Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2009 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 12209
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Main Partner Program: Françcois Xavier Bagnoud Center
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $265,500

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $265,500


TITLE: Create linkages and coordinate PMTCT and pediatric HIV service delivery

NEED AND COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE: USG-Tanzania has indicated a need for technical assistance

(TA) 1) to enhance the structure and effectiveness of national efforts for scale-up of PMTCT services by

regionalization; 2) to create effective linkages between the PMTCT and pediatric HIV programs in order to

support follow-up, care, diagnosis and treatment of HIV-exposed infants; 3) to integrate comprehensive

PMTCT service and mother-infant follow up within Reproductive and Child Health services. Joint workplans,

a model for infant-follow-up, and plans for program integration will be instrumental in building sustainable

program activities. TA to the PMTCT Unit in their work with regional MOHSW representatives, donor

organizations, and other ministries, will support timely accomplishment of program objectives.


These activities were previously implemented by FXB who was funded under the UTAP mechanism which

is expiring. An FOA for these activities will be developed and competed. Activities are the same as Activity

ID # 16411.08 but cover the second half of the FY 2008 funding period.

ACTIVITIES: 1) Initiate collaboration and establish system linkages between NACP's PMTCT and pediatric

teams. 1a) Gather relevant HIV/AIDS, PMTCT and pediatric HIV documents and review national strategic

plans and NACP-specific goals and objectives. 1b) Consult with PMTCT and pediatric HIV technical working

groups (TWGs) and MOHSW to prioritize response to identified gaps and needs for revision. 1c) Develop a

draft action plan and share with key stakeholders and TWGs during a 2 day retreat to revise and prioritize

objectives, discuss lead agencies and timeline 1d) Submit revised action plan to MOHSW for final approval,

allocation of work plan activities to respective Departments, identification of budgets, approval of a

monitoring plan and further dissemination

2) Provide technical assistance to NACP to scale up PMTCT, diagnosis, care and treatment of HIV infected

mothers and children, support integration in RCH services. Based on outcomes of joint PMTCT/Pediatric

HIV joint strategic plan: 2a) Work with MOHSW to identify 10 pilot sites to develop a model for systematic

linkages of PMTCT services and pediatric care and follow-up of mothers and HIV-exposed infants 2b) Work

with key MOHSW staff and TWGs to create a Care and Treatment Integration Plan for implementation of

the model at pilot sites. 2c) Train 40 staff on implementation of Plan 2d) Collaborate with MOHSW to build a

communication system between RCH and CTCs to monitor follow-up of exposed infants. 2e) Evaluate the

model's effectiveness at the sites 2f) Develop a strategic plan for replication of the model in other regions of

Tanzania in subsequent years.

3) Work with PMTCT and pediatric units to assist in work planning, report writing including monitoring of the

national program, evaluation of activities such as trainings and assist with dissemination of guidelines, BCC

materials, counseling tools and supervision checklists 3a) identify and discuss with national-level staff,

implementation gaps, program linkages and common problem areas in program implementation 3b) provide

mentoring on program management of PMTCT activities 3b) provide feedback and coaching on operations

management, evaluating, reporting and project planning, with reduced involvement over time 3c)develop

support tools and assist with dissemination of PMTCT guidelines, early infant diagnosis, counseling tools

(pediatrics and PMTCT) and dissemination of the PMTCT supervision checklist and PMTCT standard

operating procedures.

4) Coordinate PMTCT/pediatric HIV implementing partner's work to ensure unified goals and targets and

avoid duplication of effort 4a) Conduct a nationwide assessment of the number and scope of work of in-

country partners providing PMTCT services 4b) Develop a Collaboration Report and Catalogue that lists

service providers, their respective services/activities and contact information 4c) Provide leadership for

development of a regular management, reporting and monitoring system to streamline service provision and

coordinate activities

LINKAGES: The TBD agency aims to continue to strengthen the capacity of the national PMTCT program to

achieve its goals by expanding PMTCT services through system linkages with the national pediatric HIV

program and integration of these services in routine reproductive and child health services nationally.1)

Sustainable linkages between the currently vertical PMTCT/pediatric units of the NACP and the MOHSW

RCH Division will be established.

2) A practical model for linkages between these programs will be pilot tested at MOHSW PMTCT identified

sites 3) Work planning and operational activities of both the PMTCT and pediatric units of the NACP will be

coordinated 4) Stronger linkages with and between implementing partners will be developed through

catalogue of partners and their respective activities and regular reporting mechanism.

CHECK BOXES: Support standardization and scale-up PMTCT services and create linkages between

PMTCT and pediatric HIV program activities. Integrating PMTCT and pediatric HIV services into RCH.

Mentoring/coaching national level staff on program management and supervision and establishing a system

to coordinate the work of all PMTCT implementing partners to ensure unity in pursuit of PMTCT program

goals and targets. Increased capacity of national program and national staff will support scale-up of PMTCT

services, which target pregnant or recently-delivered women, women with HIV exposed infants.

M&E: Monitoring and evaluation is an integral component of each activity. The TBD agency will engage in

monitoring and evaluation activities that lead to continuous improvement and replication of the model for

continuous service delivery between PMTCT and pediatric HIV care. Using national indicators, PEPFAR

indicators and other established performance measures, the TBD agency will build into the workplan

monitoring tools to evaluate objectives of the project for the one-year duration; develop evaluation forms for

each training and workshop using standard templates. Approximately 5% of budget is used for overall M&E


SUSTAINABILITY: Activities are all focused around sustainable capacity building.

Activity Narrative: Major Activities: 1) Establish system linkages between NACP's PMTCT and pediatric teams. 2) Provide TA

to scale up PMTCT, diagnosis, care and treatment of HIV infected children, support integration in RCH

services 3) Work with PMTCT and pediatric units to assist in program management 4) Coordinate

PMTCT/pediatric HIV implementing partner's work to ensure unified goals and targets and avoid duplication

of effort

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16411

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16411 16411.08 HHS/Centers for University of 8545 8545.08 PMTCT Support $631,493

Disease Control & Medicine and (UTAP)

Prevention Dentistry, New

Jersey - Francois-

Xavier Bagnoud


Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $20,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening


Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Education $20,000


Table 3.3.01:

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $40,000
Human Resources for Health $20,000
Education $20,000