Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 8068
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2008
Main Partner: University of Dar es Salaam
Main Partner Program: University Computing Center
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $250,000

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $250,000

TITLE: Support for Care and Treatment Monitoring System Training and Implementation

NEED and COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE: The Ministry of Health and the National AIDS Control Program

(NACP) supports a decentralized approach to management of HIV/AIDS intervention programs. For

program monitoring, in part, this involves data collection, synthesis and use at the point of service - at the

health facility level. Decentralization of program data management will result in early identification and

correction of data errors, as well as synthesis and use of this information to improve service delivery.

With a Global Fund grant, a local organization has developed the care and treatment centers (CTC)

database for the National AIDS Control Program and health facilities. This is the standard system for

electronic data collection and reporting for the Care and Treatment program. However, funding for training

and continued support extends to the four Global Fund-supported CTCs. For some Care and Treatment

Centers, to aid in centralized access and to direct appropriate action to patient-level data and aggregate

reports, they have adopted the electronic database system. To continue the support these facilities that use

the electronic system, and other facilities as care and treatment services expands, it is important to provide

appropriate training and support to ensure accurate data entry and data management.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: To date, 38 health facilities providing Care and Treatment services have adopted

the electronic version of the national Care and Treatment monitoring tools, and more than 170 health

workers have been trained on its use.

ACTIVITIES: Training and support for the electronic CTC database: 1a.) Conduct 10 training sessions on

the electronic systems for health workers, district and regional staff, and treatment partners. This activity

also includes providing logistical support for training sessions. 1b.) Conduct two courses on data analysis

of care and treatment data for advanced database users 1c.) Provide ongoing support, maintenance and

feedback of the CTC database for its users 1d.) Provide supplemental development modifications for the

CTC database, as necessary, based on national guidelines and tool changes, and conduct complete, timely

changes to existing functionality, as necessary.

LINKAGES: This activity links very closely with Global Fund, the funders of the development of the

database; the NACP, which oversees activities for the Care and Treatment program, on policy and

guidelines that will impact the paper-based and electronic tools for data collection; treatment partners, who

are building the capacity of health facilities in the provision of services and districts and regional staff in

program monitoring; as well as the selection of appropriate health workers for training on the electronic

system and in coordinating training for this effort.

CHECK BOXES: This activity supports Strategic Information in training on electronic databases for

collection and use and reporting.

M&E: The local partner will report on its activities for training and support for the national electronic

database for Care and Treatment. The partner will work with NACP in planning of its training and

development activities for this program, which is expected to train 200 persons on the use of the system,

and support 60 organizations.

SUSTAINAIBLITY: This system was developed by a locally-based organization that supports the NACP

activities for routine reporting for Care and Treatment. It is necessary to continue supporting the local

organization, especially as the provision of care and treatment services are expanding to primary health
