PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
Years of mechanism: 2008 2009
TITLE: Jali Watoto Initiative and Anti-stigma Campaign
NEED and COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE: Approximately 2.5 million children in Tanzania are classified as
orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). The Department t of Social Welfare (DSW), under the Ministry of
Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW), is responsible for providing care and protection for Most Vulnerable
Children (MVC). Pact supports the rollout of the Tanzanian National Plan of Action (NPA) for MVC in 20
districts in Tanzania. The Pact program, known as Jali Watoto, integrates an anti-stigma component into its
program through targeted information, education, communication (IEC)/behavior change communication
(BCC) activities and community outreach. Pact strengthens the capacity of the DSW at the national level
through acquiring staff, supports the identification of children and the establishment of MVC committees in
the districts, and provides national coordination as Secretariat to the Implementing Partners Group (IPG).
Pact not only implements USG-funded OVC programs, but also uses a similar methodology for serving the
needs of OVC under Global Fund Round 4.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In three phases, Jali Watoto has scaled up to work in 20 districts and five regions
in the last 15 months. Over $1.8 million has been obligated to 16 new partners in the past year, and the
program is now collaborating with 24 partners. The program is on track to reach over 30,000 children with
one to three services. Pact has strengthened national level coordination, and identified children in the
whole district where those districts have less than 20 wards and in at least 20 wards of all other districts.
Jali Watoto has trained almost 3,000 people in approaches to stigma, in addition to writing and producing
two new chapters of the ‘Challenging and Addressing Stigma Toolkit.' Pact supports coordination of the
national IPG, which has over 100 members and represents over 53 organizations.
ACTIVITIES: Pact will provide sub-grant support to 20 districts to establish coordinating structures to
mobilize and manage resources and to identify OVC. The OVC identification process will extend to cover
all wards in each of the districts to achieve 100% coverage. Pact will continue to closely monitor sub-
grantee performance and increase levels of verification of services and reporting. Pact will provide early
training and capacity building through a specific program aimed at strengthening the organizational capacity
to provide appropriate, quality, and sensitive services to OVC underpinned by good financial, governance,
and management processes. Pact will establish a small field office in the Lake Zone to manage increased
capacity building and M&E. Through Jali Watoto, Pact will scale up OVC activity in line with the NPA,
applying the national identification process for OVC and national Data Management System (DMS). Jali
Watoto will collaborate with Most Vulnerable Children's Committees (MVCCs) to coordinate and manage
Jali Watoto partners. Jali Watoto will also provide statutory services to OVC who have been identified but
not served by their grantees.
Jali Watoto will provide a comprehensive package of three or more basic services to OVC through a
transparent rapid grants program to between two and three non-governmental organizations/faith-based
organizations (NGOs/FBOs) in each district (increasing in FY 2008 from 24 to around 40). All OVC under
both primary and secondary support will be provided with psychosocial services through activities such as
peer group counseling. Depending on results of the identification process, which includes an OVC needs
assessment prioritizing interventions, issues regarding support for education, nutrition, basic health
management, access/referral to health services, shelter, and economic strengthening will be addressed.
This sub-granting mechanism will provide sub-grants to implement the NPA for service delivery to identified
children. Technical advice and support will be available during the intensive initial training. Capacity-
building techniques will be made available on an ongoing basis to enable NGOs/FBOs to reach the required
national standards of service delivery.
Through partnerships with elderly support organizations such as HelpAge and other organizations that work
with the elderly, Pact will work with elderly caregivers through training and piloting programs that offer
support to households that provide care to OVC. In addition, sub-grantees will provide training to primary
caregivers to build skills to care for sick OVC, including identification of HIV related illnesses for testing, and
referral for care and treatment. Nutritional support will be provided as per USG guidelines, following an
upcoming assessment of the most appropriate intervention and method.
Economic strengthening is a key to sustainability. Pact will implement a women's empowerment program
called WORTH, built around literacy, savings-led micro-finance, and micro-enterprise development.
Women enrolled in WORTH groups save their money on a weekly basis and learn how to read and write.
Loans are provided to start small businesses. These activities allow women from the group to generate
income from their group lending with interest on loans remaining in the group. Pact is successfully
implementing a WORTH pilot program under a subcontract to Salvation Army in Northern Tanzania. This
new activity would be implemented in districts that coincide with those in which Jali Watoto is currently
Pact will continue to be Secretariat to the IPG, chaired by the DSW and consisting of over 53 organizations
and 100 members through managing the e-list and preparing a newsletter and all meeting arrangements
and corresponding documents. The IPG aims to increase linkages and wraparound programs among OVC
implementing partners, to facilitate the sharing of best practices, and share experiences in the
implementation of national standards. The national level IPG meetings will be replicated at regional and
district levels in at least two of the five Jali Watoto regions. In collaboration with Family Health International
(FHI), Pact will also support the rollout of the DMS and will provide national capacity building as a
necessary step to ensure the application of the system and the ability for all IPG partners to utilize data
LINKAGES: This activity will link with USG-funded OVC programs. Basic mapping will be conducted in the
program regions to identify other programs for wraparound possibilities. Replication of the national OVC
IPG activities at district and regional levels will be done to enhance linkages, reduce duplication, and
support the district's social welfare capacity to coordinate OVC activities. Pact will also link with the
appropriate USG palliative care and/or treatment partners in the region to provide support for HIV-positive
children. Pact works closely with UNICEF, the DSW, FHI, and MOHSW regional and district offices in
Mara, Mbeya, Kagera, Mtwara, and Tabora. The program collaborates with the 20 district councils, council
multi-sectoral AIDS committees and MVCCs. Pact will also link with Peace Corps to support the nutritional
and economic needs of OVC households.
Activity Narrative: CHECK BOXES: Jali Watoto focuses on providing essential services such as psychosocial support,
education, and health care to the OVC in the 20 districts in which Pact is operational. This is implemented
by strengthening local NGOs with funding and capacity in order to provide quality services to a significant
number of OVC. Children served are those formally identified through the national identification process for
which the district authorities are funded and supported. The program also works to support the national
level capacity, and to strengthen the coordination and collaboration between government and civil society
partners in addition to managing the IPG. Emphasis is placed on addressing stigma as an integral part of
service provision.
M&E: Pact will support the DMS, and will use the national system for M&E. They will ensure sub-grantees
disclose information about OVC identified at the local levels. In addition to feeding into the national system,
Pact will ensure that data is also available to MVCCs at the local level for planning, decision making, and
monitoring. Pact will also strengthen the district social welfare and M&E officers and purchase 22
computers in the districts to ensure data quality, systems strengthening, and data access for OVC related
M&E Officers will be placed strategically into districts in which Jali Watoto already has a presence in order
to conduct regular monitoring visits and provide onsite refresher training. These officers will also work with
regional authorities in the five regions to establish M&E officer roles for the program in each region. M&E
training will assist sub-grantees to monitor progress against PEPFAR indicators and to report on services
delivered. Pact will build on its M&E framework performance-monitoring plan.
SUSTAINAIBLITY: A selection criterion for NGOs/FBOs for funding is the extent and feasibility of their long-
term sustainability plans. Jali Watoto aims to build the capacity of different levels of authority and all local
partner organizations involved in the OVC program. Pact will catalyze sustainability by strengthening
MVCCs and local NGOs/FBOs. Jali Watoto will utilize work plans, budgets, and reports in order to integrate
OVC data into the local government database. The program will focus on training in income generation and
entrepreneurial skills to assist households to become stronger, self-sustaining units.