Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 8117
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2009
Main Partner: To Be Determined
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0


TITLE: Centralized Preparation for Palliative Care Printed Materials

NEED and COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE: Non-government organizations (NGOs) and implementing

partners often use printed materials to distribute information regarding home-based or facility-based

palliative care. Employing one central organization (to avoid duplication) to identify, develop, print, and

distribute an accurate arsenal of printed materials (in collaboration with the National AIDS Control

Programme (NACP) and key stakeholders) would create a cost-effective national infrastructure to

disseminate accurate information. This would alleviate each organization having to develop materials,

differing information circulating the nation, and enable all palliative care providers to have access to

information for all patients. Anti-stigma messages would also be developed and distributed in order to

address applicable barriers to care and treatment.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: No accomplishments as of yet

ACTIVITIES: Initially, a primary assessment of existing materials pertaining to home-based palliative care,

facility-based palliative care, and prevention with positives would be conducted in order to review quality

and content. Further steps would include identifying materials that would be applicable for utilization at the

national level.

Upon completion of the assessment, in order to bolster and supplement existing information, the agency

TBD will develop additional accurate and salient messages for palliative care in addition to anti-stigma

messages for national distribution.

In addition to developing printed materials, TBD will be responsible for printing and distributing home-based

and facility-based palliative care information in addition to literature pertaining to prevention with positives.

In order to ensure consistently accurate and salient information, the organization, TBD, will conduct

monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the printed materials in accordance with Government of Tanzania (GoT)

guidelines, current empirical scientific information, and culturally sensitive methods of disseminating


LINKAGES: The organization undertaking the major activities will ensure communication and collaboration

with NACP and all key stakeholders and implementing partners involved with conducting and providing

palliative care in Tanzania. There are no targets indicated because the recipients are not unduplicated.

Printed materials would be prepared for a full spectrum of users, both literate and non-literate. Pictures and

alternative methods of information sharing would apply to the entire population of Tanzania.

Development of anti-stigma messages would ensure distribution of socially responsible content, in addition

to necessary care and treatment information nationwide.

M&E: Printed material will be reviewed by the implementing partner and NACP on a continual basis to

ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness. Measures will be adopted to plan for ongoing review of the

materials for accuracy and relevance to the nation of Tanzania.

SUSTAINABILITY: The NACP will be intimately involved with the monitoring and evaluation of these

palliative care printed materials. Enlisting buy-in from the GoT is instrumental in assuring sustainability.

Consistent partnerships with the GoT and USG partners will result in sustainable programs with regard to

printed material.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16425

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16425 16425.08 U.S. Agency for To Be Determined 8117 8117.08 IEC Materials



Table 3.3.08: