PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
Years of mechanism: 2008 2009
TITLE: Community-Based Palliative Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Lindi and Mbeya
NEED and COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE: Many PLWHA in Tanzania have limited access to quality
palliative care services in their communities. This is due to a limited numbers of skilled health workers, poor
linkages to treatment and other services, stigma, and lack of knowledge for prevention of opportunistic
infections. Innovative community-based care programs that increase access to drugs, prevention and
counseling services are required to improve the quality of care for PLWHA.
Axios' extensive work in the past seven years has been in the area of community-based prevention and
care for HIV/AIDS and strengthening the capacity of health facilities and management teams to manage
and maintain services. Lessons learned in these areas are strengths that are essential to improve access
to care and resources in poor settings, and would be applicable and useful in future programs.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Axios has been working on HIV/AIDS programs in Tanzania for the past seven
years. This work initiated in two districts of the Mbeya region (Rungwe and Mbeya City), and has since
scaled-up to 16 regions. The past work included an innovative community-based program for orphans and
vulnerable children (OVC), with a human rights component through establishment of paralegal centers for
orphans and widows; an outreach community-based prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT)
program in all health facilities in two districts; and integrated voluntary counseling and testing (VCT)
services established in 92 health facilities. Clients found to be HIV-positive were linked to care and support
services through home-based care (HBC) and referral networks. A strong community care component
impacted stigma, resulting in a high uptake of testing services. Strengthening and capacity building of
Regional and Council Health Management Teams (RHMT and CHMT), ward-level structures, and health
facility management boards was part of the program from design to implementation, in order to ensure
smooth transition of responsibilities to the local authorities at the end of implementation.
Axios received PEPFAR funds in FY 2008 to establish palliative care services in the Lindi region in southern
Tanzania. Lindi is a region in which the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative is the provider for facility-based care and
treatment services, and there was a gap in community care services for PLWHA. In July 2008, Axios
conducted a situation analysis in ten wards of three districts in Lindi to establish a baseline for palliative
care program needs.
A total of seven wards have been selected for the project implementation. Axios has already conducted
community meetings with local government leadership in the selected sites. In addition, about 16 health
facilities in the catchment area were involved in the discussion to ensure linkages in services. Palliative
care management teams have been established in seven wards to ensure continuity and improved
management of services.
ACTIVITIES: In FY 2009, Axios will continue the activities planned for the seven wards in Lindi. However,
instead of continued expansion in Lindi and neighboring Mtwara (both of which have relatively low
prevalence), the USG has directed Axios to change its plans for expansion to ensure a more strategic
approach. The decision to move Axios' focus to higher prevalence areas in Mbeya was based on HIV
prevalence information and an estimation of potential clients using population data.
In FY 2009, there will be more focus on increasing comprehensiveness of services and improving the
coverage of programs in the selected districts and wards. Axios will promote the establishment of PLWHA
support groups to facilitate increased access to services, and to facilitate linkages to other wraparound
programs addressing livelihood and household food security.
In FY 2009, there will be an increased emphasis on provision of prevention with positives (PWP) services
for PLWHA. All sexually active PLWHA will be provided with condoms and linked with sexually transmitted
infection treatment services and counseling to reduce high-risk behaviors. Referrals will be made for family
planning, if appropriate. Implementing partners will discuss with PLWHA specific strategies for disclosing
one's HIV status to sexual partners, and offer confidential HIV testing to the partners of and children born to
all PLWHA in their coverage areas.
In addition, Axios will strengthen the basic prevention package. PLWHA will be provided with counseling,
and linked to support groups or peer-led interventions through the HBC system. There will be increased
involvement of PLWHA in the communities in service provision as HBC providers. PLWHA will be provided
with information about ways they can protect their own health, prevent common illnesses, and improve
access to safe water and hygiene practices. Axios will ensure that interventions address the
comprehensive needs in an environment free from stigma and discrimination. Axios will support
procurement and/or distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets to PLWHA, and promotion on their correct
usage. Axios will ensure that all PLWHA are receiving Cotrimoxazole for prevention of opportunistic
infections. PLWHA will also be provided with water treating tablets and water vessels in provision of safe
drinking water. Axios will also train HBC providers on screening for TB and linking the clients to services.
HBC volunteers will also be addressing and monitoring adherence to TB treatment.
In Lindi (Kilwa and Lindi town council), the program will be strengthened, focusing on providing quality
palliative care as stipulated in the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) guidelines. Axios will also
ensure that the selected wards are fully permeated so as to improve access to services. Axios will work
with health facilities to strengthen referrals, access to services, and supportive supervision. Axios will
engage the community leaders and other community groups (women, youths, PLWHA support groups) in
addressing stigma, uptake of services, and to support community HBC volunteers. Axios will work with and
strengthen the ward AIDS committees and Community Development staff to be part of management teams,
and assist mobilization for identification of clients in the communities, especially HIV-exposed children
under five years. There will be quarterly coordination meetings of community-based volunteers and health
Activity Narrative: facility staff at the district level to share best practices and challenges. District coordination meetings will be
a part of strengthening the roles of district HBC coordinators (or their designated equivalent).
Following PEPFAR/Tanzania's review of need based census and prevalence data, Axios will be redeployed
to assist in Mbeya Region (Rungwe and Mbozi district). Mbeya is the region with the second highest
prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. Presently the US Department of Defense (DOD) is the major agency
implementing a range of services from prevention to care and treatment. To accelerate the scale up of
services, Axios will collaborate with DOD. Axios has a history of implementing HIV/AIDS programs in
Mbeya through Abbott funding, working with VCT and PMTCT in Rungwe and Mbeya Urban districts.
Established relationships in Rungwe will facilitate faster onset of activities and achievements in this district.
The provision of quality HBC services depends on well-trained volunteers, so emphasis will be on
identifying and training healthcare workers and HBC volunteers, providing refresher trainings when
necessary. Axios will also strengthen referrals, M&E systems, and identification of HIV-exposed children.
Axios will encourage the use of PLWHA as HBC volunteers as a measure to reduce stigma and to ensure
that their needs are well-addressed through meaningful involvement of PLWHA.
The other proposed district in Mbeya is Mbozi. In FY 2009, Axios will conduct a situation analysis and
obtain baseline information on the scope of the program and available support. This will be followed by
intensive community mobilization for involvement and revising the activity plan. Axios will strengthen
district, ward, and village leader capacity for improved planning and program support during the planning
phase of the program.
If SCMS is unable to supply commodities through the Tanzanian Medical Stores Department for HBC, Axios
will purchase HBC kits, including essential OI drugs, and supply project sites. Through the linkages formed
with CHMTs, Axios will participate in planning meetings to leverage community support and ensure
activities are absorbed in Comprehensive Council (district) Health Plans. Axios will strengthen local
organizations and health facility boards to ensure HBC programs access commodities available through
health facilities, and also to strengthen fiscal and programmatic accountability.
LINKAGES: To improve the quality of services, linkages will be established at district levels with NGOs that
provide services for condom promotion, malaria prevention through ITNs, safe drinking water, nutritional
support, income generating activities, and other prevention and care activities such as PMTCT and OVC
support. At the local level, Axios will work together with other PEPFAR partners and stakeholders,
specifically DOD, with a close collaboration with RHMT and CHMT to ensure sustainability. Ward and
village executive teams and multi-sectoral AIDS committees will be strengthened and involved in planning.
At the national level, linkages with USG and NACP will ensure implementing guidelines are adequately
applied, monitoring tools are used, and core indicators captured.
M&E: Axios' M&E Senior Program Manager will be responsible for retrieving and disseminating revised
HBC guidelines, monitoring indicators and tools to ensure clear understanding of national and PEPFAR
monitoring indicators. Orientation meetings with RHMTs and CHMTs will be organized, as well as meetings
with all health facility staff and HBC volunteers in project wards. HBC trainers will be targeted to ensure
dissemination of M&E tools during training sessions. Copies of guidelines and monitoring tools will be
made available at all levels, from regional to district and in health facilities at village and ward levels. Follow
-up will ensure accurate reporting from ward to district level.
Axios will adopt and support the rollout of the national monitoring system for palliative care, through
provision of appropriate support to the local government and health system management teams. Activity
supervision will be organized monthly for HBC volunteers by health facility staff within the ward, and
quarterly by district teams in collaboration with the Axios Program Manager. The districts will manage
reporting to NACP and Axios with a follow-up by the Axios Program Manager. Data management and
analysis will be conducted by Axios and shared with Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, donors, and
other stakeholders.
SUSTAINAIBLITY: Community involvement, from the planning stage through implementation of activities,
creates program ownership and sustainability. Initial planning of project activities will include consultation
with the CHMT to ensure some activities are absorbed within the Comprehensive Council Health Plan. A
completed plan will be shared with the District Executive Director and members of the Council Social
Services Committee to solicit some funds and program support. Past work experience shows health facility
boards to be an important structure that can be strengthened for sustainability. These boards will be
strengthened and involved in planning at ward levels to leverage community support for affected families
and Community HBC volunteers. For continuous support, Axios will establish and strengthen ward
palliative care management teams (three members in each ward) comprised of the Ward Community
Development Officer, health center staff in charge, and ward HBC supervisor.
New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity
Continuing Activity: 17013
Continued Associated Activity Information
Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds
System ID System ID
17013 17013.08 U.S. Agency for Axios Partnerships 7576 7576.08 $300,000
International in Tanzania
Emphasis Areas
Health-related Wraparound Programs
* Malaria (PMI)
Human Capacity Development
Public Health Evaluation
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery
Food and Nutrition: Commodities
Economic Strengthening
Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Water $40,000
Table 3.3.08: