Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2007 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 5027
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Catholic Relief Services
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: FBO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $550,000

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $550,000

This activity also relates to Peace Corps (#7850), TB/HIV (#7693), Treatment (#7692 and #7694). It relates to other Orphan and Vulnerable Children Initiatives (#7690, 7783, and 7715). Finally, as an OVC partner, this activity will link with the PACT coordinating implementing partner group network for OVC (#7783) and the FHI OVC data management system (#7715).

CRS works closely with other members of National Implementing Partner Group (IPG) to support the roll out of the Tanzanian National Plan of Action for Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) through their Track 1.0 funding. CRS works through partner dioceses to support orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS.

CRS is requesting additional funding from field support to serve 3,000 more OVC and train 240 more caretakers. Thus, with both Track 1.0 funds and field support, CRS will be able to reach a total of 12,000 OVC. For these additional OVC, CRS will continue to provide the same interventions in the areas of education and vocational training, economic strengthening, food and nutritional support, access to health care services and psychosocial support programs including life skills education through the Stepping Stones training methodology. CRS links with Peace Corps for food and nutrition activities. Other interventions include: HIV/AIDS prevention, coordination of referrals and linkage of OVC living with HIV and AIDS to care and treatment programs, advocacy of child rights and protection, and housing. Finally, as a member of the IPG, CRS will implement stigma and discrimination activities from the Stigma Tool Kit.

CRS will maintain the existing community-based, nationally approved, OVC identification and enrollment system. The standard package of OVC care and support services, including shelter, education, health, nutrition, bedding, and medical services, will be provided according to specific individual needs as determined through community support coordinating mechanisms, in particular the Most Vulnerable Children's Committee (MVCC). A continuum of care and support will be provided to OVC living with HIV/AIDS to be healthy and self-sustaining. Integrating the delivery of services to OVC with ongoing home-based care (HBC) programs at the community level will increase their access to counseling and testing, anti-retroviral treatment, and nutritional services.

To enhance capacity building, CRS will continue to provide training and supportive supervision to its partners, MVCCs, small Christian communities, community volunteers, Village Multisectoral AIDS Committees, and Ward Multisectoral AIDS Committees. CRS will also work to strengthen its coordination agenda with the Council Multisectoral AIDS Committees, District Social Welfare Officer, and HBC Coordinator.

To further strengthen the financial capacity of local communities to provide OVC care and support services, CRS has introduced a Community Savings and Internal Lending (SILC) program for self-help groups to help them address their credit needs by using the resources of the community, rather than external inputs. The CRS activity has identified four additional wrap-around opportunities for linking with existing programs with FY07 funding.

As with all USG-funded implementing partners, CRS will support the implementation of the national Data Management System, and will use that system for their own Monitoring and Evaluation system. They will ensure that information about MVC/OVC identified at the local level not only feeds into the national system, but is also available to MVCCs at the local level for planning, decision making, and monitoring.

With the requested Plus Up funding, CRS will identify children and serve an additional 6,000 children and train 600 caregivers in Ruvuma, (Songea Archdiocese), Arusha, and Tanga. Also, the funds will be used to purchase three computers for CRS sub-grantees to ensure that MVC/OVC data are entered into the national tracking system.

Subpartners Total: $0
Catholic Church (Various Dioceses): NA