Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 7574
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2009
Main Partner: University of Rhode Island
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0


TITLE: HIV/AIDS Prevention with Fishing Camps.

NEED AND COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE: Only recently have environment/conservation programs begun

to integrate HIV/AIDS mitigation activities. This is noteworthy because of the vicious cycle of environmental

degradation leading to increased poverty, which is compounded when the ravages of the HIV/AIDS

epidemic are introduced into the cycle.

Continued funds (funding was approved for FY 2007 plus up funding) are being sought in the OP area, in

order to address the needs of a specific coastal population in Tanzania, which has been identified as

particularly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection. This includes implementation of activities that prevent the

spread of HIV/AIDS and its related impacts on biodiversity in communities surrounding the Saadani National

Park. The Coastal Resources Center (CRC) at University of Rhode Island (URI) and its partner UZIKWASA

will use these resources to work with local partners to develop and deliver HIV/AIDS prevention messages

and interventions. To accomplish this, partners will conduct community-based approaches that reach out to

village and ward leaders and the general population in the area with a specific focus on HIV/AIDS

vulnerable groups, such as fishmongers, fishers, and young women.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: This activity will begin in FY 2007 with FY 2007 plus up funding.

ACTIVITIES: Funding will be used for HIV/AIDS prevention through capacity building and community

outreach to promote behavior change. UZIKWASA will implement the communications and capacity building

activities, including theater for development shows that focus on HIV/AIDS prevention messages that

include gender and biodiversity conservation aspects in addition to strengthening the capabilities of the

ward multi-sectoral AIDS Communities (WMACs) and village multi-sectoral AIDS Committees (VMACs) in

the targeted area. CRC will be responsible for monitoring, evaluation, and liaising with the Districts and

SANAPA, and the overall coordination between the SUCCESS Program and UZIKWAZA's activities, along

with reporting to USAID. CRC's responsibilities will include leading annual assessments to measure the

impacts, including behavior change, theater for development shows, and other activities for the target

communities and audiences.

LINKAGES: Linking with the SUCCESS Program, UZIKWAZA gains access to both infrastructure and staff

that CRC has established in Tanzania. Both the PEPFAR activities and the SUCCESS program activities

target the same beneficiaries, with an emphasis on previously identified HIV/AIDS vulnerable groups (e.g.,

women and migrating fishermen). The SUCCESS program will provide these targeted groups with

opportunities for improved income-generation and less labor-intensive livelihoods, while PEPFAR activities

seek to reduce risky behavior. Together, the SUCCESS and PEPFAR activities provide a more

comprehensive package of benefits and services than either program could provide alone.

This partner will also link with other prevention partners such as T-MARC, ROADS, UJANA, STRADCOM,

and other programs targeting men and risky sexual behavior. It will also coordinate with AMREF to refer

fishermen to counseling and testing services. The program will prioritize the involvement and strengthening

of the local community HIV/AIDS coordination bodies and will collaborate with the business community such

as hotel owners and the Saadani National park managers.

M&E: The program will develop a program monitoring plan and submit quarterly technical and financial

reports to the activity manager.

SUSTAINAIBLITY: The project will be implemented in partnership with the local government HIV/AIDS

coordinating mechanisms through sharing capacity and practices. In addition, local businesses and

communities will be actively involved to ensure community ownership and long-term sustainability.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 17007

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

17007 17007.08 U.S. Agency for University of 7574 7574.08 $220,000

International Rhode Island


Table 3.3.03: