Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2013

Details for Mechanism ID: 12203
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2010
Main Partner: National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $300,000

This central mechanism provides for technical assistance by National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) to increase the capacity of resource-constrained countries to plan, implement and manage HIV prevention and care activities as a response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Relying on NASTAD members' extensive experience in strategic information and associated policy and program development, NASTAD responds to identified needs and priorities through peer-based technical assistance, delegation visits, and workshops/trainings.


The objectives of this activity are to:

Improve the use of data for decision-making in Tanzania; Enable improved capacity for evidenced-based decision-making; Develop static and dynamic epidemiologic models and projections based on data from Tanzania; Stimulate policy and programmatic discussion at the national level on programmatic priorities and investments for HIV/AIDS based on scenarios.

Through the use of both short- and long-term technical assistance to local entities, NASTAD will assist in building capacity on use of evidence-based national-level projection and epidemiological models and scenarios to inform strategic planning and program implementation.

Contributions to Health System Strengthening:

In the process of negotiating the PF with URT colleagues, a request was made by URT to the PF design team to use existing data to develop long-term scenarios to explore possible programmatic and policy considerations on the trajectory of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Tanzania. USG Tanzania will use NASTAD and its affiliated resources to develop a joint work plan with URT specialists to develop scenarios and sets of investment options which can ensure informed planning recommendations for both USG and URT. USG Tanzania will build on NASTAD's network of specialists and technical guidance provided for similar work in Zambia where USG examined the impact of treatment programs and prevention effects on population-level dynamics of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Lusaka.

Cross-cutting issues:

Evidence-based scenarios using data disaggregated by sex and age will allow for scenarios which can consider needs and program priorities based on age and gender.

Cost-efficiencies: On many occasions, NASTAD team members' time and professional costs are covered by the state office sponsoring the provider. This reduces the costs to PEPFAR and ultimately the national program by ensuring additional resources for other activities.

Geographic coverage:

Stakeholders will be drawn from the national level to prepare and consider national level scenarios.

Links to Partnership Framework:

The Governments of the United States of America (USG) and United Republic of Tanzania (URT) through the Partnership Framework (PF) strive to ensure the integrated, durable response to the HIV and AIDS crisis in Tanzania over a five-year period

The Framework is consistent with Tanzania's National Multisectoral Framework 2008-2012 and the Health Sector Strategic Plan III (2009-2015), and is intended to align the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) with Tanzania's national priorities. Under the sixth goal in the partnership framework (Evidence-based and Strategic Decision-making goal), USG will strengthen URT capacity in the following areas: Strengthen and coordinate multi-Sectoral M&E systems to ensure quality vertical and horizontal flow and use of data through the HIV & AIDS, Health, and Social Service sectors Increase national capacity to implement key national and sub-national population surveys, studies, and evaluation activities Improve measures of HIV incidence Adopt best practices in evidence-based and strategic decision-making

Monitoring and Evaluation Plans:

NASTAD will build capacity of at least 10 Tanzanians on use of models and scenarios for planning and assessment. NASTAD will count and report the number of people trained.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $300,000

After the rapid scale up of ART program, there is a need to undertake program implementation and scenario modelling for prevention areas. The aim is to determine the synergies between the two interventions in reducing HIV infections. The funding will be used by NASTAD to provide technical assistance to implement this activity. It is an importance in the Partnership Framework.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services