Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 12199
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Tanzania Episcopal Conference
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: FBO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $200,000

The TechnoServe project is managed by USAID's Natural Resource Management/Economic Growth (NRM/EG) Team. Focusing on high value crops that include tomato, pineapple and avocado in Tanzania's Southern Highlands, the TechnoServe project has four objectives: 1) Increase marketing opportunities for smallholder farmers in terms of volume and price by strengthening market linkages and increasing processor demand; 2) Increase sale-able volumes and quality of fresh fruit and vegetables from target farmers through improved sustainable methods of production, harvest, and post-harvest handling; 3) Strengthen the role of women in the value chain and increase HIV awareness and prevention; and 4) Enhance the enabling environment for smallholder fruit and vegetable farmers. It is envisioned that TechnoServe will collaborate with the EngenderHealth CHAMPION project for workplace HIV/AIDS activities and with the FHI ROADS project for integrating HIV/AIDS prevention and mitigation activities as part of workforce capacity development and value chain analysis.

This program contributes to the Partnership Framework goal on Prevention. The program will leverage three key points of intervention producer business groups, market services centers and processors to deliver HIV/AIDS education, stigma reduction, and increased access to services such as counseling and testing. TechnoServe will partner with local HIV/AIDS organizations to identify households that are affected by HIV/AIDS. These households will be targeted for recruitment into project activities, and link farmers with markets. Further analysis will be undertaken with OVC households or those affected by HIV/AIDS to investigate barriers to productivity on-farm as well as participation in commercial marketing. Once these barriers are well understood, TechnoServe will facilitate the development of appropriate techniques and less-labor intensive cropping strategies that can enable these households to both improve their nutrition through increased production of fruits, and strengthen food and economic security. TechnoServe will ensure that their Business Advisors develop and deliver training that will increase awareness of HIV/AIDS and prevention strategies, and reduce the stigma of infection among farmer and farm family members. For example, HIV training modules focused on prevention, mitigation and stigma reduction will be developed and delivered to employees of participating food processors each season. As noted above, TechnoServe will work closely and deliberately with other USG prevention partners to ensure that efforts are coordinated, and that TechnoServe has access to other partners' high quality materials and expertise.

Women's participation in and benefit from the project will be maximized, including through participant recruitment and group formation, establishment of group governance rules and processes, and processor improvements. In addition, TechnoServe will undertake a gender analysis in selected participating communities in order to identify gender issues, determine how gender relations will affect the achievement of sustainable results, and assess how proposed results will affect the relative status of men and women.

Linking PEPFAR programs to the NRM/EG program area will allow for a comprehensive approach to HIV/AIDS in the affected communities that these programs serve. PEPFAR will expand its reach to underserved populations, building upon NRM/EG partners' access to and partnership with rural populations. This wrap-around activity will leverage both human and financial resources as well as NRM/EG funding sources and partners, to complement PEPFAR goals and maximize the effectiveness of programs. A value-chain approach is used by

NRM/EG to develop production capacity and quality improvement in profitable agricultural enterprises and to ensure long-term market connectivity. By utilizing these platforms, PEPFAR interventions will also become sustainable, as integrated parts of these programs.

TechnoServe's project will be implemented in Iringa and Mbeya. Target populations include adult men and women in rural and peri-urban areas, including HIV/AIDS affected households.

Awards made under the NRM/EG program are subject to standard monitoring and evaluation protocols. This includes an M&E program design that will be part of the initial partner proposal and final cooperative agreement or contract. Partners are expected to provide quarterly progress reports which track data on established indicators under the Performance Monitoring Plan and Operational Plan, as well as to measure progress against established program goals. NRM/EG staff will conduct field visits and data quality assessments in collaboration with USG PEPFAR colleagues.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $100,000

Expand HIV prevention activities into local Natural Resource Management partner activities. Efforts will focus on building local capacity (including working through agricultural associations), implementing HIV prevention workplace programs, and ensuring sustainability of prevention activities. Iringa and Mbeya regions.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $100,000

Expand HIV prevention activities into Natural Resource Management partner activities. Efforts will focus on building local capacity (including working through agricultural associations), implementing HIV prevention workplace programs, and ensuring sustainability of prevention activities. Iringa and Mbeya regions.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Increasing women's access to income and productive resources