condom usage, alcohol and sexual risk taking, etc.).

PPPs are inherently targeted leverage mechanisms. The Tourism Confederation of Tanzania (TCT), which is the umbrella organization representing private businesses involved in the travel and tourism industry in Tanzania, is expected to be a key contributor in terms of cash and in-kind contributions. The expected implementing partner is LifeAction, which is a for-profit company that specializes in work place and community HIV prevention and specializes in forging public-private partnerships as an operating business principle, thereby transferring management and financial ownership to the private sector and laying the foundation for PEPFAR's exit. Efforts will be undertaken to link prevention activities with those of other partners in the same region, to ensure complmentary efforts. This activity will also utilize the tools being developed under the collaboration with Natural Resource Management/Economic Growth partners.